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CAGT conference 2012 21 st Century skills Michelle flynn KMFLYNN@APS.K12.CO.US

CAGT conference 2012 21 st Century skills Michelle flynn KMFLYNN@APS.K12.CO.US. Gifted Kiddos finish first AND they comprehend the first time. Differentiation as Acceleration Differentiation as Homework. Differentiation for Pace or Acceleration ANIMOTO.COM.

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CAGT conference 2012 21 st Century skills Michelle flynn KMFLYNN@APS.K12.CO.US

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CAGT conference 2012 21st Century skills Michelle flynn KMFLYNN@APS.K12.CO.US

  2. Gifted Kiddos finish first AND they comprehend the first time.Differentiation as AccelerationDifferentiation as Homework

  3. Differentiation for Pace or AccelerationANIMOTO.COM • 21st Century Skills for Choice

  4. Animoto for Education • Free Account is for 30 second videos only. • An Educator Account is limited, yet sufficient for our needs. • Allows for 50 student accounts –IF YOU HAVE MORE STUDENTS THEY CAN SHARE. • Students will need an email account – many free • Epals.com • Gmail

  5. How to Sign up? Go to Animoto.com Here is an example of a student account. You sign up as the educator ( 5 minutes Max) Animoto will email you a code to use for ALL of your students. Each email will be considered one Account. Underwater life

  6. HOMEWORK DIFFERENTIATION Voicethread.comExample Wikispace.com – Our Presentation (Student Clubs) Prezi.com Ning.com – Blogging as a group, club or class. Edheads.org – Review a website Phet – Review a website


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