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Cardiothoracic Transplantation: Recent Developments Sally Rushton

Cardiothoracic Transplantation: Recent Developments Sally Rushton Statistics and Clinical Studies NHS Blood and Transplant. BTS Congress, March 2019. Outline. Overview of cardiothoracic transplant programmes Trends in adult heart transplant activity

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Cardiothoracic Transplantation: Recent Developments Sally Rushton

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cardiothoracic Transplantation: Recent Developments Sally Rushton Statistics and Clinical Studies NHS Blood and Transplant BTS Congress, March 2019

  2. Outline Overview of cardiothoracic transplant programmes Trends in adult heart transplant activity Trends in adult lung transplant activity Donor organ utilisation Patient focussed reporting

  3. Outline Overview of cardiothoracic transplant programmes Trends in adult heart transplant activity Trends in adult lung transplant activity Donor organ utilisation Patient focussed reporting

  4. Cardiothoracic Transplant Programmes Lung Heart

  5. Outline Overview of cardiothoracic transplant programmes Trends in adult heart transplant activity Trends in adult lung transplant activity Donor organ utilisation Patient focussed reporting

  6. Adult heart transplants performed in the UK 72% increase

  7. Adult heart transplants- by donor type Patient survival post-transplant (2015-18) DBD DCD 83% survival at 1 year p=0.95

  8. Adult heart transplants- by urgency Super-urgent scheme Oct 2016 Median waiting time to transplant (95% CI) DAYS Super-urgent 9 (6-12) 52 (38-66) Urgent 502 (379-625) Non-urgent

  9. Adult heart transplants- by urgency Super-urgent scheme Oct 2016 Patient survival post-transplant (2015-18) Non-urgent Urgent Super-urgent p=0.6

  10. Outline Overview of cardiothoracic transplant programmes Trends in adult heart transplant activity Trends in adult lung transplant activity Donor organ utilisation Patient focussed reporting

  11. Adult lung transplants performed in the UK 51% increase

  12. Adult lung transplants- by transplant type

  13. Adult lung transplants- by donor type Patient survival post-transplant (2013-17) DBD DCD p=0.2

  14. Adult lung only transplants- by urgency Urgent and super-urgent schemes May 2017 Median waiting time to transplant (95% CI) DAYS Super-urgent 8 (0-19) 23 (14-32) Urgent 531 (412-650) Non-urgent

  15. Adult lung only transplants- by urgency Patient survival post-transplant (2017/18) Urgent and super-urgent schemes May 2017 Non-urgent Urgent/Super-urgent p=0.04

  16. Outline Overview of cardiothoracic transplant programmes Trends in adult heart transplant activity Trends in adult lung transplant activity Donor organ utilisation Patient focussed reporting

  17. Percentage of DBD organs offered that were transplanted Lung Heart N= 484491502477521549545526 530 581 N= 451451474435460474480457 511 546

  18. Percentage of “ideal” DBD organs offered that were transplanted Lung Heart N= 8080938070888478 72 88 N= 88901038088808475 65 76 DBDs <56, no past cardiac disease, normal ECG, negative serology, non-smoker, no history of hypertension or diabetes (CTAG) DBDs <56, non-smoker, normal x-ray, max pO2>40 (Agence de Biomedecine)

  19. Outline Overview of cardiothoracic transplant programmes Trends in adult heart transplant activity Trends in adult lung transplant activity Donor organ utilisation Patient focussed reporting

  20. Infographics Available on www.odt.nhs.uk soon

  21. Infographics Available on www.odt.nhs.uk soon

  22. Acknowledgements Members of the Cardiothoracic Advisory Group Chloe Brown and Rachel Hogg, Statistics and Clinical Studies Sally.Rushton@nhsbt.nhs.uk

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