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Learn about various key exchange protocols - from symmetric to public-key cryptography, digital signatures, message transmission, and broadcast. Understand protocols like SKEY and mutual authentication using one-way functions and public-key cryptography.
Chapter 3: Basic Protocols Dulal C. Kar
Key Exchange with Symmetric Cryptography • Session key • A separate key for one particular communication session • Assume Alice and Bob share a secret key with KDC (Trent) • Protocol • Alice asks Trent for a session key to communicate with Bob • Trent generates a random session key and encrypts two copies of the a random session key, one with Alice’s key and the other with Bob’s key. Trent sends both copies to Alice. • Alice decrypts her copy of the session key and sends Bob his copy of the session key • Bob decrypts his copy of the session key
Key Exchange with Public-Key Cryptography • Alice gets Bob’s public key from the KDC • Alice generates a random session key, encrypts it using Bob’s public key and sends it to Bob • Bob then decrypts Alice’s message using his private key • In practical implementations, signed public keys are maintained in a secure database • The protocol is subject to man-in-the-middle attack. How?
Interlock Protocol (Rivest and Shamir) • Alice sends Bob her public key • Bob sends Alice his public key • Alice encrypts her message using Bob’s public key. She sends half of the encrypted message to Bob • Bob encrypts his message using Alice’s public key. He sends half of the encrypted message to Alice • Alice sends the other half of her encrypted message to Bob • Bob puts the two halves of Alice’s message together and decrypts it with his private key. Bob sends the other half of his encrypted message to Alice • Alice puts the two halves of Bob’s message together and decrypts it with her private key • Has a good chance of foiling man-in-the-middle attack. How? • Mallory can substitute his own public keys for Alice’s and Bob’s in steps (1) and (2) • Cannot decrypt half of Alice’s message and reencrypt it with Bob’s public key. He must invent a totally new message and send half of it to Bob • Important point • Half of the message is useless without the other half, it cannot be decrypted
Key Exchange with Digital Signature • Circumvents man-in-the-middle attack • Trent signs both Alice’s and Bob’s public keys • When Alice and Bob receive the keys, each of them verifies Trent’s signature
Key and Message Transmission • Without key-exchange protocol • Alice generates a random session key, K, and encrypts M using K. EK(M). • Alice gets Bob’s public key from the database and encrypts K with Bob’s public key. EB(K) • Alice sends both the encrypted message and encrypted session key to Bob. EK(M), EB(K) • Bob decrypts Alice’s session key, using his private key • Bob decrypts Alice’s message using the session key. • Can be combined with digital signatures,timestamps, and any other security protocols
Key and Message Broadcast • A protocol to send encrypted message M to Bob, Carol, and Dave • Alice encrypts M using random session key K. EK(M) • Alice encrypts K with Bob’s public key, encrypts K with Carol’s public key, and then encrypts K with Dave’s public key. EB(K), EC(K), ED(K) • Alice broadcasts EB(K), EC(K), ED(K), EK(M) • Only Bob, Carol, and Dave can decrypt K and message using K
Authentication Using One-way Function • Protocol • Alice sends the host her password • Host performs a one-way function on the password and compares the value with the previously stored one • Dictionary attack and salt • Salt is a random string concatenated with passwords • Most UNIX systems use only 12 bits of salt
SKEY • An authentication program (For more details check: http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=skey&sektion=1) • Makes use of one-way function, f • Mechanism • To setup the system, Alice enters a random number • Computer computes x1 = f(R), x2 = f(f(R)), x3 = f(f(f(R))), and so on, about a hundred times • Alice receives the list of numbers x1, . . ., x100 and computer stores x101 for Alice • To login Alice sends x100; computer calculates f(x100) and compares with x101 • Computer replaces x101 with x100 and Alice crosses of x100 • To login next time Alice will send x99 • Alice has to reinitialize the system once she runs out of all
Authentication Using Public-key Cryptography • Passwords using one-way functions are visible on the data path • Public key cryptography solves the problem • Host sends Alice a random string • Alice encrypts the string with her private key and sends it back to host, along with her name • Host decrypts the message using Alice’s public key • If the decrypted string matches what the host sent Alice, the host allows access the system • It is foolish to encrypt arbitrary strings sent by any third party. Why?
Mutual Authentication Using the Interlock Protocol • Protocol • Alice and Bob trade public keys • Alice encrypts her password PA with Bob’s public key and sends it to him. • Bob encrypts his password PB with Alice’s public key and sends it to her • Each one verifies other • Vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack. How?
Symmetric Key Identification (SKID) • SKID2 • Assume both Alice and Bob share a secret key, K • Allows Bob to prove his identity. How? • Protocol • Alice sends a random number, RA to Bob • Bob chooses a random number, RB and sends Alice: RB, HK(RA,RB,B), Where HK is the MAC and B is Bob’s name • Alice computes HK(RA,RB,B) and compares it with what she received from Bob to verify his identity
Authentication and Key Exchange • Symbols A Alice’s name B Bob’s name EA Encryption with a key Trent shares with Alice EB Encryption with a key Trent shares with Bob I Index number K A random session key L Lifetime TA, TB A timestamp RA, RB A random number, called a nonce, chosen by Alice and Bob respectively
Authentication and Key Exchange:Wide-Mouth Frog • Simplest symmetric-key management protocol • Uses a trusted server (Trent) • Protocol • Alice sends to Trent: A, EA(TA,B,K) • Trent decrypts it and sends Bob: EB(TB, A, K) • The protocol has several problems • A global clock is required • Trent has access to all keys • Shared key between Alice and Bob is completely determined by Alice (Can you trust Alice’s judgment?)
Authentication and Key Exchange: Yahalom • Assumption: • Both Alice and Bob share a secret key with Trent • Protocol • Alice sends Bob: A,RA • Bob sends to Trent: B, EB(A,RA,RB) • Trent sends two messages to Alice: EA(B, K, RA, RB), EB(A, K) • Alice extracts K from first message and confirms the value of RA. Alice sends Bob two messages: EB(A,K), EK(RB) • Bob extracts K and confirms the value of RB • Novelty of the protocol • Bob is the first one to contact Trent, who only sends one message to Alice
Authentication and Key Exchange: Kerberos • Basic Kerberos 5 protocol • Alice sends to Trent: A,B • Trent sends two messages to Alice: EA(T,L,K,B), EB(T,L,K,A) • Alice sends two messages to Bob: EK(A,T), EB(T,L,K,A) 4. Bob sends Alice an encrypted message with the timestamp plus one: EK(T+1) • Assumption: all clocks are synchronized with Trent’s clock
Authentication and Key Exchange: DASS • Distributed Authentication Security Service (DASS) protocols • Developed by digital equipment corporation • DASS uses both public key and symmetric key cryptography • Alice and Bob each have a private key • Trent has signed copies of their public keys
Authentication and Key Exchange: DASS (cont’d) • Alice sends Trent a message with Bob’s name: B • Trent sends Alice: ST(B,KB) • Alice verifies Trent’s signature, generates session key, K and a random public-key/private-key pair, KP and sends three messages to Bob: EK(TA), SKA(L,A,KP), SKP(EKB(K)) • Bob sends Trent: A • Trent sends Bob: ST(A,KA) • Bob verifies Trent’s signature and confirm KA , verifies Alice’s signature and recovers KP and then verifies and recovers K. Then Bob decrypts TA to make sure this is a current message • If mutual authentication required, Bob sends Alice: EK(TB) • Alice decrypts TB to make sure that the message is current
Authentication and Key Exchange: Woo-Lam • Uses public-key cryptography • Alice sends Trent: A, B • Trent sends Alice: ST(KB) • Alice verifies Trent’s signature and sends Bob: EKB(A,RA) • Bob sends Trent: A,B,EKT(RA) • Where KT is Trent’s public key • Trent sends Bob: ST(KA), EKB(ST(RA,K,A,B)) • Bob verifies Trent’s signature and sends Alice: EKA(ST(RA,K,A,B),RB) • Alice verifies Trent’s signature and her random number and sends Bob: EK(RB) • Bob decrypts and verifies his random number
Secret Splitting • Take a message and divide it up into pieces • Each piece (called share) by itself has no information • Simplest secret sharing scheme • Trent generates a random-bit string, R, the same length as the message, M. • Trent XOR’s M with R to generate S. • Trent gives R to Alice and S to Bob • To reconstruct • Alice and Bob XOR their pieces • Can be generalized to any number of shares • This is an adjudicated protocol • Problem with this protocol • Loss of a share will cause loss of the message entirely • One shareholder can subvert
Secret Sharing • (m,n)-threshold scheme • Take any message and divide it into n pieces (called shares or shadows) such that any m of them can be used to reconstruct the message • General threshold schemes are more versatile • Variations of Secret Sharing Schemes • Secret sharing with cheaters • Secret sharing without Trent • Sharing a secret without revealing the shares • Verifiable secret sharing • Allows each of the shareholders verify the validity of the share without revealing the secret • Secret-sharing schemes with prevention • Secret sharing with disenrollment • Allows a new sharing scheme to be activated once one of the participants becomes untrustworthy
Cryptographic Protection of Databases • Examples • Data security, privacy • Protecting mailing lists