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Transforming Higher Education in South Africa: Quality, Equity, and Excellence

This business plan outlines the mission, vision, values, responsibilities, and goals of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) in South Africa, focusing on quality assurance, monitoring, advice, and standard generation. The plan emphasizes equity, effectiveness, and transformation in the higher education system. Key objectives include providing advice to the Minister of Education, monitoring institutional profiles, evaluating quality of provision, conducting research on policy impact, and setting standards for higher education. Organizational challenges such as recruitment, system enhancement, and realignment are also addressed.

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Transforming Higher Education in South Africa: Quality, Equity, and Excellence

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  1. CHE Business Plan 2009-2011

  2. Mission The mission of the CHE is to contribute to the development of a higher education system that is characterised by quality and excellence, equity, responsiveness to economic and social development needs and effective and efficient provision, governance and management. The mission of the CHE is to contribute to the development of a transformed, equitable, high quality higher education system capable of responding to the intellectual, ethical and human resources challenges of a democratic society based on social justice principles which operates in a global context.

  3. Vision The vision of the CHE is a transformed, equitable, high quality, economically and socially responsive, productive and sustainable higher education system in a transformed, equitable, just, humane and democratic South Africa based on the principles and values of non-racialism, non-sexism, freedom of expression and other basic human and social rights. The CHE as an independent statutory body strives to be an organisation nationally and internationally recognized for the quality of its intellectual contribution to and its impact on the SA higher education system, its principled positions, its work ethic and its transparent governance processes in the discharge of its core functions.

  4. Values Equity and redress Democratisation Development Effectiveness and efficiency Academic freedom Institutional autonomy Public accountability. Quality Independence Transformation Integrity

  5. Legislative Areas of Responsibility Advising the Minister of Education. Monitoring the higher education system. Assuring and promoting the quality of HE. Contributing to the development of HE. Standard setting and generation.

  6. Advice To continue to provide advice to the Minister of Education on request. To continue to proactively identify key issues for advice and produce advice for the Minister of Education, with special emphasis on the unfolding implementation phase. To complete outstanding projects pertaining to the advice function.

  7. Monitoring and Advice a) Monitoring The directorate goals in this area are: To develop profiles of all higher education institutions to be audited between 2008 and 2010. To use profile information in order to produce analyses of trends in different sub-sectors of the higher education system, e.g. universities of technology and merged institutions. To develop a methodology to analyse the impact that differentiation in mission has had on the HE system.

  8. Monitoring and Advice b) Evaluation The directorate’s goals in this area are: To identify areas for advice and further research through the analysis of HEQC audit reports and institutional profiles of public higher education institutions. To produce reports on the State of the Quality of Provision in specific programme areas which constitute the focus of national reviews conducted by the HEQC. To produce a report on the state of teaching and learning in South Africa.

  9. Monitoring and Advice c) Research The directorate’s goals in this area are: To conduct research on the impact of the different steering instruments in achieving the goals of HE policy. To conduct research on the articulation between HE and high school and higher education and the FTE sector.

  10. Development of HE Hold two consultative conferences. Publish at least 3 Higher Education Monitor. Publish at least 3 Kagisano. Hold two discussion fora.

  11. Quality Assurance To continue with the implementation of the quality assurance system through the conduct of institutional audits, programme accreditation, national reviews, the management of the coordination function, and quality promotion and capacity development. To deepen the strategic interactions between the different HEQC subsystems. To deepen the strategic interactions with the monitoring and advice functions of the CHE. To continue to monitor the impact of the HEQC on higher education institutions and utilize the outcomes of this process for strategic purposes.

  12. Quality Assurance To analyse and consider the implementation of the recommendations suggested in the report of the HEQC external evaluation. To develop a framework for the implementation of the second cycle of institutional audits 2011-2017. To continue with the HEQC work in the area of international liaison with other regional and international QA agencies and networks.

  13. Standard Generation To set up a new division in the CHE to take responsibility for this function. To develop a framework for the undertaking of standard setting and generation. To implement the above framework.

  14. Organisational Challenges Ability to recruit, develop and retain highly-skilled professional staff at senior and middle management level. Enhancement of the overall organizational systems to respond to the demands of the new format of the financial and performance audit conducted by the National Treasury. Realignment of the organizational structure to meet its responsibilities. Implementation of its communication strategy.

  15. Key performance indicators

  16. Business plan Budget 2009-2011 19 October 2007

  17. CHE Budget 1999-2011

  18. Sources of Income 1999 – 2011

  19. Income vs Expenditure 1999 - 2007

  20. Project allocations & expenditure1999 - 2007

  21. Utilization of Reserve Funds 2008 -2011 Current FY – R1,752 m Standard setting NLRD Advice HEIAAF Other research Next FYs Standard Setting – R2, 5 m NLRD – R2,35 m Interest on Investment R1,2 m – R1,5

  22. Employment 1999 - 2007

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