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Explore the chilling history of Below Palace and the mystical allure of Sobieski Palace. Unlock the secrets of Rekowo and Krokowa Palaces, each offering a unique journey through time. Step into the grandeur of Lisewo Manor and discover hidden treasures.
Key Action 2 Nr. 2016-1-CZ01-KA219-023883This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.“This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
THE BELOW PALACE IN SŁAWUTÓWKO The history of this place can really chill the blood. The beginning of the 20th Century brought great changes to Sławutówko. The old manor was replaced with a new palace, which was the home of the van Below family. Unfortunately, the palace idyll did not last long; the upcoming World War II forced the property to be transferred to a relative of the Belows, Albrecht von Krockow. The Prussian origin of the Below family was not an advantage in the eyes of the invading Red Army. After receiving a tip from the Ukrainian maid, the Russians murdered the entire family. Their grave is located in the nearby forest. The Below family had a good reputation in the eyes of the people, thus the villagers stoned the Ukrainian informant in revange.
THE BELOW PALACE IN SŁAWUTÓWKO Today, the Below Palace hosts a luxurious hotel with tastefully-furnished apartments, elegant rooms and a restaurant offering cuisine from all around the world.
THE JOHN III SOBIESKI PALACE IN RZUCEWO Thereisanalleyleading to the castle, with veryoldlindentrees, which – according to legend – wereplanted by King John III Sobieski himself. The neo-gothicappearance, created in 1840 by the architect Friedrich Stüler, recalls the formerowners - the von Below family. After World War II, the owners of the castlechangedfrequently, bringingit to the brink of ruin.
THE JOHN III SOBIESKI PALACE IN RZUCEWO The castleiscurrentlyhome to a hotel and restaurant-cafe. Thisis a perfect place for people with a creativeimagination, for thinkers. Itsmysteriousbeautyenchantseveryone. Formerly a comfortable, aristocraticresidence, today, itis a comfortably-furnished hotel, whichprovidespeace, recreation and goodworkingconditions for itsguests from allaround the world.
THE PALACE IN REKOWO GÓRNE The history of Rekowo began in the medieval era. Records from the 14th Century show thatthisKashubiantown on the edge of the DarżlubieForest was a knight’sproperty, owned by Ścibor of Krostkowo. The building was erected on a small hill, laterreferred to as the Tomb. Thisname was usedwhen the building on the top was demolished and replaced with a cemetery for the wealthierlocalresidents. The newpalacedatesback to the year 1871, when Hagen of Sobowidz initiated the creation of the charmingbuilding on the hilltop.
THE PALACE IN REKOWO GÓRNE Today, the manor is home to the Wieniawa Hotel, which offers its guests peace, quiet and comfortable recreational conditions. All this is just a short distance away from the Tricity.
THE PALACE AND PARK COMPLEX IN KROKOWA Thismediaevalresidence of the Krokow family was oncejust a small castle with twotowerssituated in the corners. In the 16th Century, Reinhold von Krockow, anofficer in the King Zygmunt August’s and King Stefan Batory’sarmies, began a redevelopment of hisancestralnest, givingit a Renaissance form. The defensivecapacity of the castle was expanded with earthenramparts and a moatwhichsurvivedintopresenttimes. The baroqueshape and palacecharactervisible in the present-dayresidenceresult from a redevelopmentorderedat the end of the 18th Century by Albert von Krockow, known as Albert the Mad. The palace’s park datesback to this period. The history of the von Krockow family was typical of borderlandresidents. Itsmemberstookdifferentsides in variousconflictsarising in theirhomeland, serving Poland as often as herenemies. The castlesurvived World War II in a goodcondition, but during the post-war period whenithoused a state farm (a so-called PGR) it was extensivelydamaged.
THE PALACE AND PARK COMPLEX IN KROKOWA The castle in Krokowa isanexceptionallyhandsome and attractive place, anideal choice for bothindividualtourists and organisedgroups, whetherinterested in tourism, team-buildingortraining. The wealth of leisurefacilitiesavailableat the hotel, combined with itsproximity to the sea, make the place popular amongtourists.
THE LISEWSKI MANOR IN LISEWO During the second half of the 16th Century, thisproperty was dividedbetweentwofamilies: Dzięcielewski and Jackowski. The formerleft Lisewo, whichbroughtjoy to the localinhabitants, since the family led a dissipated life, whichcouldhaveled to the wastimng of the property. The Jackowski family ruleduntil the second half of the 18th Century. This period saw the formation of the villagedevelopments and the creation of the manor and park complex.
THE LISEWSKI MANOR IN LISEWO After World War II, the building was owned by the NationalAgriculturalFarms. This period inflictedgreatdamage on both the buildings and the park terrains. In 2010, the buildingfoundanownerwhoproceeded to performextensiverenovations and transformeditinto a stylish hotel and restaurant.