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Contents. Why It Is So ImportantIdentifying Where You Go Wrong Proactive Classroom Management You Can Do It !. WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT. 1 Without good classroom management, even the best teachers can'tactually teach their pupils anything ". Class management is a science
1. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT : why,what and how ? Pt 1 Pppppppppppppp
2. Contents Why It Is So Important
Identifying Where You Go Wrong
Proactive Classroom Management
You Can Do It !
3. WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT 1 Without good classroom management, even the best teachers cant
actually teach their pupils anything
4. Class management is a science and an art. It CAN be taught and learnt
.. Most teachers keep making the same mistakes theyre the same ones I used to make.
5. THOUGHTS Teaching like acting, thrives on audience empathy
Develop your own style of class management
Similar problems everyday to get class started
Have to deal with classroom management issues all the time
7. Never learn from past mistakes
Rush through teaching
Situation gradually gets worse, lose self-confidence, become more and more negative
Shouting TOO MUCH a common mistake
a noisy teacher has a noisy classroom
9. If you make your voice increasingly QUIET, the noise level in class gradually goes down
if you shout over them theyll just talk louder to one another
You want to show they cant outwit you
But your job is to MOTIVATE and ENCOURAGE
not to humiliate or embarrass them in front of their peers
11. You will only annoy them
They will fight back harder
It diminishes good will in the classroom situation
12. UNPREPARED Do you turn up for work with minutes to spare and no resources ready ?
If youre unprepared youll spend all your time rushing around, feeling flustered
If you cant be bothered to prepare properly for a lesson then the consequence will be poor student behavior
13. NOT FOLLOWING THROUGH If you never follow through with threats, or carry out sanctions, the students will notice
You try to save time by not following through, but you actually increase the amount of poor student behaviour in future
And once they realize that they can get away with it, theyll push you again. And again. And again.
15. LOW EXPECTATIONS A lot of people have forgotten what young people are capable of
We have low expectations of student behavior : if they forget their homework, if they sleep in class, if they misbehave, we
consider it normal as they are not expected to do better
In fact they CAN
16. Explain to your class your expectations
Explain what sanctions WILL happen if the expectations are not met
Impose the sanction consistently
RAISE your expectations of your class and they will live up to them; lower your expectations --- they will prove youre right too !
17. PLAYING FAVOURITES You have to act like you like all the kids in the class the same, and treat every kid the same fairly
This is actually surprisingly difficult to do
How would you react if a difficult child forgot his homework ? Would you react the same way if a usually well-behaved child forgot his ?
18. PROACTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Being proactive in the class is absolutely vital
Proactive means you have to act to prevent situations, BEFORE they happen
19. Classroom management prevention is much better than the cure
Look at your next lesson plan : do you foresee any difficult moments ? Highlight and make a note of what they are and when they are expected to happen
ie you anticipate the danger or FLASH POINTS: how can I plan to preempt them
identify Flash Points, plan Counter-
Plan half- way house breaks
: jokes / humour / anecdotes /
questions / real life situations /
Under-planning vs Over-planning
21. YOU CAN DO IT ! Study the following ,try them out one at a
Pupils talk as youre talking. This low level disruption is most frustrating
DO NOT CONTINUE TALKING until every single person in the class is paying attention
22. TALK QUIETLY, do not engage in a shouting match with the children
Make clear the class rule that only ONE PERSON TALKS at any one time
Enforce rule that to respond or to ask permission to speak, one has to RAISE HIS HAND and wait till permission is granted
23. Go near to the source of the noise disruption, position yourself there, then when silence is restored, continue your delivery from there
A period of SILENT WORK gives a period of calm in the classroom and allows children to really do some thinking.
Pupils can listen. They can work in silence.
A positive teacher means positive students
My fear and frustration at the class show;
I am irritable ,snappy and impatient
Your mood determines the mood of the class; negativity breeds negativity
25. No matter what the class throws at you STAY POSITIVE
Most students arent bad kids, theyre just showing bad behavior.
Stop Dont Mustnt Cant
are key words in a NEGATIVE LANGUAGE: reword your command,
26. Stop Talking NO
Shall we all keep silence for a moment
and give So and So a chance to
contribute ? Thank you . YES
Shall I continue ? If you succeed in an exercise of self control then all of use can try to learn something together. Thank you. YES
27. Too much NO and DONT make the students immune to them.
Try the positive language and the positive approach , use PLEASE, THANK YOU
but all the same REMAIN ASSERTIVE
It is important the know what you want the class to do
Important for the students to know the BOUNDARIES
Get the class to formulate HOUSE RULES / CLASS RULES
Should be simple and clear-cut ; can be enforced ; few in number ; complete with rewards and sanctions
29. HOW to manage the exercise , to ensure that class rules are properly formulated and effectively implemented ?
Everyone loves rewards; everyone loves praise: PRAISE IS A FANTASTIC MOTIVATOR
Use the existing Whole School Reward system
31. Have a Main reward system which you could keep going all year round
with lots of extras that you use when and as needed.
MERIT POINTS for individuals or groups in a class--- for various purposes
GOLDEN TIME or free time or special fun time as a form of reward
32. RAFFLE TICKETS : name of receipient written in raffle ticket, raffle draw at end of year or term
CERTIFICATES : for good behavior or excellent work
STICKERS : used a lot with younger children but older ones care too.
33. PHONING the home of the receipient of reward; especially effective in case of one with a bad record
Rewards are great but they are only valuable if they are given out when they are deserved. OVER-USE them and they soon become useless.
34. E : SANCTIONS Rewards always need their partners in crime : SANCTIONS
BE ASSERTIVE; it doesnt mean to be rough or to act tough
35. TELLING OFF : telling off is not shouting.
you stay calm, you show him that you are disappointed with him for letting himself and you down, but that you know he is not a bad person
PHONING OR WRITING HOME; involve parents.
ALWAYS FOLLOW THROUGH; time spent to follow through a case is time well invested
36. PRAISE ANOTHER; to show a student that his behavior is not acceptable praise one who is doing as you expect
THE EVIL STARE ; highly effectice with low level disruption
NON-VERBAL SIGNALS ; without having to stop your lesson eg wag of the finger, finger to the lip; putting up your hand; cupping your ear etc
37. F ) NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION Save your voice
NON-VERBAL SIGNALS ; without having to stop your lesson eg wag of the finger, finger to the lip; raising your hand in an obvious manner ; cupping your ear etc
RAISE HAND : raise your own hand when you ask a question, follow through this rule
38. HANDS IN THE AIR : standing in front of my class with one or both arms in the air is a clear signal for everyone to stop and pay attention
39. MIMICKING: be creative eg a student is tapping his pen whilst I am talking, Ill pretend to put an imaginery pen down with my hands, without breaking speech.
CLAPPING A RHYTHM : when I want attention of the class, often I clap a rhythm, and I train my students to respond with clapping different rhythm back to me