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1. antithesis ( an TI thuh sis) : a direct opposite, a contrast. Synonym: different Antonym: duplicate; same. Sentence: Lord Valdemort is the antithesis of Harry Potter. Activity: Write a sentence using antithesis. 2. Ascend ( uh SEND) : to move upward, to rise from a lower station.
1. antithesis (an TI thuh sis): a direct opposite, a contrast Synonym: different Antonym: duplicate; same Sentence:Lord Valdemort is theantithesisof Harry Potter. Activity: Write a sentence using antithesis.
2. Ascend (uh SEND): to move upward, to rise from a lower station Activity:Write 3 synonyms for ascend. Antonym: to descend; to go down Sentence: After hours of studying, the student ascended to the top 10% of the sophomore class.
3.Austere(aw STEER): strict, stern; unadorned, ascetic Activity: • Write 2 antonyms for austere • Write 1 sentence properly using the word austere. Synonym:severe
4. autonomous(aw TAHN uh muhs): independent, self-contained Activity: Use antithesis, ascend, and autonomous in a sentence together. Antonym: dependent Sentence: The autonomous college student paid for his books for class through hard work instead of with money from his parents.
5. Banal (bunahl,):common, ordinary, lacking freshness, hackneyed Activity: Use the word banal in a sentence to explain something you think is common/ordinary. Synonyms: inane, insipid, jejune, vapid Antonyms: fresh, unique, extraordinary Sentence: The banal house was given last place in the neighborhood’s Halloween decorating contest.
6. Benign(buh NINE): not causing harm, of gentle disposition, beneficial Synonym: innocent; safe Antonym: malignant, harmful Sentence: Children have a benign nature when they are born. Activity: Create your own sentence using benign and autonomous.
7. Capricious(kuh PRISH us): changing suddenly, fickle Synonyms: inconstant, unstable Antonym: stable Sentence: Her capricious moods are difficult to anticipate. Activity: Write 3 sentences explaining how someone you know is capricious.
8. Dawdle(DOD ul) : to waste time, to spend time idly, to move in a lackadaisical manner Sentence: Ryne and Jonathan dawdle in the hall while Ms. Beal wants them in class not wasting time. Activity: find 2 antonyms and 2 synonyms
9. Defamation (def uh MAY shun): act of harming or ruining another's reputation Antonym: adulation Sentence: The defamation of his character was witnessed by many as the vengeful boy yelled his angry rumors. Activity: find 2 synonyms and write a sentence using defamation and capricious.
10. Esoteric(es uh TER ik): understood only by a small group or a select few Sentence: The business men were having an esoteric discussion about the Stock market that I did not understand. Activity: Find 3 synonyms and 3 antonyms for esoteric.
11. Exacerbate(ig ZAS ur bate): to aggravate, to irritate, to vex Sentence: The teacher was soexacerbated by the student’s lack of effort in their work she broke her pencil! Synonym: bitter Antonyms: to ameliorate; to soothe Activity: Write a sentence using exacerbate.
12. extol(ik STOLE): to praise, to glorify Sentence: The teacher would always extol the students who did their best. Activity: Write 1 synonym and 1 antonym for extol.
13. Fastidious(fa STID ee us): reflecting a meticulous or demanding attitude, critical to an extreme Synonym: finicky Antonym: not picky Sentence: He considered her fastidious because she was offended by insignificant mistakes or errors. Activity: Write a sentence suing the word fastidious accurately.
14. furtive(FUR tiv): secret in an underhanded way, stealthy Synonym: covert, stealthy, underhanded Antonym: bold Activity: Use furtive and fastidious in a complete sentence. ***Bonus*** Can you make it a metaphor or simile?
15. gregarious(greh GAR ee us): sociable and outgoing Synonym: extroverted Antonym: shy; reserved; introverted Sentence: He became much more gregarious after he developed an interest in football. Activity: Explain, in detail, the most gregarious you have ever been. Your answer must be 8-10 sentences and in paragraph format.
16. Hypocrite(HIP uh krit): one who is insincere or deceitful Antonym: sincere person Sentence: Saying one thing and then doing the other is the mark of a hypocrite. Activity: list 2 synonyms for hypocrite
17. Innate(eh NATE): existing from birth, inborn Synonym: natural, built-in Antonym: learned Sentence: Wolverine’s inability to die is an innate quality that he holds. Activity: Write 3 sentences describing an innate ability/quality that you have.
18. lethargic(luh THAR jik):sluggish, languid Synonym: stuporous, torpid Antonym: energetic Sentence: The kitty was lethargic after being petted. Activity: Use lethargic and hypocrite in a sentence.
19. Melancholy(MEL un kol ee): depression of spirits Synonym: sadness Antonym: happiness Sentence: The emo kid was had a melancholy personality. Activity: Write a sentence using melancholy and austere.
20. Opaque (oh PAKE): not allowing the passage of light, not transparent; hard to understand Sentence: The opaque tights hid the girl’s scars. Activity: Write a sentence using melancholy and opaque together.
21. Prolific (pro LIF ik) Definition: abundantly fruitful, marked by great productivity Synonym:fertile Antonym:barren; unfruitful Sentence: His prolificcareer resulted in an abundant supply of money. Activity:Write your own sentence using this word.
22.Reprove (reh PROOV) Definition: to scold or to rebuke for a misdeed usually with kindly intent Synonym: admonish, rebuke, reproach Antonym: to approve; to applaud Sentence: The Doctor reproved the patient for not taking better care of himself. Activity: Think of a time when you have been reproved by a friend. How did you respond? How do people normally respond to constructive criticism?
23. Symmetry (SIM eh tree) Definition: balanced proportions Antonym: lack of balance Sentence: The symmetry of the gardens of Versailles creates a beautiful and balanced atmosphere. Activity: Write a synonym for this word.
O.E.R. At the end of chapter 8 what does seeing Peter in the mirror reveal about Ender?
24. Tranquil (TRANG kwul) Definition:peaceful, calm Synonym:placid, serene Antonym:Agitated Activity:Write your own sentence for this word.
25. Venerate (VEN uh rate) Definition: to honor, to revere Synonym:adore, worship Sentence:The King was venerated by his subjects, as they always bowed in praise of him. Activity: Write an Antonym for this word.