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Star forming regions in Orion

Explore the dynamics of star formation in Orion, examining the critical factors like thermal energy, magnetic fields, rotation, and turbulence that prevent cloud cores from collapsing under their own gravity. Discover the role of molecules, T Tauri stars, protoplanetary disks, and radiation pressure in shaping the birth of stars. Learn about the upper limit on a star's mass, demographics of stars, protostellar evolution, and the criteria for cloud collapse according to the Jeans Mass and Stromgren sphere theory.

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Star forming regions in Orion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Star forming regions in Orion

  2. What supports Cloud Cores from collapsing under their own gravity? • Thermal Energy (gas pressure) • Magnetic Fields • Rotation (angular momentum) • Turbulence

  3. Gravity vs. gas pressure • Gravity can create stars only if it can overcome the forces supporting a cloud • Molecules in a cloud emit photons: • cause emission spectra • carry energy away • cloud cools • prevents pressure buildup

  4. T Tauri : the prototype protostar

  5. HH Objects

  6. “protoplanetary disks”

  7. Debris disks are found around 50% of sunlike stars up to 1 Byr old

  8. Collapse slows before fusion begins: Protostar • Contraction --> higher density • --> even IR and radio photons can’t escape • --> Photons (=energy=heat) get trapped • --> core heats up (P ~ nT) • --> pressure increases • Protostars are still big --> luminous! • Gravitational potential energy --> light!

  9. Radiation Pressure • Photons exert a slight amount of pressure when they strike matter • Very massive stars are so luminous that the collective pressure of photons drives their matter into space

  10. Upper Limit on a Star’s Mass • Models of stars suggest that radiation pressure limits how massive a star can be without blowing itself apart • Observations have not found stars more massive than about 150MSun

  11. Demographics of Stars • Observations of star clusters show that star formation makes many more low-mass stars than high-mass stars

  12. Protostellar evolution onto the Main Sequence

  13. Protostellar evolution for Different Masses • Sun took ~ 30 million years from protostar to main sequence • Higher-mass stars form faster • Lower-mass stars form more slowly

  14. 4000 K Hayashi Track Physical cause: at low T (< 4000 K), no mechanisms to transport energy out Such objects cannot maintain hydrostatic equilibrium They will rapidly contract and heat until closer to being in hydro. eq.

  15. Stromgren sphere:

  16. What happens when a cloud core collapses? Virial theorem: 2K + U = 0 If 2K < |U|, then • Force due to gas pressure dominates over gravity • Cloud is supported against collapse

  17. Gravitational potential energy Kinetic energy where Assume a spherical cloud with constant density

  18. where Using the equality and solving for M gives a special mass, MJ, called the Jeans Mass, after Sir James Jeans. In order for the cloud to collapse under its own gravity,

  19. You can also define a Jeans length, RJ Jeans Criterion When the mass of the cloud contained within radius Rc exceeds the Jeans mass, the cloud will spontaneously collapse:

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