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GradConnect is an online recruitment system offering graduate opportunities for nurses & midwives. Benefit from streamlined applications, updates, & online job offers. Apply annually in July or March for various roles. Eligibility & registration requirements apply. Participate in English language skills assessments if required. Reach out directly to non-GradConnect employers. Explore programs by participating health services. Access detailed program info on hospital websites. Make your application stand out with professionalism & attention to detail. Prepare for general questions on education, language skills, and personal information.
What is GradConnect? • an online recruitment system that provides a wide choice of employment opportunities for newly qualified nurses and midwives • the application process for a fully paid graduate program at a WA public hospital or health service. (Part-time or full time)
Benefits of using GradConnect • Opportunity to apply for graduate positions at more than 1 public hospital or health service, using just 1 application. • Ability to edit and save your application, up until the closing date. • Opportunity to receive and accept your job offer online. • Ability to update your personal contact details anytime.
When to apply • The majority of employers offering graduate programs recruit via GradConnect annually. Usually during Julyfor the following year. • A smaller recruitment process is undertaken in March for sites that have vacancies in that year.
July 2020 GradConnect dates: • Opens July 1 2019 • Closes July 15 2019 @ 2 pm (Perth time) • Call for interviews between 16 July – 13 August Please see website for July 2020 important dates health.wa.gov.au/gnc
Eligibility • Australian citizen or Permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand • Eligible for registration as a Registered Nurse, Enrolled Nurse or Midwife with the NMBA (Nursing Midwifery Board of Australia) • Has not been more than 2 years from completion of studies at time of application • New graduate not previously participated in a graduate program. (Even if you started and pulled out) • Not been employed for more than 988 hours as a nurse or midwife in Australia or overseas
Other Application information : • Preference for appointment & interview will be given to local WA graduates with Australian Citizenship or permanent residency or New Zealand Citizenship • As a measure to increase the Aboriginal Nursing and Midwifery workforce Section 51 applies to all GradConnect vacancies
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency : AHPRA • Be familiar with AHPRA requirements well before completion of your course • Start the registration process ASAP • Do not wait for an offer of employment before starting the registration process • If you are made an offer, you must have your NMBA registration completed no less than 2 weeks prior to your start date.
English Language Skills Registration Standard All applicants must provide evidence of English Language standard through one of 3 pathways: • Primary language pathway • Extended language pathway • English language test pathway If the English Language test pathway applies to you, & you are made an offer, you must be able to submit evidence to the hospital of passing the English Language Test by : 1 November 2019 https://www.ahpra.gov.au/Registration/Registration-Standards/English-language-skills.aspx
Participating hospitals / health services • All WA public hospital and health services, who offer graduate programs, recruit using GradConnect. • For employers who don’t participate in GradConnect, you’ll need to contact them directly to find out how to apply. (Ramsay, SJOGHC)
Health Services Providers • South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) • East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) • North Metropolitan Health Service (NMHS) • WA Country Health Service (WACHS) • Child & Adolescent Health Service (CAHS) System Manager • Nursing & Midwifery Office (NMO), Department of Health (DOH)
Graduate Program information • You will need to contact or visit each hospitals website for specific information about the programs they offer and specific intake dates • links avail on GradConnect website – Participating hospitals and health services • Statewide RN Mental Health Program transitioned back to individual health sites and partnered with a specific university for a post grad qualification. • RN SCGH & KEMH 12 month collaborative program will not be running for 2020. KEMH will offer a 12 month stand alone Registered Nurse Graduate Program.
How to apply • A link to the online application system for enrolled nurses, registered nurses and midwives will appear at www.gnc.health.wa.gov.au • Link will only be available during the advertised application dates.
Preparing your best application • You are not guaranteed employment just by applying via GradConnect. It's a job application, so it is competitive. • With more candidates than places, particularly for the more popular programs or employers, you need to stand out from the crowd. • To give yourself the best chance of success, take a proactive and professional approach. This means taking the time and making the effort to make your application high quality.
What will I be asked? • General questions about you – demographic data and contact details. • Language and residency status - English language standard and Australian citizenship or permanent residency status. • Education - Where did/will you complete your qualification at?Will you be eligible for registration with the NMBA on completion? • Previous employment - Have you previously participated in a nursing/midwifery graduate program?
What will I be asked? cont…. • 2 Professional referees – make sure you have their permission and contact details. (one must be a clinical nursing or midwifery supervisor or facilitator with the ability to comment on the applicants’ performance in a nursing or midwifery clinical setting) • Health related qualifications, i.e. have you worked as an RN, EN or AIN, carer PCA before? • Hospital Preferences • Selection criteria questions…
Hospital Preferences • 3 Preferences only. Putting the same preference 2 or 3 times will not increase your chances, it may decrease your chance of being considered post round 1. • Choose a site where you want to work as your first preference. • Most hospitals fill all vacancies first round so it is highly unlikely to be offered a position if there is a second round. • Do not play the odds from rumours and campus chatter as the number of vacancies for each hospital change from year to year.
Selection Criteria • Make sure you define what the criteria is asking, have a structured opening • Give Clinical examples of what you have done in the past to support your claim. • Ensure you structure your examples using STAR, ISoBAR or APDIE • Refer to policies, procedures and supporting processes such as COLDSPA, MANO, PQRST, AtoE • Ensure you check spelling and grammar, use correct medical terminology and don’t use acronyms • Focus on key words in the questions. Make sure you cover each point.
Selection Criteria cont… Some common approaches used when answering selection criteria questions are: • STAR • ISoBAR • ADPIE • SAO
Selection Criteria cont…. STAR • Situation – what was happening and what issue needs resolving? Set the context. • Task – what were you required to do? Keep the focus on the task that you performed • Action/Activity – what you actually did. Provide some detail of the steps taken • Result – what happened as a result of your actions? Was the situation resolved or improved? Would you do anything different next time?
Selection Criteria cont…. ISoBAR • Identify – introduce the patient • Situation– outline the issues with the patient • observations– include patients observations • Background– discuss patients relevant medical history • Agree to a Plan – outline the agreed plan of treatment • Readback/Result – Discuss the result of your actions
Selection Criteria cont…. ADPIE • Assess– How did you assess the patient and what were your findings? • Diagnose– what did you initially think was the issue with the patient • Plan– outline your plan of care and why you decided on this plan of action ie. Policies • Implement – Discuss your actions and what you did. • Evaluate– what happened as a result of your actions? Was the situation resolved or improved?
Selection Criteria cont… SAO • Situation- Where and when did you do it? • Action – What did you do and how did you do it? • Outcome – What was the result of your actions?
Look at the difference Selection Criteria question: Provide an example/s of how you assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. 250 word limit Example 1 answer: “On my prac at FSH one of my patients had a BSL of 1.8mmol so I took a set of obs Pulse 70, BP 120/50, RR 10, O2 Sats 97% and Temp 36.7, I handed this over to my buddy nurse, who told me to give him a sugary drink and recheck his BSL so I found the patient a can of lemonade and when I rechecked his BSL it was 3.1. So my buddy nurse gave the patient some food and stuff before getting me to recheck his BGL again. It was 4.2mmol. As this is within normal limits for a BSL we were happy that the patient had recovered. We infromed the doctor of the care we had given and ensured we handed over to the staff looking after the patient on the next shjift. I think this example shows how I can assess, Plan, iMPLEMENT and evaluate nursing care. I always work within my scope of practice and ensure I follow the ANMC competency standards and have been given excellent feedback while on prac.” (177 words)
Look at the difference cont… Example 2 answer: “The nursing process is a systematic method of planning and providing nursing care. The phases of the nursing process includes assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating the care that we deliver to ensure the best possible health outcomes for our patients. During my Prac at Fiona Stanley Hospital on the general medical ward, one of my patients was drowsy and was only responsive to pain. Following an A to E approach I was able to assess the patient and gather information to help me develop a plan of action. His Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Oxygen Sats and Respiratory rate were all within normal limits however he had a BSL of 1.8mmol and from their previous history was aware that he was a Type 1 diabetic. I referred to the hospital’s hypoglycaemic protocol to formalise a plan for the patient and ensured I communicated this with the shift co-ordinator and patients doctor. We followed the Hypoglycaemic treatment flow chart which instructed us to give the patient 60mls of Carbotest and recheck the BSL in 15min. The BSL reading came back at 3.1mmol so as per the protocol another 60ml of Carbotest was given and when rechecked the BSL was 4.2mmol.Given the patient was alert we gave him some bread and followed up with his lunch. We continued to monitor his BSL throughout the shift and it was maintained above 4mmol. We then ensured the care we gave was documented and handed over to the next shift using ISoBAR.” (246 words)
Look at the difference cont… • The difference between the two examples is that by using an ISoBAR approach, the reader is given information in a logical order and ensures all aspects of the example are covered. • It substantiates that the applicant has experience. • Answers will comes across as a well-articulated example. • Try and create a bank of answers in this format in advance, especially if asked to interview. This will ensure that you don't struggle to do it on the day and you can make it appear as seamless as possible.
Checking over your application • Read and re-read the application questions and your answers. • Print and save your application so you can refer to it if called for an interview. • Review your examples for each application question. Have additional examples prepared for interview. • Be aware of the mission and values of the organisation you are applying to • Check any word limits and please check spelling and grammar.
GradConnect Process Timeline • Online application (approx 2 weeks) • Applications sent to site of first preference • Applications assessed using a standardised marking criteria • Applicants contacted for interview by site : phone interviews can be arranged • Successful applicants made offer online through GradConnect. • Applicants accept or decline offer • Hospitals that have not filled all vacancies will then proceed to a second round.
What if my application is unsuccessful? • Seek feedback from the site of your first preference • Review, change, update and improve your selection criteria answers • Apply again if you are eligible • Seek out job opportunities for registered nurses that you are eligible for & remember: • Participation in a graduate program is not mandatory to work as Registered Nurse, Enrolled Nurse or Midwife
Need more info? Visit the GradConnectwebsite at health.wa.gov.au/gnc emailGNC@health.wa.gov.au or phone (08) 9222 4003