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hum2461 Humanities of Latin America

http://hum2461.wordpress.com/. hum2461 Humanities of Latin America. Home Homework Lectures 2014 Quizzes Research Paper Santa Fe Announcements Syllabus 2014. Today’ s Agenda Day 8 Week 4. Attendance CANVAS & HUM2461.wordpress.com Pre-Aztec & Aztec Civilizations

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hum2461 Humanities of Latin America

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  1. http://hum2461.wordpress.com/ hum2461Humanities of Latin America HomeHomeworkLectures 2014QuizzesResearch Paper Santa Fe AnnouncementsSyllabus 2014

  2. Today’s Agenda Day 8 Week 4 • Attendance • CANVAS & HUM2461.wordpress.com • Pre-Aztec & Aztec Civilizations • 2ndAssignment  Week 4: HW#2 due today (Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014) • Pop Quiz

  3. Pre-Aztec/Aztec Chronology

  4. Pre-Aztec/Aztec Chronology By Culture Olmeca Teotihuacanos Tolteca Azteca

  5. Pre-Aztec/Aztec Chronology Tabasco Teotihuacán Tula Tenochtitlán By Town

  6. Pre-Aztec/Aztec Dates 1400 – 300 BCE 100 BCE - 750 900 - 1200 1300 - 1521 By years

  7. Pre-Aztecs (English) 3 Peoples Olmecs (1400 BCE – 300 BCE) Cuicuilco teotihuacanos (100 BCE – 750) Toltecs (900 – 1100)

  8. Pre-Azteca (español) 3 Pueblos olmeca (1400 BCE – 300 BCE) Cuicuilco teotihuacanos (100 BCE – 750) tolteca (900 – 1100)

  9. TEOTIHUACANOS Cuicuilco (600 BCE – 450 BCE) Cuicuilco Xitle Volcano

  10. The Aztecs Cultural periods 1300-1519CE (1521)

  11. Aztecs (1) • Aztecs / Mexica / Tenochca(1100??? Aztlán???) • Náhuatl (Uto-Aztecan language) • Tenochtitlán (1325 – 1521) is 31 miles southwest Teotihuacán. 200,000 residents • Huitzilopochtli (war god) • B) Aztec art.

  12. The prophecy:eagleserpentcactus

  13. Tenochtitlán (1325 CE) Huitzilopochtli (war god)

  14. B.i) Aztec Art • Realism to abstraction • Proportion in arts and crafts • Non-secular themes and images • Natural elements + religious concepts (no European individualism) • Synthesis and appropriation from conquered peoples

  15. B.ii) Aztec Art • TheAztecs were also excellent sculptors who were known for awe-inspiring, frightening, forbidding, and monumental works. • Their dances were more advanced than either their music or literature; and • Their oratory was renowned and effective. • In the area of the fine arts, the Aztecs accomplished finely wrought drawings on codices. Unfortunately, most of the Aztecs codices were destroyed by the first Spanish conquistadors and priests.

  16. Artistic features rather unique to the Aztecs are: obsidian knives, rock-crystal skulls (for rituals and for art), and jade statues.

  17. Aztecs (2) • C) Aztec Cosmology • D)Religion: state + religion; polytheistic • cosmos: double axis • sacrifice: good of cosmos and society • gods: Quetzalcóatl, Huitzilopochtli, Tláloc, Tezcatlipoca, Coatlicue • 52-year cycle • Fifth Sun = Tonátiuh (Interrupted “Sun”)

  18. C) Aztec Cosmology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Double axis Upper World: Heaven N E S W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lower World: Hell (1300-1519CE)

  19. D) Religion: Coatlicue/Tonantzin(Goddess) Coyolxauhqui(daughter /moon)killed: Coatepec hill 400 Southerners(sons) (Gods of the starts) Huitzilopochtli(feather birth /eagle-sun) Coyolxauhqui was killed by Huitzilopochtliat the Coatepechill

  20. Coatlicue/ Tonantzin

  21. Aztecs (3) • 1325Tenochtitlán was built. • 1375-1521: 9 emperors. • Moctezuma II (1502-1520) • Cuauhtémoc (1520-1521) = Hero of native and mestizo peoples • Tenochtitlán (1325 – 1521) • Tlatelolco (1325 – 1521)Cuathemoc fought for the place when HernánCortéz invaded it. • Tepeyac (pyramid north of the city)

  22. Tlatelolco City Tenochtitlan City

  23. Aztecs (4) • 1. Tenochtitlán(Mexico City now) • Templo Mayor (1); Templo Mayor (2): Twin temples. Main Gods: Huitzilopochtli & Tláloc • 2. Tlatelolco Market place. Cuauhtémoc. • 3. Tepeyac the worship site for the Goddess mother Tonantzin


  25. Chinampas

  26. Chronicles of the Conquest of New Spain “When we saw so many cities and villages built in the water and other great towns on dry land we were amazed and said that it was like the enchantments (...) on account of the great towers and cues and buildings rising from the water, and all built of masonry. And some of our soldiers even asked whether the things that we saw were not a dream? (...) I do not know how to describe it, seeing things as we did that had never been heard of or seen before, not even dreamed about. ”Bernal Díaz del Castillo, The Conquest of New Spain

  27. Ancient Civilization Timeline MedievalSpain 1516 AD

  28. 2nd Assignment • Week 4: HW#2 due today. Submithomework#2 on CANVAS

  29. POP QUIZ: Toltecsat Tula 3. He is god of the night sky, the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, jaguars, sorcery, beauty, war and strife. Tezcatlipoca • What priest/ruler/god/demi-god fought against Topiltzin-Quetzalcóatl? • Who won? • What did/does the winner of this battle represent? (What is he,the god of?)

  30. What is this a model of? • Where is this? • What god(s) were worshipped there?

  31. Twin temples of the major Aztec pyramid • Tenochtitlán (i.e., Mexico City now) • Huitzilopochtli & Tláloc

  32. Español = templo mayor

  33. See you Tuesday Hasta el martes À mardi Até à terça-feira

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