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Introduction to psychology. 1-1. BIG Ideas . 1. We will identify the goals of psychology. 2. We will explain why psychology is a science. Journal 8-26 warm-up. What do you believe psychology is? Why do you believe that psychology is important? What do you hope to learn about psychology?.
BIG Ideas • 1. We will identify the goals of psychology. • 2. We will explain why psychology is a science.
Journal 8-26 warm-up • What do you believe psychology is? • Why do you believe that psychology is important? • What do you hope to learn about psychology?
WHY study Psychology? • We learn WHY people act the way they do. • We learn to identify how to cope with and treat psychological problems. • We learn how to interpret people in the world around us.
Discussion • In what ways do everyday people engage in observing people that is similar to psychologists’ interest in human behavior? • How do you think formal study of human behavior differs from our casual observations?
Internet Activity • Using the Internet define the following words • Psychology • Behavior • Cognitive Activities • Psychological Constructs
Terms identified • Psychology – scientific study of behavior and mental processes • Behavior – any action that other people can identify • Cognitive Activities – any mental processes • Psychological Constructs – theories or concepts that enable one to discuss something that cannot be seen, touched or measured directly
Goals of Psychology (B.I. #1) • #1. Observe Behavior • #2. Describe “ • #3. Explain “ • #4. Predict “ • #5. Control “
GOTCHA!!!! NO QUIZJournal Your Responses (8-29 Q&A) • What thoughts did you have that were HELPING you prepare for the quiz? • What thoughts were hindering you? • Why did you feel the way you did? • Do you now know how you will feel in the event of a real pop quiz? • How can you be prepared to better deal with pop quizzes in the future?
Goals of Psychology (B.I. #1) • #1. Observe and Describe behavior • What thoughts did you have that were HELPING you prepare for the quiz? • What thoughts were hindering you? • #2. Explain, Predict and Control Behavior • Why did you feel the way you did? • Do you now know how you will feel in the event of a real pop quiz? • How can you be prepared to better deal with pop quizzes in the future?
Psychology as a Science (B.I. #2) • sci·ence • noun 1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences. • 2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation, theory, research and experimentation. • 3. any of the branches of natural or physical science. • 4. systematized knowledge in general. • 5. knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.
Psychology as a Science (B.I. #2) • Psychologists : • seek to answer questions using set METHODS (or systems) of study (specifically the scientific method) • conduct RESEARCH • develop THEORIES – statements that attempt to explain why things are the way they are • Theories discuss principles of behavior • Principles – rule of law • Ex. of a principle -- obeying the law will keep you out of jail
Big Ideas Revisited • #1. What are goals of Psychology (5)? • #2. Why is psychology considered a science (MRT)?
BIG IDEA & Warm-Up Activity • We will explore the various specialties within the field of psychology. ___________________________________________ • Think about movies or books that have psychologists in them. What kind of work did they do?
Assignment • Read pages 8-11 in your book. • In your JOURNAL • Give a brief definition of each major field of psychology (blue headings) • Give an example of something a psychologist in each of the major fields (blue headings) would encounter on a given day. • Homework: • Answer section 2 review questions 1-3 (pg. 11) • Due next class