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Cross-Document Coreference: Methodologies, Evaluations and Applications. Amit Bagga Ask Jeeves, Inc. Outline. Motivation and Definition Comparison with Within-Document Coreference, WSD and other NL tasks Methodologies for Entity Cross-Document Coreference
Cross-Document Coreference: Methodologies, Evaluations and Applications Amit Bagga Ask Jeeves, Inc.
Outline • Motivation and Definition • Comparison with Within-Document Coreference, WSD and other NL tasks • Methodologies for Entity Cross-Document Coreference • Other types of Cross-Document Coreference • Concept Cross-Document Coreference • Event Cross-Document Coreference • Cross-Media Coreference • Cross-Language, Cross-Document Coreference • Scoring Methodologies • Applications
Motivation • Proper names comprise approximately 10% of news text (Coates-Stephens, 1992) • Names are often ambiguous across documents • increasingly becoming a challenge for NLP systems as collection size and generality grow • also as systems break the “document boundary”
Definition • Cross-Document Coreference (CDC) for entities, in broad terms, asks • how can one computationally disambiguate the intended referent of a name • Winchester & Lee 2002 • for example, it asks, which ‘John Smith’ is meant by a particular occurrence of the string “John Smith”
Comparison with Within-Document Coreference • Within a document • Identically or similarly named entities seldom appear in the same context • when they do, writers distinguish them explicitly • i.e. it is usually the case that we have one referent per discourse • Variant form of the same name generally obey certain regularities which are predictable • For example: Michael Jordan may be referred to by the following – Michael, Mr. Jordan, Jordan, etc.
Across documents • Assumption that same or similar names refer to same entity is not valid • Linguistics theories do not apply • The only way to distinguish between these entities is to examine context
Comparison with WSD • CDC can be thought of as disambiguating the “sense” of usage of a name • In WSD: • Usually possible to enumerate a priori all possible senses of word • Number of possible senses of word is small (1-10) • In CDC: • A large corpus can contain 100s or 1000s of entities with same name which are impossible to enumerate a priori • From linguistic perspective, all entities equally plausible
Cross-Document Coreference Information Extraction Predicate-Argument Structure Coreference Word Sense Disambiguation Parsing Named Entity Recognition CDC and Other NL Tasks (Grishman, 1994) First mention of “Cross-Document Coreference”
The Role of Context • Similar to WSD, context is vital for CDC • context can be of different sizes • window of words centered around a name, sentence containing name, group of sentences, or even whole document • modeling context can be done in many different ways • bag of words, set of phrases, set of entities, set of relations, etc. • All CDC systems use context in one form or another
Bag of Words Approach • Bagga and Baldwin, 1998 • Within-document coreference system is used to identify all mentions of entity • Sentences containing mention are extracted from each document • “summaries” with respect to entity • Set of summaries compared using VSM (tf*idf) • Single-link clustering used • Version 2 (1999) eliminates use of within document coreference system • sentences containing any variant of name extracted
Corpus, Evaluation, and Results • 197 articles containing “John Smith” extracted from 2 years of New York Times data • 35 different John Smiths • B-CUBED algorithm used • Version 2 results • 84% F-Measure • 90% Precision, 78% Recall • < 1% F-Measure drop when compared to original system
Minimizing Context Matches • Kazi and Ravin, 2000 • Problem with Bagga and Baldwin, 1998 • Prohibitively expensive in terms of storage and n-to-n comparisons (specially in a large corpus) • Use IBM’s Nominator for named entity identification and within document coreference (non-pronominal) • CDC task is merging canonical names from different documents that refer to same entity • Context analysis done by use of a Context Thesaurus • Given a name, returns a ranked list of terms that are related to name in the corpus
E = Exclusives – i.e. no merging possible • M = Mergeables – i.e. compatible with some or all exclusives
Tables are created by analyzing two lists sorted by ambiguity • PERS names • George Walker Bush > George W. Bush > George Bush > G. Bush > Bush • PLACE names • Albany, NY > Albany • Merging steps • Merge identical canonical strings >= 2 words • Merges 28 George Bush, 2 President Bush 7 Vannevar Bush articles into 3 equivalence classes • Between mergeables and exclusives, combine if any variants share a common prefix • Merges E3, M1 and M3 (common prefix = President) • Reduces # of context matches from 58x58 to 7x4
Corpus, Evaluation, and Results • Corpus – 1998 editions of New York Times • 15 name families • For example: Berger, Black, Brown, Bush, Clinton, Gore, etc. • B-CUBED algorithm for scoring • Without context comparisons: • Avg Precision = 98.5% • Avg Recall = 72.85% • No results reported when context comparisons are used (Ravin and Kazi, 1999)
3 Models of Similarity • Gooi and Allan, 2004 • Methodology similar to Bagga and Baldwin • extract 55 word snippets centered at name or its variant • Problem with Bagga and Baldwin • sharp drop off in F-Measure around threshold • 3 different models of similarity • Incremental Vector Space • tf*idf, but with average link clustering • KL divergence • snippets are represented as probability distribution of words • similarity = “distance” between two probability distributions • Agglomerative Vector Space • tf*idf with bottom-up, complete-link clustering
Corpus • John Smith corpus (Bagga and Baldwin) • Person-x corpus • created by querying TREC collection with queries like arts, business, sports, etc. • BBN’s IdentiFinder used for named entity recognition • one name (and its corresponding variants) randomly replaced with phrase Person-x • 34,404 documents; 14,767 actual unique entities
Evaluation and Results • B-CUBED algorithm used for scoring • Agglomerative VS best • 88.2% F-Measure for John Smith corpus • 83% F-Measure for Person-x corpus • When run on each sub-corpus (arts, sports, etc.) of Person-x corpus • F-Measure drops to 77% • shows that a more homogenous corpus is more difficult • Results for Agglomerative VS degrade much more smoothly around threshold than others
Second Order Co-Occurrence • Three methods – independently published • Bagga, Baldwin, and Ramesh, 2001 - 2-pass algorithm • First pass: as before • Second pass: • for each chain, compute set of most frequent overlapping words in chain (signature words for chain) • for each singleton document after pass 1, compare to each chain • use signature words to extract additional sentences • compare enhanced summary to every summary in chain • merge if similarity > threshold • if not merged with any chain, remains singleton
Winchester and Lee, 2001 • named entity detection and conflation within documents is done as pre-processing step • based on Schutze’s (1998) algorithm for context-group discrimination • 3 types of vectors are created • Term Vectors – formed for each name occurring in context of entity of interest and its variants • stores co-occurrence stats for term across whole corpus • Context Vectors – formed for entity of interest by summing all term vectors associated with its context • term vectors are weighted with their idf scores before sum • Entity Vectors – for each entity, it is centroid of set of context vectors • entity disambiguation is done by comparing Entity Vectors using VSM with single-link clustering
Corpus, Evaluation, Results • Bagga, Baldwin, and Ramesh • John Smith corpus, B-CUBED scoring • new F-Measure 91% (+7 from before) • Winchester and Lee • 30 name sets; 10 each of PER, LOC, ORG • from 6000 WSJ articles • B-CUBED scoring • discovered that selective creation of 3 types of vectors boosts performance • for example, LOC helps disambiguate other LOC • Birmingham, Alabama vs UK; John Smith associated with Pocahontas • overall F-Measure 78.5% • NAM – 90.3%, LOC – 79.2%, ORG – 72.5%
Guha and Garg, unpublished (2004) • mine descriptions associated with entity of interest (sketch) • descriptions are other entities + professions that are in close proximity • comparing descriptions • different weights given to different descriptions given type of entity of interest and entity-type of description • for example: location is more likely to be disambiguated by another location than by the name of a person • Corpus and Evaluation • 26 entities (names + places), 2-6 instances identified of each • sent as queries to search engines, top 150 results collated and manually tagged for truth • best F-Measure = 90.3%
Maximum Entropy Model • Fleischman and Hovy, 2004 – use ME to determine if two concept/instance pairs are same entity • concept/instance pairs – ACL dataset (2M pairs) • John Edwards/lawyer and John Edwards/politician • Name features: NAME-COMMON (census), NAME-FAME (ACL dataset), WEB-FAME (Google) • Web features: based on # of Google hits with name plus headwords of concepts used as queries • Overlap features: based on # words overlapping in context of names and concepts • Semantic features: based on semantic relatedness of concepts (WordNet) • for example: lawyers are more likely to become politicians • Estimated Statistics features: probabilities that a name is associated with a particular concept (computed over entire ACL dataset) • Disambiguation using group-average agglomerative clustering • Tested on set of 31 concept/instance pairs (1875 used for training) • 20 had a single referent • F-Measure = 93.9% • baseline (all in same chain) = 92.4%
Robust Reading Approach • Li, Morie, and Roth, 2004 • a global probabilistic view of how documents are generated and how entities are “sprinkled” into them • Model 1 (simplest – no notion of author) • entities are present in a document with a prior probability, independent of other entities • mentions (references) are selected according to probability distribution P(mj|ei) • i.e. entity referenced by a mention is not dependent on other mentions • Model 2 (more expressive) • # of entities in doc and # of mentions follow uniform distribution • entities enter doc with a prior probability, independent of others • representative (canonical form) for each entity is selected according to P(rj|ei) • for each representative, mentions are selected by P(mk|rj) • i.e. entity referenced by a mention depends on other mentions in the same document
Model 3 (least relaxation) • # of entities based on uniform distribution – but not independent of each other • entities in doc viewed as nodes in a weighted directed graph with edges labeled as P(ej|ei) • entities inserted in document via a random walk starting at an entity with prior probability P(ek) • representatives and mentions follow the same probabilities as Model 2 • i.e. entity referenced by a mention depends on other mentions in same document, but also on other entities in entire corpus • Models learned using truncated EM algorithm • Evaluation • 300 NYT articles from TREC corpus • 8000 mentions corresponding to 2000 entities (people, locations, organizations) • compared to SOFT-TF-IDF and baseline (entities with identical writing are same) • overall F-Measure = 89% (model 2) • baseline = 70.7% and SOFT-TF-IDF = 79.8% • Model 3 does not perform best because • global dependencies enforces restrictions over groupings of similar mentions • because of limited document set, estimating global dependency is inaccurate
Using IE Features • 3 different methods published • Mann and Yarowsky, 2003 • use unsupervised learning to learn patterns from corpus that capture biographical features • birth day, birth year, birth place and occupation • use bottom-up centroid agglomerative clustering for disambiguation • vectors for each document are generated by using the following • all words (plain) or proper nouns (nnp) • most relevant words (mi and tf-idf) • basic biographical features (feat) • extended biographical features (extfeat)
Corpus, Evaluation, and Results • Mann and Yarowsky • Pseudoname corpus • query Google with names of 8 people • take 28 possible pairs and replace with different pseudonames • Naturally occurring corpus • query for 4 naturally occurring polysemous names • example: Jim Clark • 60 articles for each name • 3-way classification (top 2 occurring people + “others”) • Disambiguating accuracy for Pseudonames • 86.4% with nnp+feat+tf-idf • For naturally occurring corpus • using mutual information 88% Precision and 73% Recall
Niu, Li, and Srihari, 2004 - use 3 different categories of contextual features • set of 50 words centered around name (or alias) • other entities occurring in 50 word context of name (or alias) • automatic extracted relationships (25 possible) • birth day, age, affiliation, title, address, degree, etc. • features combined using Maximum Entropy Model • Evaluation using B-CUBED algorithm • 4 sets of 4 famous names mixed together using pseudonames • 88% F-Measure achieved • 2 naturally occurring sets • Peter Sutherland – 96% F-Measure • John Smith – 85% F-Measure
Dozier and Zielund, 2004 • CDC for people in legal domain • attorneys, judges, and expert witnesses • Combine IE techniques with record linkage techniques • biographical records for attorneys and judges created manually from Westlaw Legal Directory • biographical record for expert witnesses created through text mining • IE techniques extract templates associated with each type from document • record linkage part uses Bayesian network to match templates with biographical records • Evaluation • for docs with stereotypical syntax and full names – 98% precision and 95% recall • Otherwise, 95% precision and 60% recall
Baseline • Guha and Garg, unpublished (2004) • established baseline when full docs were compared using TF-IDF without considering context for 26 entities (names and places) • 2-6 instances of each entity considered • for each instance, top 10 results evaluated • 22.5% accuracy overall
Types of CDC • Named Entities • described earlier • Terms or Concept • Kazi and Ravin, 2000 • Events • Bagga and Baldwin, 1999 • Cross-Media and/or Multimedia Coreference • Between text and pictures for names (Bagga and Hu, unpublished) • Between text and video for names (Satoh and Kanade, 1997) • Between video streams (using image and text) for events (Bagga, Hu, and Zhong, 2002) • Cross-Language, Cross-Document Coreference • parallel corpus (Harabagiu and Maiorano, 2000) • non-parallel corpus – open problem, although manual results encouraging (Bagga and Baldwin, unpublished)
Term or Concept CDC • Single or multi-word terms refer to concepts occurring in domain • Multi-word terms • identified by Terminator (rule-based) • form subset of noun phrases in document • discard those that occur only once in document • for example: price rose where rose is mistakenly identified as noun • discard those that are found only as proper sub-strings • for example: dimension space (part of lower dimension space) • are seldom ambiguous and are merged across documents
Single Word Terms • Capitalized single words are most common sources of ambiguity • for example: Wired – name of magazine and an adjective that is first word in sentence • Within-doc categorization of single words • If capitalized word occurs in lowercase in document – consider as regular word • If capitalized word appears as capitalized in middle of sentence – consider as name • If no lowercase occurrences and word appears at beginning of sentence or in title/header - consider as term • All other single words not identified as part of name or multi-word terms – consider as lower-case term
Disambiguating Single Words Across Documents Unambiguous cases – no merging Ambiguous cases – merge if only name or only lower-case term found in corpus
Single occurrences of single capitalized terms can be merged with occurrences of corresponding names if names occur more than once in at least one document • No evaluation was performed
Event CDC • Bagga and Baldwin, 1999 • similar approach to entity-based CDC • Two events are coreferent iff the players, time, and location are the same • Event CDC system extracts as “summaries” sentences which contain: • main event verb (for example: resign) • nominalization of main verb (for example: resignation) • synonyms (for example: quit) • Summaries are clustered using single-link clustering and VSM similarity
Evaluation and Results • Articles chosen for 3 events: resignations, elections, and espionage • 2 years of New York Times data • B-CUBED algorithm used for scoring
Analysis • Events are harder than entities: • no within-document coreference • no explicit references • are at time spread over the entire document • Analysis of Elections event • elections are temporal in nature • disambiguating phrases largely use temporal references (for example – upcoming fall elections, elections last year, next elections, etc) • exposes weakness of using a bag of words approach • presence of sub-events • US General election consists of both Presidential elections and Congressional elections • “players” are the same due to high rate of incumbency • descriptions of events are very similar • issues in every election are similar (inflation, unemployment, economy)
Cross-Media Coreference – Between Text and Video (Names) • Satoh and Kanade, 1997 • Association of face and name in video • given unknown face, infer name or, • given name, guess faces which are likely to have that name • Use closed caption transcripts and video images for correlation
Face extraction: neural-network based face detector to locate faces in images • Name candidate extraction: use Oxford Text Archive dictionary (appx 70k words) • Word is considered to be a proper noun if • annotated as one in dictionary • not found in dictionary • Face similarity: eigenvector based method to compute distance between two faces • Face and name co-occurrence: use co-occurrence factor • captures how well name and face co-occur in time
Corpus, Evaluation, and Results • No large scale evaluation done • Problem with technique: false positives • specially for famous people • Clinton mentioned by news anchor repeatedly • name gets associated with news anchor
Between Text and Pictures (Names) • Bagga and Hu, unpublished (2004) • Algorithm • Use text and image based features to identify coreference • Tested on web pages • Text narrowed by extracting sentences containing name variants of entity • Image features computed by analyzing distribution of colors in L*a*b perceptual color space • Across URLs, first compute text similarity (VSM) and image similarity (L*a*b) and then combine
Preliminary Results Portraits of Captain John Smith Maps related to Captain John Smith’s explorations Captain John Smith as portrayed in the movie Pocahontas
Cross-Media Coreference • Goal: identify and track “important” news events in broadcast news video • Observations: • “important” stories of the day are repeated within/across stations • common footage scenes can be used as representative clips for these stories
News Story 1 Story 2 Commercial Segment 1 Story seg. 3 Story seg. 2 Story seg. 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 1 Scene 4 Scene 5 Scene 6 Scene 7 images images images sound sound sound Closed Caption Closed Caption Closed Caption Structure of Broadcast News
Methodology • For each video source, use closed caption text: • to identify segment boundaries (>> signs indicate speaker change) • identify and eliminate commercial segments (based upon text-tiling method) • cluster story segments into stories • Use complete link, hierarchical clustering to identify overlapping stories between programs • identify common footage scenes between each pair of overlapping stories
key frames Scenes from video source 1 text Visual similarity Overlapping Story Combined- Media clustering key frames Scenes from video source 2 text Text similarity Common Footages Common Footage Detection
CBS 3873 NBC 3885 NBC 5061 CBS 2829 Flood rescue -> rescue school bus NBC 20805 CBS 38805 US submarine->US submarine incident CBS 13833 NBC 16317 Topic: US/Iraq->US bombing of Iraq. CBS 4125 NBC 7377 CBS 4257 Examples – Found by System News conference On Iraqi bombing
Night at Baghdad->night bombing at Iraq. CBS 2253 NBC 4173 Iraqi map CBS 2001 NBC 3177 UN cars->UN inspectors leaving Iraq Found by algorithm, but missed by human subjects CBS 5193 NBC 30021 More Examples Same stories and similar key-frame images, but not really identical footage.