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Regional Agricultural Information and Learning Systems National KENYA. RAILs Lessons Learning Workshop Mombasa, Kenya 15 th – 16 th August 2013. Boniface Akuku. QUOTE. “We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are". Introduction. The project objective was to,
Regional Agricultural Information and Learning Systems National KENYA RAILs Lessons Learning Workshop Mombasa, Kenya 15th – 16th August 2013 Boniface Akuku
QUOTE “We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are"
Introduction • The project objective was to, • undertake advocacy to encourage increased investment in Agricultural Information Systems (AIS) by African governments and institutions; improve access to information and the ability of African stakeholders to contribute to global agricultural knowledge; • facilitate synergies by linking African information conduits to global providers of agricultural information; and develop an African platform for agricultural information and learning systems.
Concept development in Kenya • The concept of learning teams was introduced and included members from multi-disciplinary section: • Research, extension, agricultural line ministries, academic institutions, farmer organizations, civil society organizations and the private sector, comprising of information professionals • The RAILS learning teams were expected to serve as facilitators of change, advocate for a learning culture in agricultural research and development • The learning teams were expected to build on existing structures and use existing information channels to coordinate and facilitate eRAILS project activities in the country through leadership role model
eRAILS Kenya inception and evolution • eRAILS Kenya focused mainly in ensuring that the platform achieves its objective through; • facilitation and mobilization of relevant local content and particularly research outputs, local knowledge and experiences from various Kenya stakeholders for knowledge sharing; • building capacity among the various stakeholders in agriculture on managing and sharing knowledge using the various ICT channels; • training and empowering the learning teams members to facilitate knowledge exchange among agricultural research for development stakeholders within the region.
Participating Institutions • There are over 26 institutions from various stakeholders ranging from: - • farmers’ organizations; (for example KENFAB) • extension: (for example Ujunga) • research institutions; (for example KARI, KEFRI) • education institutions, (for example Moi University) • Media, NGOs, government ministries, (for example KBC) • international organizations, (for example Biovisions) • the private sector • sub-regional organizations. • Ministry; (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fishery)
Role of Core Learning Team • The RAILS learning teams were expected to serve as facilitators of change, • advocate for a learning culture in agricultural research and development. In addition, the learning teams were expected to build on existing structures and use existing information channels to coordinate and facilitate eRAILS project activities in the country through leadership role model. • The responsibilities of learning teams included: facilitation of information exchange among and within the NARS stakeholders and the building of a national agricultural information and learning system; • participation in the development of and maintenance of the national agricultural information portal/gateway on www.erails.net; contribution to the sensitization of NARS stakeholders on the use of international information management and sharing standards; • contribution to the building synergies, wherever possible, between RAILS activities and national initiatives undertaken by national partners and active participation in activities organized within the RAILS.
eRAILS Kenya Core Learning Team The criteria for selecting members of the team were emphasized before conducting elections through nomination and voting. The following members were elected as the national (Kenya) Core Learning Team, which later held a brief planning meeting
Kenyan Interventions (foundation for RAILS) FARA through eRAILS supported Kenya Agricultural Information Network (KAINet) • KAINet repository launched in 2009 • Provides online access to more than 15,000 records (http://www.KAINet.or.ke), • include grey literature held in agricultural institutions; • Promotes open access among the KAINet institutions . • Provides linkages to other institutional sites such as KARI’s (http://www.kari.org) and the Ministry of Agriculture’s (http://www.kilimo.or.ke).
FARA/ASARECA SUPPORT>>> • Support Received • Fund • Inception Workshop US $ 10,000 • First Phase US $ 10,000 • Second Phase US $ 24,000 • 2 Servers • 10 notebooks • 4 computers • In progress • Internet connectivity for 2 sites in Kenya
ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTED >>> • Inception of eRAILS Kenya • Establishment of Core Learning Team • Capacity Building (ToTs) • Awareness creations and sensitizations of the eRAILS platform (promotions materials and workshops) • Documentation of best practices • Building of websites • Video documentary of success stories • Impact assessment done and findings reported
Content mobilization … Some of the learning team members came up proactive strategies to address additional concept as value addition to the eRAILS project. These included: - • assessment of user needs, • delivering the content to the farmers • and awareness creation of the portal’s existence through demonstration of already existing information on the portal as shown below.
Promotional Material Developed • Other approaches that worked • Use of eRAILS promotional materials • eRAILS promotional materials designed and distributed, these promotional materials includes among others a training manual on how to open an account, how to design a website and upload content. • eRAILS Kenya Training Brochures • Training brochure designed to promote the Portal during meetings, workshops and other agricultural activities was very successful and effective
Follow-up trainings • Follow-up trainings were carried out in two main parts of the country, central and western with almost 40 persons attending. The trainings were carried out by the learning team, an indication that the first training of trainers was successful. • The follow ups were planned to ensure that content is uploaded onto the websites created during the first trainings. As a result of these strategies, more awareness was created on the eRAILS platform and a number of sites were loaded with content.
Sharing of knowledge • A farmer from Western Kenya Mr. Hasa Omutelema of Ebuhuka focal group in EMUHAYA district VIHIGA County has greatly achieved as far as improved soil fertility management is concerned after getting information from e-RAILS Portal on Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA)
5 best Websites • http://www.erails.net/KE/airc/airc • http://www.erails.net/KE/charles/ucrckenya • http://www.erails.net/KE/katoloni-mission-cbo/katoloni-mission-cbo/ • http://www.erails.net/KE/kenya-seed-shortage/maize-lethal-necrosis/Home/ • http://www.erails.net/KE/kipleting/the-mushroom-center/Home/
Linkage with DONATA teams • The country’s Focal Person took the initiative in ensuring that RAILS and DONATA in the country have coordinated activities including the implementation of the Local Area Networks and Internet Connectivity at DONATA sites where QPM and OSPF project were implemented. • Training of DONATA teams and follow up meetings with both DONATA focal persons in both sites coupled with joint activities ensured that DONATA content is uploaded onto the site.
RAILS milestones • Quality content uploaded: Over 150 websites created, with majority having good relevant content. • eRAILS Video documentary: Success stories in Kenya : Detailed video documentaries recorded covering success stories of the platform, these documentaries included farmers, experts, eRAILS country focal point persons, and eRAILS voucher system. • Impact assessment and project evaluation: The Kenya e RAILS country focal person and a team of core learning team members conducted an impact assessment and project evaluation in attempt to ascertain the level of impact, the other objective of this exercise was to enumerate the challenges and limitations that should inform future project involvement. • Strong DONATA and eRAILS linkages: A strong linkage was established between the two sister projects and success stories documented from both projects. • Collaborations and Networking's linkages: Strong linkages were established via the Core Learning Teams between different stakeholders in the agriculture sector.
RAILS milestones Continued • Knowledge and information source: - The platform provided vital knowledge and information with practical reported cases of improved agricultural production and income from farmers who obtained shared knowledge from the portal and applied the knowledge with fantastic results (see video documentaries). • Notebook acquisition: - The project received ten notebook computers which were given to core learning teams and has been useful in training and content uploading. • Internet services provision and Local area network: - The project received internet provision and local area network in two sites where DONATA are very strong. • Web 2.0 tools capacity built: - Knowledge management skills were developed during the various training sessions.
Lessons Learnt • Core Learning Team • More Farmers organizations should have been invited • More time allocated for the training session • Opening accounts without subsequent content posting/website development was identified as a source of failure • Slow uploading of images and video clips • Lack of standard formats presentation of info • Lack of operational protocol for clients, LT and Admin. • Lack of records/statistics of visits to the portal
Challenges/constraints • Resources to facilitate Learning Team meetings and activities • The need of MOU’s (binding/commitment of institutions to post content onto the portal) • Lack of awareness about eRAILS hence need for promotional activities • Varied and/or limiting level of ICT capacity among the various stakeholders
What prospects anticipated by the Learning team • Wider knowledge of resources, potentials, and opportunities • Enhanced partnerships and collaboration-Dgroups • Enhanced outreach and technology transfer • Improved ICT based info sharing • Reduced duplication of efforts • Increased innovations • Increased awareness • Increased expertise sharing
Experiences on Managing eRAILS Country Portal • Approving or rejecting accounts is challenging considering the varied information presented. • Need for website validation/holding stage before launching them online- to avoid emptiness. • Time allocation/availability for eRAILS is assumed • dormancy of Learning team • Staffing needs- esp administration anticipated
Recommendations • Follow-up on content generations and uploading. • strengthening ICT human resource capacity among stakeholders • create and promote awareness about the use of emerging ICTs in dissemination of agricultural information. • catalyse partnerships among key information professionals and organizations to promote information sharing e.g. using group tools and other available technologies. • actively work with multiple stakeholders to improve information generation, processing and dissemination
Immediate Workplan - KARI • There is need to increase content from stakeholders. This calls for substantive framework on generating content, packaging and sharing of information. • There is need to streamline the partnership structures of the core learning team. This involves a developing an MOU and policy framework. • More funding is required to improve internet access by stakeholder, training,
Immediate Workplan - KARI • Develop knowledge management strategies among stakeholders to ensure best practices of knowledge use and re-use • Develop and institutionalize knowledge sharing culture among stakeholders. • Encourage adoption of e-learning systems as a platform for capacity building and training
Immediate Workplan - KARI • E-RAILS 2 • Expand the scope by involving more farmers groups after the pilot involving Katoloni and Aberdares farmers groups. • Increase the number of vouchers availed for the project. • There is need for increased capacity for stakeholders, on the best practices in capturing, packaging and disseminating information for more efficiency
Immediate Workplan - KARI • E-RAILS 2 • Sensitise farmers on how to access and utilise information available in the runetwork knowledge bank • Sensitize experts on registration in the experts database for improved efficiency in dissemination of information . • Carry out an impact study in order to improve the service • Develop mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation
Immediate Workplan - KARI • Rice knowledge bank • e-Mifugo and e-Mimea (e-Mimi) to include an SMS function • Kenya Agricultural Information Network • ASAL Research Information & Training Unit (Hub/Portal)
How to improve Knowledge and information sharing & Transfer • Identifying the knowledge holders within the organization and country • Develop Motivation strategies for sharing • Designing a sharing mechanism to facilitate the transfer • Executing the share and transfer plan • Measuring to ensure the transfer (M$E) • Applying the knowledge transferred
Research Informatics considerations • Better information for better research using eRAILS platform • Acknowledging that better research starts with better information. • Recognition of the role of ICT systems such eRAILS within the APVC as an agent and a catalyst of knowledge and information transfer • Develop and adopt processes and services for ICT technologies that create information -driven research environment andaccelerate innovation
Cont.. • Empower researchers and stakeholders with technology and process. • Unlock information from the shackles of paper. • Unleash innovation to drive better Research outcomes & leverage cutting-edge ICT technology. • Ensure Data becomes knowledge to move research beyond theory to practical application through the eRAILS platform
Way forward • Participants made several suggestions on the way forward for eRAILS including: • training on development and maintenance of websites to full utilization of the RAILS portal; • seek ways of funds to support more eRAILS activities ; • creation of awareness about eRAILS, promote and market it; • eRAILS to be the source of current and timely information • lobby policy makers to ensure other relevant organizations come on board and support • how to maintain constant consultation between the focal point and member institutions; • sustainability of Kenya RAILS after the project period?; • how to actively engage private-public partnership actors; • capacity building/training of stakeholders to enhance participation and content sharing on the platform; • develop an action plan
Finally… • Agricultural development is fundamentally a social process in which people construct solutions to their problems, often by modifying both new technologies and their own production systems to take advantage of new opportunities offered by the technologies and eRAILS is an opportunity