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NC Department of Public Instruction Transportation Services Vehicle Inventory / Surplus Property TD 10. Transportation Director and Supervisor Refresher Course March 31 – April 1, 2014 Randolph Community College. Capital Outlay Purchases.
NC Department of Public InstructionTransportation ServicesVehicle Inventory / SurplusPropertyTD 10 Transportation Director and Supervisor Refresher Course March 31 – April 1, 2014 Randolph Community College
Capital Outlay Purchases • An LEA may purchase vehicles and increase the size of the fleet that provides school transportation. The need for this action is generally the result of growth, opening/closing of schools or re-districting. An LEA is given this authority under Statute 115C-249(a) and the written request for such additions are reviewed by Transportation Services.
School Bus • When needs exceed resources, a local board may request that a school bus be added to the state replacement schedule. The state will pay for the operation of a temporary bus (Status E2LC, loaner) as long as the local board commits to the purchase of a new bus by submitting a letter requesting such use and drafting a purchase order within eighteen months to purchase a new bus. The new bus will be added to the state replacement schedule upon delivery to the local board. Under certain circumstances, an LEA may purchase a used bus from another LEA for the purpose of capital outlay. As long as the model year of the used bus is within 8 years of the current model year, the used bus will be placed on the replacement schedule upon request. The model years will coincide with fiscal years (i.e. 2000 -2001 equates with 2001 model year).
School Buses • In keeping with this charge, school buses are classified in one of several categories as indicated below: • Status E2R* - a bus titled to the LEA, authorized for use as a regular route bus, subject to replacement by the state as the need arises and as funds are available. Note *( E2RB, E2RC, E2RR) • Status ESS - a bus titled to the LEA, having already been replaced by the state with a new bus, authorized for use as a spare bus when a regular route bus is not available due to mechanical failure or maintenance.
School Buses • Status ESP - a bus titled to the LEA and was once authorized for use as a regular route bus, but because of current demands is not being utilized on a daily basis. At such time that the fleet is reviewed for bus replacements, these status ESP "parked" buses will not be included in the replacement pool. • Status E1 – Buses that have been designated by DPI as reserve buses in the event funds are not available for the purchase of replacement school buses state wide. These buses are under 2 options selected by the LEA thru the E1 Use Agreement Form signed by the Transportation Director. Option 1 buses will not have maintenance plans and are not allowed to be operated but are to be cranked and transmissions cycled monthly. Option 2 buses will require PMs and 30 day inspections and will count as additional spares beyond your normal 10%.
Parked Buses ESP STATUS • From time to time, changes in an LEA's transportation pattern may enable that LEA to use fewer buses on a daily basis than its number of authorized (Status E2R*) buses. As this continues, an LEA may have one or more buses which are retired from regular use, but are a part of its authorized (Status E2R*) inventory. These buses will be designated as Status ESP • "Parked" buses. These buses, having been retired from regular service, will not be part of the eligible pool of buses to be replaced by the state - that pool consisting solely of (Status E2R*) buses. • Upon designating a given vehicle as a Status ESP (parked) bus, the LEA has several options available to it with regard to that vehicle.
Activity Bus Conversion • Simply by notifying Transportation Services, an LEA may convert a parked bus to an activity bus by making appropriate mechanical adjustments to the vehicle. This includes paint and the removal of lettering referring to “school bus” and North Carolina Public Schools. In this instance, the LEA relinquishes its right for another bus in its place in the future as the parked bus is removed from the State inventory. As long as the model year of a replacement bus is in excess of 8 years of the model year currently being replaced, the bus can be considered for conversion. E2RC buses may be converted at any time. (E2RC) = Capital Outlay buses purchased with local funds.
Turn in to State • By mutual agreement the LEA would surrender the bus to the state for disposition. DPI Transportation Services may opt to sell the vehicle or use it in another capacity in North Carolina. In return, Transportation Services would issue a “credit” to the LEA for a bus in the future, should a need arise for additional vehicles. Note that it would not necessarily entitle the LEA to a new vehicle immediately, but it would guarantee a vehicle once a need is demonstrated. Any bus requested to be returned to Status E2RB must have operated 91 days or more in a given academic year. No bus that has been designated as Status ESP for more than 8 years, or is older than the current model year being replaced, will be accepted by the State for credit purposes.
Sale of Vehicle • The vehicle may be sold outright and the proceeds would be returned to the LEA for use in any capacity, just as with the sale of other surplus LEA property. In this instance, the LEA relinquishes its right for another bus in its place in the future as the parked bus is removed from the State inventory. As long as the model year of a replacement bus is in excess of 8 years of the model year currently being replaced the bus can be considered for sale by the LEA.
No Action • An LEA may opt to retain a parked bus as a yellow school bus to be used as a spare vehicle. It may be reinstated to status E2RB subject to approval by Transportation Services to guarantee an appropriate operating condition and age. If not reinstated, the LEA permanently relinquishes the right to have that bus replaced in the future. • Each year, each LEA will be asked to report statistics on its fleet during March on the TD-10 Form. As part of this reporting, LEAs will designate additional specific buses which have been designated as parked since the last reporting period.
Surplus Vehicles • The Transportation Services Section is charged with designating the old buses and service vehicles that are to be removed from active service and replaced with a new vehicle. The number of School Buses removed and replaced annually depends on the annual appropriation from the General Assembly. Funds received from the disposal of old vehicles reverts to the state vehicle replacement fund. Service Vehicle replacement depends on the sale of surplus buses and trucks so every effort to assist in the sale is very important. There are no appropriations from the General assembly for the replacement of Service Trucks, Fuel Trucks and Wreckers.
Surplus Vehicles • School Bus Buses that have been replaced by the state are sold through DPI Transportation Services. The bus lettering will be removed per instructions in the Preventive Maintenance Manual. Proceeds from the sale of surplus buses are returned to the state vehicle replacement fund. • Service Truck A local board may purchase service trucks that have been replaced by the state and status would change to E8 and new inventory number issued. The local board agrees to pay the price that is set by DPI Transportation Services. The price is determined by Kelly Blue Book, private party sale in good condition. Service trucks are not subject to discount pricing. If the local board does not wish to purchase the truck, it will be placed for sale on the school bus safety web site. The local board is responsible for removing the lettering and repaint yellow only where lettering was removed. DPI Transportation Services will determine which trucks are retained as spares. Proceeds from the sale of surplus trucks are returned to the state vehicle replacement fund.
Sale of Obsolete Vehicles • Prior to being priced, all buses shall have the lettering removed and the bus appearance altered in the following manner. The front and rear panel which formerly had "School Bus" indicated shall be painted from the flashing light on the left to the flashing light on the right, a color other than school bus yellow. Also, the area of the body which formerly indicated "NC Public Schools" shall be painted a color other than school bus yellow. The painted area is to be the full length of the bus. • Buses which are obsolete will be priced for sale or bid on a TD-13 Discarded Equipment Form by your regional area transportation consultant. Buses shall not be sold unless priced in writing on the proper form prior to sale or verbal permission is given by phone by the area transportation consultant.
Surplus Vehicles • Service vehicles, fuel trucks, tire trucks and wreckers shall have all lettering removed prior to being placed for sale (unless sold to another school system). • These vehicles are listed on the School Bus Safety website and we need your assistance in promoting them for sale and by cranking occasionally to retain their ability to be sold. Please place these trucks when possible in areas where they can be seen and label them For Sale. The sale of these vehicles Is necessary to insure funds are available to replace trucks which have met replacement criteria. • www.ncbussafety.org/documents/usedservicetrucksforsale.pdf
Sale of Other Surplus Items Obsolete Parts and Scrap Metal Obsolete parts (those that cannot be returned to the vendor) and scrap metal may be sold through State Surplus Property or locally. Following are three options related to this activity. • Contact your DPI field consultant to write up a group/lot of surplus parts or scrap metal for sale through state surplus. Revenue goes into the service truck replacement fund. 2. Include these surplus items in a local sale conducted by the school system. Revenue generated must return to DPI and shall be placed in the Vehicle replacement fund. A detailed list including inventory numbers and quantities must be generated in order to remove the inventory from BSIP and report on TD-1. Other documentation must be mailed or emailed to DPI Transportation Services. 3. If you have access to a scrap metal dealer, scrap metal may be sold directly. Notify your DPI field consultant of this activity. The check must be made out from the dealer to the Department of Public Instruction and should be accompanied by a weigh ticket. Revenue goes into the service truck replacement fund.
Sale of Other Surplus Items • TD-13 DISCARDED EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES & MATERIALS - The area transportation consultant shall complete this form identifying vehicles or other items for sale or bid and this TD-13 form should be filed in the Transportation Office under form retention policy. • DISCARDED EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES & MATERIALS FILE - A file folder is required to hold authorizations of discarded equipment for future reference. Keep in office until of no further administrative value.
Process for Bidding Materials and Equipment • Most items with a salvage value, purchased with state dollars must be disposed of by state surplus. This disposal is coordinated through NCDPI for all school bus garages in North Carolina. • Contact area transportation consultant and provide a list of scrap metal, parts, etc you want to place on sale.. (E-mail works really good for this part and is preferred). • Consultant will complete form TD-13 listing the material for bidding. A copy will be sent to the LEA and NCDPI for processing.
Process for Bidding Materials and Equipment • State Surplus will solicit bids for the materials, scrap, etc. They will send the LEA a copy of the BID SHEET that has their materials,etc on it. LEA’s are encouraged to provide information to prospective buyers on the equipment listed for sale. • Upon awarding the bid a pink (bid-award) sheet will be sent to the LEA indicating who won the bid. The buyer will also be sent a pink (bid-award) sheet. The material should not be released until a pink sheet is received or the buyer has pink sheet in-hand (make a copy if you haven’t received one yet) when they come to pick up the materials, etc. We do not accept any payment for property that was on bid. This is collected by State Surplus and the buyer is given the pink sheet upon payment. It is OK to release the material when you have a copy of the pink sheet.
Process for Selling Priced Buses • Contact Area Transportation Consultant and provide a list of the buses you want to place on sale.(E-mail works really good for this part and is preferred.) • Consultant will complete form TD-13 listing the buses for sale and the price of each bus, a copy will be returned to the LEA and another copy sent to Transportation Services for listing on the School Bus Safety web page @ http://ncschoolbussales.dpi.state.nc.us/. • Prices are firm unless the bus has remained on the yard for 1 year or longer or the buyer is planning on purchasing more than one bus. Contact Craig Warren or your field consultant for any reductions in price. Be sure to let the prospective buyers know that this is an as-is sale. The following quantities are required for multiple bus purchase price reduction on buses priced less than $4000.00, 2 + buses 25% discount only to buses within the same county. • Buses priced at $4000.00 and higher, the only discount is 25% for quantities of 10 or more buses. This discount applies to buses from one or more counties. • Purchases by Public Schools are reduced by $500.00 per bus.
Process for Selling Priced Buses • Upon agreement of the sale, the buyer must pay for the bus with a certified check or money order payable to NCDPI – Transportation Services. It is best not to start any paperwork until you have this check in hand. The LEA will provide the buyer with a bill of sale. (this can be created with any word processing software, etc.) The title will be signed over to the buyer at this time. If your LEA secures the titles for buses or trucks at a location other than your Transportation office please have a plan in place to retrieve the titles for fast access. The bus sales are sometimes under time constraints requiring fast access. • The LEA will forward the Certified Check or Money Order along with the TD-6B Bus For Sale form to NCDPI Transportation Services to the attention of Wanda Simmons. This form can be downloaded @ http://www.ncbussafety.org/download/TD-6BBUSALEFORM.doc
Process for Disposing of tires • The scrap school bus tire contract has been awarded to. Killy’s Tires Clayton NC for the Western Region which consists of Rockingham, Guilford, Randolph, Montgomery, Richmond and all counties to the west. • Snider Fleet Solutions for the Eastern Region which consists of Caswell, Alamance, Chatham, Moore, Hoke, Scotland and all counties to the east. • You may call vendor to schedule pick however an e-mail is recommended to confirm request has been made. • Please read the information below as it defines what a scrap tire is and explains how awarded vendor will pick up the scrap tires at your location. • Scrap tires are defined as those tire casings that are no longer suitable for capping.
Process for Disposing of tires 5The scrap tire must meet one or more of the following criteria and only those tires deemed by the transportation director or designee as "ready to discard" are to be considered as scrap: • All casings with obvious visual damage (check warranty if applicable). • All casings previously capped two or more times (check DOT recap stamp). • All casings Six years or older (check DOT serial number). • All casings for which no bids were received.
Process for Disposing of tires 6Contractor will be responsible for picking up tires within twenty (20) working days after notification from the school bus garages. The contractor must report to the transportation director or school bus garage supervisor and/or staff upon arrival at the garage. The garage personnel will supervise the dispersing of the scrap tires. If several "lots" of tires are on hand (i.e., virgin, surplus, or scrap), the contractor must be told which tires to load. Upon pickup of tires, the contractor must complete a Scrap Tire Pick Up form provided at each site. • The Scrap Tire Pick Up Form is attached and also on DPI's website at http://www.ncbussafety.org/reports.html
Process for Disposing of tires 8 Look under the heading Reports and Forms, School Bus Maintenance Forms. • If you have any questions, please contact Transportation Services for assistance. • All complaints on scrap tire vendor should be listed on Scrap Tire Pick Up Form in the comments or concerns section and faxed to Transportation Services @ 919-807-3578 • Craig Warren - Transportation Consultant 919-807-3574 or craig.warren@dpi.nc.gov
State Surplus Property Contact Stanley Black 919-854-2168 Recycling Manager stanley.black@doa.nc.gov www.ncstatesurplus.com Surplus Tire’s Waste Oil Waste oil filter (New)No Cost to LEA Waste Antifreeze Recycled Batteries
TD-10 • Annually in March LEA’s are required to fill out the TD-10 form that will be mailed to your LEA with preloaded data based on the previous years fleet activity. • Instructions for filling out the form will be included with the form explaining all fields on the form and contact information if questions arise. • The data on the form confirmed the previous year’s activity and the director signed the form confirming its correctness. • The preloaded data should not be changed by the LEA however any questions should be asked prior to completing the form. • The data entered on the form by the lea is confirmed by our office and any questions that arise during the audit will be directed to the Transportation Director for explanation.
TD-10 • The data on the TD-10 should be crossed checked with two other reports the LEA is required to submit during the year for accuracy. The data pertaining to buses operated on regular routes over 91 days should agree with forms TD-Tims and TD-1 annual report submitted to Steve Beachum in August. The failure of the data to match will be followed up by a call from DPI Transportation Services for an explanation or clarification from the Transportation Director. • Craig Warren Transportation Consultant DPI Transportation Services 919-807-3574 craig.warren@dpi.nc.gov