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Welcome 6th grade students!. While waiting for the class to start please open your Bibles to 1 Kings 14:21-15:8 2 Kings 8:16-29 11-12,18:1-21:8. Expectations for today. In the Royal Kingdom period, Israel looked like the fulfillment of God’s promises, but Solomon sins
Welcome 6th grade students! While waiting for the class to start please open your Bibles to 1 Kings 14:21-15:8 2 Kings 8:16-29 11-12,18:1-21:8
Expectations for today In the Royal Kingdom period, Israel looked like the fulfillment of God’s promises, but Solomon sins The Kingdom divides: Israel in the North, and Judah in the South - the House of David is in peril Will they put their TRUST in the Lord and be OBEDIENT or do what they think is best?
The Divided KingdomPart 2 Our Adventure through the Bible continues through a “dark” period, hence the color BLACK February 27, 2012
? What is God’s final word to Solomon? 1 Kings 11: 11-13 The cracks lead to “disaster” “You have not kept my covenant... “I will tear the kingdom from your son... “I will leave one tribe for your son because of David.”
So, we will continue the “Story” in the 1st and 2nd book of Kings - and listen to what the prophets Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, and Jeremiah have to say The Kingdom splits - how did this happen? We now have 2 lines - which one continues the “house” of David? We have a new World Power - who is it? Can God bring the people back into One Kingdom? What about the 3 promises? Some kings are good and some are bad - who speaks words of correction or gives warnings to them?
Let’s back up and look at the Southern Kingdom - Judah • Solomon’s son, Rehoboam began to rule in 930 B.C. • The “line” or “house of David is preserved • Note the “purple line” in the “line” of David • Not all of these kings are faithful to follow the ways of the Lord - let’s look • Note the presence of a “Queen Mother”
Absalom Amnon Adonijah Chileab David - 9 wives while in Hebron and Jerusalem (40) Mical dtr of Saul Ahinoam Maacah Jezreel Bathsheba Abigail Haggith Abital Eglah Solomon (40) Jerimoth Other sons in Jersulam: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia, Elishama, Baaliada, Eliphelet Rehoboam(17) QM Naamah 931 Maacah Mahalath Abijah (3) QM Michaiah Kings of Judah Southern Kingdom 930 - 586 B.C. Asa (41) QM Maacah 911 Trouble Daughter of Ahab marries Jehoram Jehoshaphat (25) QM Azubah Athalia 848 Jehoram (8) Jehosheba daughter of Jehoram hides Joash and saves House of Judah Becomes Queen and tries to kill off House of Judah, Joash saved Ahaziah (1) QM Athalia Athalia (7) 835 Joash (29) QM Zibiah Black = Bad Amaziah (1) QM Jehoaddin 796
Azariah (Uzziah) (52) QM Jecoliah 767 Isaiah Jotham (16) QM Jerusha Eliakim name change to Jehoiakim (11) QM Zebidah 608 Ahaz (16) QM ?? 732 Jehoiachin (3mo) QM Nehushta Hezekiah (29) QM Abia 597 Brother of Jehoahaz Manassah (55) QM Hephzibah Zedekiah (11) (Uncle) QM Hammutal 687 Amon (2) QM Meshullemeth Sons killed by Nebuchadnezzar Josiah (39) QM Jedidah 640 586 Judah deported into Exile Jehoahaz (3 mo) QM Hamutal 608
The “line” of David (the bloodline of Jesus) is almost ended - and by - guess who? You are right. Queen Athalia, daughter of Ahab. She orders the death of “all the royal family.”
A daughter of King Joram, Jehosheba, hides one son in the Temple. Joash is spared. 7 years later he is anointed King by the priest Jehoiada. Athalia is killed. The line of David is preserved and the Temple is restored
? The prophet Isaiah speaks of 4 of the 20 kings of Judah. Who are they? Isaiah 1: 1 Azariah (Uzziah), Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah We will look at how Isaiah spoke to these kings and the people of Judah
Azariah (Uzziah) becomes proud and tries to take the role of priest and king. He is struck with leprosy and has to live outside the city, but still remains king. His son, Jotham, is appointed “prime minister” to be “over the household.” Why is this important to know? See also Isaiah 22: 20-24
Isaiah 22: 20-24 20 On that day I will call my servant Eliakim, son of Hilkiah; 21 and will clothe him with your robe, and bind your sash, on him. I will commit your authority to his hand, and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah. 22 I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David; he shall open, and no one shall shut; he shall shut, and no one shall open. 23 I will fasten him like a peg in a secure place, and he will become a throne of honor to his ancestral house. 24 And they will hang on him the whole weight of his ancestral house, the offspring and issue, every small vessel, from the cups to all the flagons.
After the resurrection, Jesus asked Peter to “Feed my sheep and tend my lambs.” John 21: 15-17 Peter is the “Rock” on which Jesus said He would build His Church and he gave Peter the keys to the kingdom. Matt 16: 18,19 Peter and his successors, the Popes, ”watch over” and protect the “house of David.” We will learn more about this in future classes
? Isaiah speaks to King Ahaz to “trust in the Lord,” and not to fear the threat. What does he say? Isaiah 7: 14 The son of Jotham, Ahaz, becomes king. More trouble is brewing up North. The king of Israel makes a treaty with a pagan nation to wipe out the “House of David.” King Ahaz, of Judah makes a treaty with a more powerful pagan nation to protect Jerusalem. Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign - a virgin will give birth to a son and his name shall be Immanuel.
? Hezekiah turns to the Lord and prays. How does the Lord respond? 2 Kings 19: 32-34 Ahaz rejected God’s promise and puts his TRUST in armies instead. Assyria comes to power and captures Israel and then moves on to Judah. Ahaz dies. Ahaz trusted in armies. Hezekiah prayed. Who do we want to TRUST? Hezekiah, his son, is now king of Judah and faces possible defeat at the hands of the mighty Assyrians. The Lord himself will save the city for the sake of David.
? Hezekiah asks for a sign. What is the sign? 2 Kings 20: 9,10 The shadow on the sun dial will go back ten intervals. Hezekiah becomes ill and calls for Isaiah. Hezekiah prays again. Isaiah says the Lord will add 15 years to his life and deliver the city from the king of Assyria.
The “book of the Law” was found and read to the people. The Temple was “cleansed,” the Passover was celebrated. But the anger of the Lord was strong. 6 of the next 7 kings of Judah turn away from the Lord and continue to do evil. The one good king was Josiah and he made many reforms. This was Judah’s last attempt to return to follow the ways of the Lord.
? What are the “tough” words for the people to hear? Jeremiah 27: 8 Jeremiah wore a yoke to demonstrate the word of the Lord to come under the “yoke” of Babylon Judah comes under the power of Babylon The prophet Jeremiah speaks to King Zedekiah and the people. Judah is doomed, but the prophet brings first, “tough” words, then words of hope. Serve the king of Babylon and you will live, do not serve him and you will be destroyed.
? What are the words of hope? Jeremiah 29: 10-14 and 31: 33 Zedekiah resists the Lord and Judah falls The people are taken back to the land where Abram first came. Perhaps this is so they could “start over?” The words of Jeremiah give the people hope for the future and perhaps a chance to start over. After 70 years I will gather you and bring you back. I will write my covenant on your hearts. 6
Worksheet lesson review • Write your responses down
Prayer for the Divided KingdomPart 2 • “Israel split into two kingdoms and fell into idolatry. Help us to choose your kingdom over other loves.” • Our father.... • Next lesson - “The Exile” • Reading: 2 Kings 17-18 and 24-25