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Learn about the role of the Centennial School District Board in setting policies, monitoring progress, and ensuring accountability to the community in achieving academic goals for all students.
Centennial School District Board Development Work Session April 11, 2012
Centennial School District Part 1: Role of the Board of Directors Part 2: Role of the Superintendent and Cabinet
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Role of the BoardAccountability to the Community
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Role of the Board (as per board policy)Board Policy BCE:Board Committees
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Role of the Board (as per board policy)Board Policy BCF:Advisory Committees to the Board
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Role of the Board & SuperintendentCompliance with Federal/State Regulations
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Role of the Board (as per policy)Board Policy BBA: School Board Powers & Duties
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Role of the Board (as per policy)Board Policy BBAA:Individual Board Member Authority/Responsibility
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Mission Critical Functions of the Board
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Board Policies are arranged by categories: A/B Board G Personnel C Administration I Instruction D Fiscal Management J Students E Support Services K/L Community F Facilities Relations * Policies reflect law and unique Board directives The Board Sets Policy
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. In 2011, the Board of Directors adopted non-negotiable 5-Year Academic Goals. The goals define an expectation that every student will meet academic proficiency standards from kindergarten through high school graduation. The Board Adopts Goals
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Every child performs at grade level in reading, writing and math by the end of 3rd grade. Every child leaves 8th grade academically ready for 9th grade. Every student finishes 9th grade with credits necessary to graduate on time. Centennial’s 5-Year Goals Every student graduates ready for college and/or career.
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. 5-Year Goals Monitoring Report: September Superintendent presents MonitoringReport, progress toward 5-Year Goals based on most recent data NEW Achievement Compact Timeline: May Administration recommends achievement compact data/targets improvement next year June Board approves compact for following year as part of Budget approval process The Board Monitors Progress on Goals2011/2012 through 2015/2016
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Budget Monitoring/Oversight/Dialogue: July 1-June 30 Administration reports to the Board Budget Committee Process: August Vacancies announced/community invited November Applicants interviewed/appointed by Board December Work Session to review process/timeline/roles May Administration presents proposed budget May Budget committee members provide input Budget Approval Process: December Board approves Budget Priorities (next year) June Board conducts open public hearing/approves next year’s budget The Board Uses Established Budget Procedures
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Public Meeting Law Board Policy BDDH: Public Participation in Board Meetings
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • All meetings shall be conducted in public, unless exempted for example by Executive Session rules/law. • No quorum (4 Directors) may meet in private to deliberate or decide upon any matters, unless exempted, i.e., Executive Session • Site inspections, chance social gatherings and regional, state or national conferences are exempt, but Directors MAY NOT discuss school district business at such gatherings. • Except under an actual emergency, the Board must meet within its geographical boundaries, a place that does not discriminate in any manner against Federal non-discrimination statute. Public Meeting LawRequirements
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Public Meeting Law guarantees ATTENDANCE, NOT PARTICIPATION. • Board meeting locations must be accessible to the handicapped. • The Board must provide a list of regular meetings/times/location. • Reasonable notice of the time and place for a meeting is required, and 24 hours notice to the community and local media is standard. • Meeting notice must list the items/subjects to be considered, but this does not preclude adding other items/subjects at the meeting. • The Board is required to arrange for written minutes to be taken at all meetings which give a true representation of all matters discussed or decided upon; such minutes must be available to the public within a reasonable amount of time after the meeting. Public Meeting Law Requirements
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Board members emailing one another concerning a topic that is under discussion or will be decided upon at an upcoming meeting. • Board members making “round robin” phone calls to one another to lobby, share information or reach consensus prior to a meeting. • Four Board members “chatting” during a social gathering, which may be perceived as a discussion of school district business. • CONSEQUENCES OF “WILLFUL MISCONDUCT” • Complaints can be filed against individuals or the entire Board • A Board member found to have knowingly violated Public Meeting Law may be liable for attorney fees or relief ordered by the court. Public Meeting Law: Issues Around Potential Scrutiny of Practice
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Executive Session LawBoard Policy BDC: Executive Session
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Public notification of an executive session is required, including the legal citation by section and subsection and the associated text describing the purpose of the executive session. • An executive session may be planned and cited on a published Board agenda, or the Board chair may call for an executive session • at any time during a regular, special or emergency Board meeting. Executive Session Law Requirements
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • News media representatives may attend executive sessions (see BDC-AR) with these exceptions: • Labor negotiations • Student expulsion appeal hearings • Student medical records • Litigation • Prior to ALL executive session the Board Chair will read a statutory limitations statement. Executive Session Law Requirements
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • To consider the employment of a staff member • To consider discipline or dismissal of, or hear complaints/charges brought against an employee (unless that employee requests that the Board’s consideration be conducted in a public meeting) • To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations • To conduct deliberations concerning the negotiation of a real property transaction (Note: Executive session is for the purpose of developing purchasing, sales or lease STRATEGIES only; the Board must reconvene in public session to make a motion and vote.) • To consider records exempt by law from public inspection Executive Session PURPOSES Allowed by Law
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • To consult with legal counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of the school district with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed • To review and evaluate the performance of the Superintendent or any other employee (unless that employee requests that the • Board’s consideration be conducted in a public hearing) • To conduct a hearing on the expulsion of a student • To review a student’s confidential medical records Executive Session PURPOSES Allowed by Law
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Boards discussing a topic in executive session other than the one stated in the meeting notice or announced by the Chair • Boards discussing topics in executive session that are not covered specifically by law pertaining to executive session • Board members discussing publicly any information that was shared or gleaned from an executive session of the Board • Boards failing to return to public session to make a decision, or to make a motion and vote, except as exempt by law: • a) A decision regarding the expulsion of a student • b) To review a student’s confidential medical records • “Executive Session” as a standing item on Board agendas Executive Session Law:Issues Around Potential Scrutiny of Practice
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. End of Part 1: Role of the BoardBoard Recess – BreakAfter BreakPart 2: Role of Superintendent & Cabinet
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Role of the SuperintendentBoard Policy BCD: Board-Superintendent Relationship
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Role of the SuperintendentBoard Policy BG: Board-Staff Communication
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • The Superintendent, as executive officer, is responsible for the administration and operation of the District under applicable law and Board policies. • The Superintendent will take reasonable measures to prevent any practice, activity, decision or organizational condition which is unethical, unsafe, disrespectful, imprudent or that would endanger the District’s public image or credibility. Role of the Superintendent
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Achievement of the Board’s 5-Year Academic Goals • Compensation and development of competent employees • Safe and respectful working and learning environments • Meaningful involvement of parents and community • Timely and effective communication with the public • Stewardship of public funds • Maximizing the community’s investment in its schools Role of the Superintendent
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Superintendent’s System of Accountability
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Superintendent’s System of Accountability
Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Superintendent’s System of Accountability
Executive Cabinet Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Assistant Superintendent/Human Resources Director, Rich Shultz Curriculum and Student Learning Director, Cheryl Williamson Student Services Director, Lori Silverman Business and Operations Director, Rick Larson Communication Specialist, Wendy Reif Executive Function of the Superintendent’s Office
Department Goals & Executive Function Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Provide assistance and support for the Superintendent of Centennial School District • - Assist with the evaluation of building principals • - Provide counsel on strategic plans, actions and decisions • - Respond to parent concerns that rise to the district level • - Advise on need for personnel/negotiations executive sessions and/or communication to the Board of Directors • - Assist the Superintendent on special projects, as needed Assistant Superintendent/Human Resources Director
Department Goals & Executive Function Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Direct and plan an effective system for the recruitment, selection, employment and retention of highly qualified licensed and classified personnel, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws • - Maintain compliance with Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) rules • - Manage and supervise all employee hiring procedures • - Manage and supervise employee compensation schedules • - Implement contract language as it impacts employees Assistant Superintendent/Human Resources Director
Department Goals & Executive Function Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Establish quality relationships with each employee bargaining unit and provide administrative leadership for upholding the terms of all negotiated agreements in compliance with applicable federal and state laws • - Direct and provide guidance for collective bargaining • - Facilitate understanding of law and policy pertaining to • contract negotiations and contract language • - Communicate the intent and application of contract language to administrators and supervisors Assistant Superintendent/Human Resources Director
Other Key Executive Functions Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • In the absence of the Superintendent, act as designee • Provide expertise for the Superintendent in handling incident response to emergency issues Assistant Superintendent/Human Resources Director
Department Goals & Executive Function Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Implement a comprehensive, cohesive K-12 curriculum that intentionally connects required state standards to instruction, assessment and verified student learning • Continuously monitor curriculum and assessment implementations, and respond to individual and collective needs for professional development and improvement Curriculum and Student Learning Director
CURRICULUM STANDARDS Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. What do we want students to know and be able to do? • Teachers use curriculum resources to plan unit and lesson plans, such as: • Oregon’s required Common Core Standards • District Curriculum Maps • Pacing Guides • Textbook manuals • Assessment item analysis of power standards Curriculum and Student Learning Director
INSTRUCTION Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. How do we effectively engage all students in learning? • Teachers use research-based strategies, to teach all students, such as: • Balanced Literacy • Reading Apprenticeship • Guided Language Acquisition Design • Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (all subjects) • Differentiated instruction (all subjects) • Traditional math + math explorations Curriculum and Student Learning Director
ASSESSMENT Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. How do we know that students have learnedwhat was taught? • Teachers use assessment results to evaluate student learning & inform instruction, such as: • Teacher-developed classroom assessments • Centennial District ‘s Universal Screener • Oregon Assessment of Student Learning (OAKS) • End-of-Course Assessments Curriculum and Student Learning Director
Key Executive Function • System-wide Alignment of Curriculum Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. Intended curriculum Taught curriculum Assessed curriculum Learned curriculum Curriculum and Student Learning Director
Other Key Executive Functions Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Alignment of Professional Development with District initiatives • Supervision of Literacy and Math Coaching staff • Supervision of and compliance with Federal programs/budget rules • Supervision of all Federal, state and district assessment programs • Supervision of Technology Department budget and staff • Supervision of English Language Learners (ELL) Program Curriculum and Student Learning Director
Department Goals & Executive Function • Special Education Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • To align department initiatives with district initiatives for a coherent implementation of system-wide expectations supported by coaching and professional development • - Align Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and instructional strategies to Common Core Curriculum, instruction and assessment Student Services Director
Department Goals & Executive Function • Special Education Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Build the capacity of Special Education staff and teams to increase student achievement and positive social behavior. • - Implement collaboration between general education staff and Special Education staff • - Implement evidence-based instruction and interventions with a tiered level of intensity matched to student need. • - Provide oversight for Alternative Placement programs. Student Services Director
Other Key Executive Functions • Federal IDEA Compliance Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • To maintain compliance of Special Education and Section 504 programs and services with Federal and State regulations • Supervise Federal program funds and budget • Supervise Special Education support staff/coaches Student Services Director
Other Key Executive Functions Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Health Services supervision and coordination • - School Nurses • - Special needs home/health/hospital/nursing services • - Mental health services • - Child abuse compliance reporting • - MESD Special Education/Health Services Advisory Council • - Multnomah County Wraparound Executive Council Student Services Director
Other Key Executive Functions Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Supervision of Centennial Transition Center • Oversight of McKinney-Vento services for homeless students • Oversight of Teen Parent/Child Care program at CHS • Supervision/Coordination of K-12 Counseling and Guidance Program • Facilitation of District Equity Initiative and Plans Student Services Director
Department Goals & Executive Function • Financial Management Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Direct the planning and implementation of the District’s annual budget • - Convene the Budget Committee/oversee committee process • - Collaborate with Board and staff in the development of long-range financial plans for operations, facilities, debt management, risk management and retirement obligations • - Prepare forecasts of revenues and expenditures for a variety of purposes including collective bargaining Business and Operations Director
Department Goals & Executive Function • Fiscal Monitoring Centennial School District All students think, achieve and make a difference in the world. • Monitor the District’s annual budget and maintain compliance with state audit rules and general accounting principles • - Develop and maintain a system of internal financial controls • - Supervise and monitor all business office staff/procedures • - Ensure good stewardship of taxpayer funds Business and Operations Director