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English II

English II. Week 4 (cont.). Objectives: DOL: Logical Fallacies Act II: In-class Group Act. WEEK AT A GLANCE: MON—ACT II TUES—ACTII WED—ACT III & Quiz THUR—ACT IV and V FRI—Compare/Contrast ASSIGNMENT: Logical Fallacies. Monday, 2/2. Objectives: DOL: Logical Fallacies

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English II

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  1. English II Week 4 (cont.)

  2. Objectives: DOL: Logical Fallacies Act II: In-class Group Act. WEEK AT A GLANCE: MON—ACT II TUES—ACTII WED—ACT III & Quiz THUR—ACT IV and V FRI—Compare/Contrast ASSIGNMENT: Logical Fallacies Monday, 2/2

  3. Objectives: DOL: Logical Fallacies Act II: In-class Group Act. ASSIGNMENT: Finish Act II Questions Tuesday, 2/3

  4. Objectives: DOL: Logical Fallacies Act II Read over summary Turn in Group Activity Sheet Video ASSIGNMENT: Act II Questions Wednesday, 2/4

  5. Objectives: DOL: Logical Fallacies Act II Quiz Figurative Lang. Pretest and Practice PowerPoints: Metaphor Alliteration ASSIGNMENT: Act II Questions In-class writing tomorrow Thursday, 2/5

  6. Figurative Language in Caesar • Act II, scene 1 • “…that what he is, augmented,/Would run to these and these extremities;/And therefore, think him as a serpent’s egg,/Which, hatched, would as his kind grow mischievous,/And kill him in the shell.” –Brutus (lines 30-34) • About whom is Brutus speaking? • What type of figurative language is the above quote? (Hint: “as”)

  7. Objectives: DOL: Logical Fallacies In-Class Writing ASSIGNMENT: Figurative Language Activity Friday, 2/6

  8. CP English III Week 4 (cont.)

  9. Objectives: Observing Essay: Rough Draft Check Assignment Sheet/Criteria Essay Examples Novel Check Section II--Monday WEEK AT A GLANCE: MON--Essay TUES—ASVAB WED—Peer Review THUR—Novel Group 1 & 2 ASVAB FRI—Novel Reading Group 3 & 4 ASSIGNMENT: Essay & Logical Fallacies Monday, 2/2

  10. SEND ID: Criteria for Grading • S—Show Don’t Tell techniques (sensory, action verbs, dialogue) • E—Express a distinct Point of View • Vantage Point—spatial ordering, etc. • 1st Person, Personification • N—Note changes in object’s condition • D—Describe what is NOT there • I—Images and Comparison • D—Dominate Insight (main idea) • Inductive—last 2-3 lines; AVOID “in conclusion”

  11. Tuesday, 2/3 • ASBVA TESTING • Faulty Reasoning: Logical Fallacies • First Drafts for Tomorrow • Paragraphing and Titles—here is a link to help with paragraphing questions and ways in which to create a terrific title • http://www5.semo.edu/english/taweb/content/paragraphstitles.htm

  12. OBJECTIVES Faulty Reasoning—Check Peer Review Paragraphing and Titles http://www5.semo.edu/english/taweb/content/paragraphstitles.htm Show Don’t Tell Example ASSIGNMENT: Revise Drafts Group #1 and #2 NOVEL Wednesday, 2/4

  13. Thursday, 2/5 • ASVAB TESTING • Check Faulty Reasoning—2nd period • Revised Drafts—Groups #1 and #2 • Reading and Revising—Work Day

  14. OBJECTIVES Faulty Reasoning—2nd Collect 2nd batch of essays “Mini” Assessment Figurative Lang. Compare/Contrast “The Story of an Hour” with The Awakening Complete a Venn Diagram comparing the two stories ASSIGNMENT: Section II of Novel Venn Diagram Friday, 2/6

  15. The Awakening and “The Story of an Hour” • What significance do the titles possess? • How are the protagonists alike? Dissimilar? • What key SYMBOLS do you see in both? • What “warnings” do both communicate to the protagonists and/or the reader? • What central THEME unites both stories?

  16. CREATE A VENN DIAGRAM—Label and pull SPECIFIC details from the stories (direct quotes/examples).

  17. Publications Week 4 (continued)

  18. Objectives: Performance Sheets YB New Assignments Submissions TITLE PAGE NP Postings New assignments ASSIGNMENTS: Picture Opportunities Coverage YB Sales Monday, 2/2

  19. Objectives: YB New Assignments—by Wednesday Submissions NP Postings New assignments ASSIGNMENTS: Picture Opportunities Coverage YB Sales WORK DAYS Tuesday, 2/3

  20. Objectives: YB New Assignments—Today NP New assignments ASSIGNMENTS: Picture Opportunities Coverage YB Sales WORK DAYS Wednesday, 2/4

  21. Objectives: NEWMAN NEEDS STUDENTS YB New Assignments—Type out and Label on Ladder Indexing Fixes NP New assignments ASSIGNMENTS: Picture Opportunities Coverage YB Sales WORK DAYS Thursday, 2/5

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