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FBA Refresher Workshop

FBA Refresher Workshop . Kalman Greenberg& Kim Fogo -Toussaint District 75 Counseling Office. Best Practices & Procedures. Reviewing New Forms. Reviewing the new indirect forms (e.g., FACTS-Part A, FACTS-Part-B,FACTS for Students, FBA Parent/Guardian Interview, & Reinforcers for FBA).

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FBA Refresher Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FBA Refresher Workshop Kalman Greenberg& Kim Fogo-Toussaint District 75 Counseling Office

  2. Best Practices & Procedures

  3. Reviewing New Forms • Reviewing the new indirect forms (e.g., FACTS-Part A, FACTS-Part-B,FACTS for Students, FBA Parent/Guardian Interview, & Reinforcers for FBA). • Direct forms (e.g., data collection and data analysis summary).

  4. Target Behavior • Define and operationalize the target behavior. • Delineate intensities

  5. Indirect & Direct Sources • Write in the names of forms • Include a sentence describing where indirect and direct documents will be stored in the school.

  6. Global/Broad Influences (Setting Events) • Summarize Indirect data sources • Global/broad influencing factors that relate to target behavior • Cognitive level • Social • Sensory • Affective • Classification • Skills • Health/medical • Daily routines • Relationships • Recent and ongoing events in the student’s life

  7. Skill/Performance Deficits Related to Problem Behavior • Indirect Sources • What’s the difference? • Why is this important?

  8. How did we do developing our narrow hypothesis?

  9. Statement of Functional Hypothesis • When (antecedent),(student’s name) will (target behavior) within (latency – this might not be necessary [n/a]) at an approximate rate/duration of (baseline) in order to (consequence & function). This behavior is most likely to occur when (possible setting events).

  10. Data Collection & Analysis • Frequency, duration, intensity, and/or latency of behavior across activities, settings, people, and times of day. • Useful new Forms • A-B-C Chart All-in-One Version 1 • A-B-C Chart All-in-One Version 2 • Duration Recording Form • Latency Recording Form • Frequency Chart including intensity and duration • Baseline Data Summary of Frequency, Intensity, Duration, and/or Latency (for data analysis)

  11. Replacement Behavior Goal Template

  12. Brainstorming Intervention Strategies

  13. Implementation of the BIP • Implement the BIP following the IEP meeting on an agreed upon implementation date. • The student is made aware of the plan and if possible is allowed input into the plan • A finalized plan is put into action by all adults • Once the plan is begun, collect data again for the review meeting 2 weeks after implementation.

  14. Monitoring a BIP • BIPs are designed to be fluid, ever-changing documents • The team should meet at minimum every ten weeks to review data and discuss progress or lack of progress • Edits and tweaks are always allowed, but should be based on the data collected and again need to be agreed upon by the team • Decisions about success or failure of the plan should be based entirely on data collected and not on personal feelings • Comparisons to the baseline level of the behaviors should always be made to determine effectiveness • Visual displays of data (graphs) can provide a way to easily to interpret success or lack thereof • Your ability to see progress is only as good as the data you collect • Be consistent in your collection of data and make sure everyone sticks to the same definition of the behavior • Use the same data collection tools so that comparisons can be made

  15. Final Notes on the FBA and BIP • The FBA and BIP are not separate from a student’s IEP • The FBA, BIP, and IEP must all be aligned • That is, the same information must be present across these three documents • Much like the results of any intellectual or academic assessments are reported in the present levels of performance on a student’s IEP, the results of a FBA must be reported • Include description of target behavior and statement of baseline performance • The BIP should be described under management needs just as any other intervention would be indicated • Counseling goals (if the student receives counseling) should reflect the target behavior identified in the FBA, reiterated on the PLOP, and targeted on the BIP. • Very often counseling takes the form of teaching adaptive/alternative skills.

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