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“P. R. Slavejkov” Regional Library, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. http://www.libraryvt.com E-mail:prs@libraryvt.com. Veliko Tarnovo. The town of Veliko Tarnovo is a historical, cultural and tourist center with a rich history. It is the capital of second Bulgarian Kingdom during the XII-XIV cc.
“P. R. Slavejkov”Regional Library,Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria http://www.libraryvt.com E-mail:prs@libraryvt.com
Veliko Tarnovo The town of Veliko Tarnovo is a historical, cultural and tourist center with a rich history. It is the capital of second Bulgarian Kingdom during the XII-XIV cc. • In the past Tarnovo is the “Czar’s town of Bulgarians”, “The Great Veliko Tarnovo Town”,”The Glorious town”, “The second Tzarigrad”. Today every Bulgarian accepts it in the same way, probably forever. • Veliko tarnovo became the first town from Central and Eastern Europe, which received the Special Distinction of the European Union for Central and Eastern European Sustainable City. • It is considered as a remarkable historical, cultural and tourist center, due to its rich cultural heritage.
VelikoTarnovo region • VelikoTarnovo is one of the 28 regions of Bulgaria. Vehicle code is BT. It is situated in northern Bulgaria. It occupies an area of 4 661.6 km2 and has a population of 258 494 people (express data form the count of people - 2011). Postal codes of settlements in VelikoTurnovo 5000 (for VelikoTarnovo) to 5299.
Academic Libraries (BAS, high schools) St. Cyril and St. Methodius National Library National Bibliography Regional Libraries Minicipal, school & special libraries Library structure in Bulgaria
Library structure • Based on Letter of Ministerial Council No. 153/28.07.2001 and No.80 от 1.07.2006 ) “Fortransformation of cultureinstitutionsintoregionallibrariesandmuseums”. According to thisDecree28districtlibrariesaretransformedintoregionallibraries. TheDecreespecifieditsmainfunctionslikeregionalinstitutions, namely: • Basiclibrariesfortheregion; • AssistTheMinistry of Culture to carryoutthestatepolicyinlibraryandinformationservice; • TheregionallibrariesreceiveadditionalfundsfromTheMinistry of Cultureforrealization of thesefunctions. • Basiclibrariesfortheregion; • AssistTheMinistry of Culture to carryoutthestatepolicyinlibraryandinformationservice; • To providelibraryservicesandinterlibrarylending; • To coordinatebuildingupregionalautomatedlibrarynetworkand to playrole of basiccenters of NALIN;
“Petko Rachev Slavejkov”Regional Public Library Petko Rachev Slaveikov Library was founded in 1889 as the first public library in Veliko Tarnovo with own regulations. In 1920 the library received the status of third national book depository. In 2000 by government degree the Library takes the function of regional methodical center of 322 libraries on the territory of Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo and Lovech regions. Since 2006 based on the new Council of Ministers Decree the Library remains methodical center for 153 public libraries from Veliko Tarnovo region
“Petko Rachev Slavejkov”Regional Public Library • The first Bulgarian local history card-index was established in 1934.In 1994 the library introduces the automation in library services and today nearly 20 years after the beginning library has updated website with four electronic catalog and new software compatible with the leading library practices. • Today the Library has an universal fund of 600 000 volumes literature, services more than 10 000 readers yearly, participates in international projects and programs, cooperates with social organizations and unions and corresponds with leading public libraries.
EAGLE Department In November 2001 we've opened one new department in the Library. Foreign language department Eagle had been realized with thespecial help of computer equipments and fiction books fromour partners in Eagle, Colorado –Eagle Library District.Nowadays in this department we are organizing many events summer reading programs whichhelp to improving language skills of young readers.
Completed projects under the Lifelong LearningProgramme Virtual Literary salon “Project for reader development” 2005 with financial support of the program SOCRAT / GRUNDTVIG 2 ReadMe is a pilot project which aims to provide increasing of confidense and enjoyment of reading, opening up reading choices and offering opportunities to share the reading experience among reader’s groups from public libraries in partner’s countries
This project will create the first European multinational reading group in libraries that we are aware of, and offer library users new learning opportunities through the promotion of contemporary international literature and raise their awareness of the culture of partner area
Project "Eurostory 20 th century: twentieth-century history and culture of the participating countries. Analysis of the similarities and differences "(1. 8. 2008 - 31.7.2010) • Partners of RPL"P.R.Slaveykov" – V. Tarnovo: • CEPA Son Canals-Palma de Mallorca • LandlicheErwachsenenbildungPrignitz-Haveland, Rathenau, Germany • PeriferiakiDiefthinsiEkpaidefsis of NorthAegean, Mytilene, Greece
Aims and objectives of the project: To develop critical thinking skills by comparing and analyzing the historical, cultural and linguistic heritage of different countries • To create educational opportunities for adults and to support European cooperation in analyzing events in the history and culture of the 20th century;