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Letters. Career Directions Chapter 11. Learning Targets/CFS Students will be able to…. Identify guidelines for writing job search letters Recognize and effectively write the kinds of letters you may use during your job search. Letter Writing.

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  1. Letters Career Directions Chapter 11

  2. Learning Targets/CFSStudents will be able to… • Identify guidelines for writing job search letters • Recognize and effectively write the kinds of letters you may use during your job search

  3. Letter Writing • Letter writing is an important form of communication with an employer. • By corresponding directly with an employer over time, you demonstrate a sustained interest in the job and reveal something about your personality and professional goals. • Prime reason for writing a letter as you initiate your job search is to secure an interview.

  4. Cover Letters • Distinguish yourself from other candidates • Reveals reason you want to work for the company • Provides an opportunity to talk about your positive traits and what you can bring to the employer • Clarity, conciseness and professionalism of your letter can make a positive first impression on an employer

  5. Letters • Cover Letters • Letter of application for a specific position • Letters of inquiry • Networking letters • Letters for a change of career • Letters to request recommendations • Thank you letters • Letters to accept, reject or resign from a position

  6. Case Study: Maura • What steps did Maura take to ensure her cover letters to her preferred employers were targeted to attract attention? • Was Maura’s strategy to use her general cover letter for the rest of her job search a good decision? • Do you think that Maura was right to include highlights of her skills and qualifications in her cover letter, in addition to including them on her resume?

  7. Guidelines for Writing Job Search Letters • Be brief and to the point • Use a standard business letter format • Make sure you address the letter to the proper individual and use his/her proper title • Make absolutely no errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling or typing. An error could automatically rule you out of consideration.

  8. Cover letters-Be brief and focused • Don’t repeat the detailed experience in your resume; summarize it. • Present information about yourself that will really spark interest in you as a serious candidate • In your resume, whatyou write is important. In your cover letter howyou write the highlights from your resume is important.

  9. Address letter to proper individual • Personalize your letter by addressing it directly to the appropriate individual • Find the name on the Internet or call the company • Ask for that person’s proper mailing address • At all costs avoid writing letters that begin with “Dear Sir or Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern” • We all like to be addressed by name and have our name PROPERLY SPELLED

  10. Perfection Necessary • Cover letters must be perfect • Employers view quality of cover letter as a reflection of professionalism, attention to detail, and written communication skills • Ask another person to proofread your letter

  11. Cover Letter-Letter of Application • States your specific qualifications for a job • Address letter to specific person using his full title • State the position for which you are applying and where you found out about the job • Relate how your education makes you qualified for the position • State what you can offer than what you hope to gain • Do not mention salary unless specifically asked to do so • Request an interview and follow up with a phone call

  12. Cover Letter-Letter of Inquiry • Use this letter if mass mailing campaign is part of your job search (similar to cold call in sales) • Inquire whether company needs someone with your background • Address your letter to a specific person and use her title • Enclose a copy of your resume and say that you did so in your cover letter • State how your background may benefit the company • ASK for opportunity to discuss your qualifications in person see pg. 198, figure 11.3

  13. Cover Letter-Networking Letter • Someone in your career network may have suggested you write to another member in your network • Your purpose might be to obtain information or ask for a job lead • See pg. 199, figure 11.4, 11.5

  14. Letter to Request a Recommendation • Make a personal call in addition to request • Choose people you are sure will recommend you favorably • Ask permission to use the person’s name • Send a copy of your resume • After receiving letter, send a THANK YOU letter

  15. Thank you Letters • Letter written after interview acknowledging time and consideration • Restate the position for which you applied and give the date/place of the interview • Mention one positive thing that happened in interview • Express your continued interest in position • Include your contact information • See pg 205, Figure 11.9

  16. Letters Accepting a Position • Written after you agree to accept an offer • Answer the offer immediately • Restate the specific position you accepted • Express your appreciation and eagerness • Be straightforward, pleasant, confident • See p. 206, Figure 11.10

  17. Letters Refusing a Position • Letter written after you have definitely decided not to accept position • Makes a favorable impression on employer • Answer offer immediately • Be direct about reason and show appreciation for the offer • Networks are small; you may want to apply to company again in future

  18. Letters of Resignation • Written to officially notify employer of your decision to leave the company • Regardless of reason for leaving, letter should be written in positive tone • Becomes a permanent record of communication in employee file • Negative letters hurt future chances of working for employer and getting good letters of recommendation see pg. 210, figure 11.4

  19. Electronic Letters • Scanned documents • KEY WORDS identify your match to position • Use job description or help wanted ads to identify key words • Use professional email addresses • Have an effective subject

  20. Letters • Give you a competitive edge • Represent you – keep professional (especially email address) • Be truthful representation of your qualifications and background • Give you opportunity to promote your strengths, highlight interest in company, and express unique personality • Reveal more about you than resume • Key to securing job interview

  21. Building your network • Database of contacts • Chamber of Commerce • Volunteer opportunities

  22. Learning Targets/CFSStudents will be able to… • Identify guidelines for writing job search letters • Recognize and effectively write the kinds of letters you may use during your job search

  23. Apply it/Criteria for Success • Using the template on page 209, write a letter of application for a position posted on Simply Hired or Indeed.com • Research the company to identify the name of the hiring manager and title, company address • For example: • Mr. Tom Smith • Direction of Marketing • Vail Resorts • 1234 Vail Road • Vail, CO 81345

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