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M4 Technical Committee Review of the Final M4 Design and Features. M4 Design and Features Review January 2007. Meeting Agenda. M4 application to replace legacy MiniMon and MultiMon applications and will run on current Microsoft Windows platforms with the following objectives:
M4 Technical Committee Review of the Final M4 Design and Features M4 Design and Features Review January 2007
M4 application to replace legacy MiniMon and MultiMon applications and will run on current Microsoft Windows platforms with the following objectives: All interrogation data collected by this system will be 100% valid. Interrogation data will be provided to PTAGIS in “near-real” time. 99.9% uptime of all system components. SxC functionality must have as good or better efficiency as MULTIMON. Interface with G2 readers and all legacy hardware. Interface with PTAGIS data management systems. Ease of use. Common application for all deployment scenarios. Monitoring will take precedence over SxC control operations. Provide, as an option, continuous operation with automated fail-over from system or application faults. M4 Project Objectives
M4 Project Milestones Project Milestones from M4 Delivery on PTAGIS Wiki
Large portion of project already implemented as M4 alpha release Decision to drop Marathon platform and provide custom failover solution Development put on hold as of 10/2006 per failover decision Architecture revised to include requested features for software failover Completion of PLC communication evaluation Presentation of revised architecture and design to M4 Committee for approval Review and finalize SxC requirements Continue production of M4 development Project Status
Jan. 2007: M4 Committee approves the revised design of M4; SxC requirements are reviewed by the SxC Subcommittee Feb. 2007: SxC requirements are complete and approved by SxC Subcommittee June 2007: Delivery of a beta M4 that performs basic monitoring and data-submission Some basic regression testing on SxC alpha releases throughout summer Sept. 2007: Delivery of a beta M4 that performs all functions including SxC and fail-over Thorough regression testing and tuning are performed on the beta Live fish test is scheduled to evaluate performance of tuned SxC Sept. 2007: Delivery of MobileMonitor 2.0 that interfaces with M4 beta Dec. 2007: M4 Committee approves production release of M4 Project Schedule Proposal
To begin production development, the M4 Committee will need to approve the following: Project Schedule Proposal Development Tools and Target Platforms Revised System Architecture Topology Configuration Features M4 Client Features Data Submission Design and Features Legacy Data Migration Design and Features Failover Cluster Design and Features Meeting Objective
The following development tools will be used to develop M4: .NET Framework 2.0 and C# Language .NET Framework 3.0 is considered for Windows Communication Foundation to replace 2.0 Remoting features and includes Windows Vista support. SQL Server Express (client database) Free, lightweight and popular Ease of integration and management in .NET; XML support File-based deployment; automatic tuning and patching Powerful, reliable, secure and scalable Reporting and Replication Services SQL Server Standard (data submission staging database) Low TCO: pricing supports low-connectivity with large data volumes Hosts native XML Web Services without need for IIS Processor License: $6K; Server + 5 CALS: $2K + $162 additional CAL Parijet PLC Communication Library Development Toolset
M4 will support the following platforms: Windows XP SP2 or better Windows 2003 Server Windows Vista Windows 2000* *Windows 2000 will not be supported if .NET 3.0 is used Failover Cluster Requirements: Windows 2003 Server Redundant NIC card supporting fail-over (Private Network) Single NIC card (Public Network) High Performance System (dual-core, 2GB, RAID) Target Platforms
Revised System Architecture Online Revised M4 System Architecture
The advantages of storing data into a structured database instead of text file: Data is relational in nature (status reports linked to topology version) Data retrieval for robust reporting and viewing on the client Database can be secured Adaptable: new types of messages can be easily added to system Reliable: data is stored immediately into database and not buffered M4 Data
M4 collects a variety of messages (data) from various sources: Device System (application and OS) Separation-by-Code Operations Failover Operations Each message has the following attributes: Timestamp in Local and PST time (with millisecond resolution) Source information (machine, topology, device, SxC, application type) Message Type: Real-time or buffered tag Device (alarms, status, noise, GPS coordinates) Monitor operation (start, stop, pause, system status, pulse) Error (system and device) SxC operation data Failover (planned, system fault) Message Data
Topology configuration describes a set of physical devices and their topologic relationships that provide instrumented monitoring at one or more interrogation sites over a period of time It provides location-specific context to interrogation data A version of a topology configuration has a one-to-one relationship with collected data; M4 maintains this historical relationship between topology version and data Topology information is submitted to PTAGIS and integrated into SiteConfig data table Topology configurations are managed by a version number Topology Configuration
Topology Component Features *Read Only
M4 distinguishes between two types of topology changes: Major Changes Adding or removing a topology component (device, antenna, gate) Renaming a device id, mux-antenna identifier or site code Changing the relationship between any of the components, i.e. moving a device from one antenna group to another Changing the type of a device Minor Changes Changing a serial port or other serial or Ethernet setting Changing data protocol or port type for a device Changing the description of a component Changing any of the gate settings. Creating or Modifying Topology Configuration
Major changes require a new topology version Topology version number will increment (example 1.0 to 2.0) A new topology can be created while monitoring with the New Topology Manager User activates a new topology and restarts the monitor to use the new topology version User can import a new topology version from a file. Minor changes can be made to the active topology version Topology version number will increment (example 1.0 to 1.1) Monitor must be stopped to make minor changes User performs minor changes from the Topology Viewer Topology Versioning Rules
A valid topology version must exist before the monitor can start M4 will be installed with a default, empty topology version (0.0) Any start actions will be disabled if version is not valid Starting monitor from Service Control Manager will fail and generate an error A valid topology version has: At least one site defined At least one reader device defined for a site Any antenna-groups must contain two or more readers All mandatory settings for each component are specified and valid Only one device can be enabled for a single port address Importing a topology version will create a new topology version Topology configuration will override any device id transmitted in data Clustered machines must run the same topology version Any changes to topology take effect the next time the monitor is started General Topology Rules
M4 Client Features Filter Monitor Site Topology Viewer Other Topologies Device SxC Process Data Viewer
Data Viewer displays pages of data Rows per page is user-defined Sorting Data (TBD) Set Data Viewer to Auto-Refresh Any filters apply Cannot scroll (only data that will fit in viewer displayed) Right-click device to enable or disable Right-click device or component to generate context-sensitive reports SxC Operations Start/Stop/Refresh SxC Operations independently from stopping/restarting Monitor Access SxC Configuration (from topology component or menu) Export message data in variety for formats (XML, CSV) Import data from MobileMonitor 2.0 or other M4 installation User-initiated data submissions to PTAGIS Reporting: Device Diagnostics, Noise, Tag Hits, Site Operations, Antenna-Group Efficiency (TBD), SxC Gate Efficiency (TBD) Manage Application Settings (schedules for upload, trigger devices, pulse records; failover configuration, upload settings, time zone) Download Wizard to download stored data from remote readers Supports single serial port for multiple remote readers (maps to existing topology) Converts buffered tags to real-time tags if timestamps are available Additional M4 Client Features
The New Topology Manager is used to create new topology versions Accessed from M4 Client menu Available even if monitor is running Create new topology: Blank Existing Topology Discover Import Provides validation tool User must activate a new topology version to be used on restart of monitor New topology version can be saved, closed, and updated at a later time Creating a New Topology
M4 Data Submission to PTAGIS • Upload process is initiated either automatically or by user • Upload Manager reads the configuration file (user, connection) • Upload Manager connects to WS-PDS web service at PTAGIS • Authentication and Authorization with WS-PDS based upon evidence supplied from client • Upload outstanding Topology Versions and Message Data • Upload Manager reports feedback from WS-PDS service
Two ways to start an upload: Manual Upload End-user initiates upload manually by selecting UploadData command from M4 Client menu This upload can be initiated independent of the state of the monitor Feature will allow a user to reset data for resubmission to PTAGIS User will be provided feedback during the upload process with the ability to cancel the process Automatic Upload Data is uploaded to PTAGIS on a user-defined schedule Monitor must be running Data will be uploaded on the next scheduled interval when monitor is started (will not perform a make-up) Uploading data should not impact performance of the system Feedback from upload sessions can be viewed from a system report or the Data Viewer Data Submission Step 1: Initiating the Upload
Data Submission Step 2: Read the Configuration File Before an M4 installation can upload, these settings must be configured from the M4 Client: The M4 Client configuration manager will have a Test command to validate the configuration settings with WS-PDF web service.
M4 Upload Manager on client computer queries PTAGIS host server over the network for the existence of the WS-PDS service. If service is disabled or network connection fails, upload session is terminated and condition is logged For M4 installations within Commission network Use VLAN setting is true A faster, more reliable TCP connection is used For M4 installations outside of Commission network An HTTPS connection is used instead Less prone to Firewall issues Note: Windows Communication Foundation in .NET 3.0 simplifies the task of building this web service and communicating with this web service with various network bindings Data Submission Step 3: Connecting to the Web Service
Once a connection is established, the client requests authentication and authorization from the WS-PDS web service: The PTAGIS user name and encrypted password are sent to WS-PDS. WS-PDS queries the PTAGIS LDAP server with credentials for an authorization role (Data Coordinator) If authenticated and authorized, upload session will continue If not authenticated or authorized, upload session is terminated at both service and client. Condition is logged on both client and server PTAGIS personnel can be alerted to any failed connection attempts Data Submission Step 4: Authentication and Authorization
Upload Manager is connected and authorized, now it must determine what data to submit: Each data message and topology version has a status flag indicating if it has been previously uploaded All new topology and message data are packaged together into an XML file (preserving referential integrity) and transferred to the WS-PDS service The WS-PDS service verifies the XML file integrity with a file hash: if file is not valid, it request a resubmission from the client If file is valid, both client and server consider this a success (in case connection is broken or database is offline) WS-PDS loads data in XML file into staging database on server XML file is preserved on server for integrity Data Submission Step 5: Upload Outstanding Data to PTAGIS
The WS-PDS service provides asynchronous feedback to the Upload Manager residing on the client indicating any exceptions or the success of the loaded data If success is reported, Upload Manager updates the status field for all records in the client database that were uploaded in the session. The Upload Manager records the session’s success or failure in the client database and Windows Event Log viewer Custom alerts can be configured to notify users via email that an upload session failed. Data Submission Step 6: Upload Session Feedback
Initiate Migration Load New Topology Data (alert PTAGIS personnel) Update New Message Data Update Staging Data State Compact Staging Data Legacy Data Migration
Staging database hosts custom SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS) called PIT Data Migration Service (PDMS) PDMS can be configured and maintained from SQL Server Management Studio or custom application interface PDMS service is initiated automatically upon a user-defined schedule to correspond with existing IDL service for optimum processing of data PDMS service can be initiated manually by PTAGIS personnel Data Migration Step 1: Initiate Migration
PDMS service performs a query within staging database to determine if any new topology data needs to be migrated A report is generated providing a summary of topology changes at each site and emailed to target PTAGIS personnel PDMS connects to the PTAGIS3 database and inserts the new topology data directly into SiteConfig schema PDMS will alert PTAGIS personnel to any errors or faults If PDMS cannot migrate topology data, the migration session is aborted (no data will be uploaded until problem resolved) Data Migration Step 2: Load New Topology Data
PDMS generates an in-memory dataset of all new message data that corresponds to PTAGIS interrogation data specifications with these configurable options: Generate real-time tag records only (this could be set for a site-by-site basis) Sites to exclude (can be set for period of time) Limit number of real-time tags per second (Unique Off) PDMS transforms dataset into standard PTAGIS interrogation data files with these configurable options: Allow interrogation data files to span multiple days (generates less files to load) Suppress interrogation files that do not contain interrogation records PDMS submits interrogation records for traditional PTAGIS loading: Generates XML header for PTTP loading and puts them into staging directory Submits them directly to IDL This method of loading data will ease deployment of M4 with existing client applications (MiniMon/MultiMon) Data Migration Step 3: Load New Message Data
PDMS service updates data in Staging Database to prevent it from being migrated when the service runs again PDMS service can provide a utility to allow a manual reset of select data in Staging Database for reloading to PTAGIS3 Each data record has a status field that will be used indicate state: New: (default) generated and stored in M4 Client Database Uploaded: transferred from M4 Client Database to Staging Database Migrated: migrated into PTAGIS3 database Compact: record is compacted in the Staging Database The PDMS service logs the success or failure of the migration session to be used for administrative reporting Data Migration Step 4: Update Staging Data
PDMS service will initiate a sub-service, either scheduled or user-driven, to compact the M4 data in the Staging Database: All message and topology data older than a designated period of time will lose all of their ancillary data, retaining only the minimum data (keys and state) to prevent duplication. Before data is compacted, PDMS will generate an XML file representing M4/MobileMonitor 2.0 data for possible future use. The staging database is designed to be a temporary store to facilitate data submission and migration. It is not intended to serve data to a web application. If end-users want to use M4/MobileMonitor 2.0 data, they should maintain it on the M4 Client Database. Data Migration Step 5: Compacting the Staging Database
To meet continuous operational requirements, M4 can provide automatic failover with a redundant (clustered) server Supports two types of failover conditions: System or application fault Planned failover for server maintenance Failover service has specific use case scenarios: Interrogation sites that perform Separation-by-Code operations Interrogation sites that collect a large segment of PTAGIS data and require operational redundancy Failover is integrated into M4 as a configurable option: Does not require overhead of maintaining multiple software versions of the same application By default, Failover Services are disabled in M4 to reduce complexity for casual end-user Failover Services should not impact system performance M4 Failover Services
Two redundant systems host independent M4 monitoring services Data is duplicated in separate local databases Both process SxC requests Both systems capture same Serial I/O via Ethernet using DeviceMaster Only one system communicates to a PLC device to provide SxC gate control Two monitoring services communicate health status via heartbeat channel Uses private network with redundant NICs M4 Client provides management of failover configuration to end-user NTP synchronizes system time between two servers provides coarse synchronization of the two sets of data via TimeStamp field Failover Service Architecture and Features
To reduce complexity and not impact system performance, the following assumptions for M4 Failover Services: System platforms should be identical and configured for high-performance: Dual or Quad Core, 2GB RAM, RAID Install transaction log of M4 Client Database on separate partition Data is not mirrored between two systems: Data events are not synchronized and may not be recorded in same order Data recovery from a failover requires manual user intervention Data is synchronized with scheduled checkpoints to facilitate data recovery Separation-by-Code counters are computed independently on two systems Counters could be synchronized if necessary Heartbeat communication channel represents the single point of failure No guarantee of failover or gate control if this channel fails Topology Versions and SxC Configuration must be identical on both machines M4 will detect the topology version and will abort starting the monitor M4 will provide utilities to push configuration changes between two machines M4 Failover Assumptions
M4 Failover Service Operational States Active: monitoring service is controlling separation-by-code gates Standby: monitoring service is computing separation-by-code operations but is not controlling the gates M4 Failover Cluster Roles Two redundant monitoring services hosted on separate machines will be configured to start as one of two types: Primary: service attempts to start in the Active state Secondary: service attempts to start in the Standby state and will promote itself to Active if primary system does not respond M4 Failover Service States and Cluster Roles
When Primary server follows this startup procedure: Sends heartbeat message proposing it is the Active service Monitors heartbeat channel for messages from redundant service for a specified period of time (Discovery Period) If it does not receive heartbeat message from an already Active service, it promotes itself as the Active service. If it does receive heartbeat message from an already Active service, it demotes itself as Standby and continues operating in this state. If communication channel fails or no heartbeat message is received at all, it will report failure and send alert, and continue operating in Active state. M4 Failover Service: Primary System Startup Procedures