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Title I Compliance

Title I Compliance. Federal and State Programs. Goal of Title I. To help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Benefits of Title I.

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Title I Compliance

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  1. Title I Compliance Federal and State Programs

  2. Goal of Title I To help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments

  3. Benefits of Title I • Additional funding to supplement the existing curriculum • Parent involvement • Highly qualified staff • Staff development • Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

  4. Becoming a Title I School • Based on number of students who qualify for free or reduced priced meals, ages 5-17 • Percentages posted on School Food Services website • “Date Certain” • Schools ranked by percentage • Academic Leadership Team sets Title I cutoff

  5. Schoolwide Program • All Palm Beach County Title I schools are schoolwide programs • Serve all students in the school, but requirespecial focus for lowest achieving students • All staff, resources and classes are part of the overall schoolwide program

  6. Schoolwide Plan (SIP/SWP) • The plan should reflect all actions the school intends to initiate in the upcoming year • The SIP/SWP must include the Ten Components • SINI schools are required to include the Ten Elements • Every Title I school must have a Family Involvement Policy/Plan that includes the action steps from the SIP/SWP

  7. Key Question: Is it in the PLAN? • The SIP/SWP becomes critical in all funding decisions • As noted in the Final Regulations of the NCLB Law, all funds and services must support the school’s schoolwide plan (Sec 200.27 Development of a Schoolwide Program Plan)

  8. If Not in the PLAN… Title I will not approve any budget transfers, P-card expenditures and/or requisitions associated with item(s), program(s) and/or personnel that are not included in the SIP/SWP

  9. Unacceptable Expenses Additionally… Title I Order Requisition Checklist Typical Functions and Accounts

  10. Adequate Yearly Progress AYP Targets for FY11 Reading - 79% of students need to score at level 3 and above Math - 80% of students need to score at level 3 and above

  11. SINI Schools If a school does not make AYP for two consecutive years in the same subject area, the school will be classified as a School In Need of Improvement (SINI)

  12. Rationale for Audit Compliance • Mandated by law • Creating a Schoolwide Plan with strategies that will increase student achievement in order for the school to make Adequate Yearly Progress • Detailing the use of Title I funds in the Schoolwide Plan so an auditor can track how the federal funds are being utilized to increase student achievement • Being able to successfully complete an auditor’s interview by explaining compliance (2011 Audit year)

  13. Preparing for an Audit • 11 Areas of Compliance • District responsible for all 11 areas • Schools respond to 8 areas • Emphasis on (A) Needs Assessment, (F) School Improvement and (K) Parental Involvement

  14. Areas of Compliance • Accountability • Instructional Support • Fiduciary • Family and Community Involvement • SINI Requirements

  15. Pre-K Other Support Programs Property & Equipment Parent TA Supplement PD Communication PD Checklists SINI Tutorial Parents’ Right Highly Qualified Instructional Support Fiduciary Allocation SINI Requirements Audit Assurance Family and Community Involvement Areas of Compliance Organization of Documentation FIN SIP and Assessment Accountability

  16. Accountability Assessment/School Improvement (R1) Documentation must show: • evidence that instruction is based on Sunshine State Standards • evidence that curriculum is scientifically research-based • procedures for distributing test scores to parents • how results of assessments were used to improve instruction

  17. Accountability Assessment/School Improvement (R1) • Staff should be able to describe the technical assistance that was provided by the LEA on conducting the needs assessment for the SIP/SWP • Staff should be able to discuss the SIP/SWP from development to implementation

  18. Accountability Family Information Notebook (R2) • PIRC (Parental Involvement Resource Center) • Parent’s Right to Know • District Family Involvement Policy • School Family Involvement Policy/Plan • School-Parent Compact • Annual School Reports

  19. Instructional Support Highly Qualified(Y1) Staff should be able to explain: • the definitions of highly qualified staff • procedures to become highly qualified Documentation must show: • paraprofessionals work under the direct supervision of a highly qualified teacher

  20. Instructional Support Tutorial Services (Y2) Staff should be able to explain: • how tutorials support the SIP/SWP • how tutorials address AYP subgroups Documentation must show: • extended learning opportunities for students

  21. Instructional Support Professional Development (Y3 and Y4) Staff should be able to explain: • how PD affected their teaching • give examples of how PD was implemented and how it impacted student achievement • how PD addressed AYP status Documentation must show: • LTM, PDD, coach schedule, conference agendas/programs, registration, TDE’s, travel expenses, Title I checklists

  22. Instructional Support Technical Assistance (Y5) Staff should be able to explain how: • State Education Agency (SEA) and Local Education Agency (LEA) supports school’s efforts to increase student achievement • LEA is assisting teachers and non-instructional personnel to become highly qualified • LEA supports your school’s efforts to comply with Federal Law

  23. Instructional Support Technical Assistance (Y5) continued Staff should be able to describe the following technical assistance provided by the LEA: • regarding the development and evaluation of the Schoolwide Plan • conducting a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) for your school • regarding the development and implementation of your School Improvement, Corrective Action, or Restructuring Plan Documentation must show: • support given to the Title I schools through site visit logs, NCLB/Title I meeting agendas and Title I Handbook

  24. Instructional Support Special Programs (Y6) Staff should be able to explain: • how students are targeted for assistance • what has been found to be the most effective strategy to strengthen the core academic subjects in school Documentation must show: • additional learning support for students at-risk, SAI, Migrant, Intensive Reading, Intensive Math

  25. Instructional Support Pre-K Transition (Y7) Staff should be able to explain: • how the school supports students and parents with the transition to Kindergarten Documentation must show: • communication and partnership between parents, pre-schools and elementary schools

  26. Fiduciary Allocation(G1) Staff should be able to explain: • why they are a Title I school • how their school’s Title I monies are used Documentation should show: • amount funded through 4201 or 4920 • list of students eligible for free/reduced priced meals on Date Certain

  27. Fiduciary Supplement Not Supplant (G2) Documentation must show: • that Title I funds supplement operating funds Staff should be able to explain: • the intent and purpose of schoolwide programs

  28. Fiduciary Property and Equipment(G3) Staff should be able to explain: • how supplies and equipment are supporting the schoolwide program • how the school kept track of Title I Inventory Documentation must show: • all items purchased with Title I funds costing over $250.00

  29. Family and Community Involvement Parents’ Right to Know (B1) Documentation must show: • parents notified of their “Right to Know” (teacher qualifications, school grades/scores, child’s achievement level, curriculum) • how the compact and policy were developed • how the parents were involved in the process • how the compact and policy were distributed Staff should be able to explain the above items

  30. Family and Community Involvement Communication with Parents (B2) Documentation must show: • communication was sent home in the appropriate language(s) • flexible days and times of meetings

  31. Family and Community Involvement Parent Trainings and Food Expenses (B3) Staff should be able to explain: • how the parent trainings support the SIP/SWP and the Parent Policy/Plan Documentation must show: • trainings that build capacity of parents to improve their child’s academic achievement in reading, math, and writing

  32. Family and Community Involvement Other Support (B4) Documentation must show evidence of community involvement, including business partners and volunteers, to comply with NCLB requirements

  33. SINI Requirements SINI Requirements (O1) Documentation must show: • the technical assistance that the LEA provided to the school regarding the development and implementation of the SIP, Corrective Action or Restructuring Plan • the professional development activities that have been provided with Title I funds

  34. Tools of the Trade Role of Title I Contact and Team • maintain Title I audit files • monitor family involvement activities • serve as school contact for NCLB compliance • coordinate participation at NCLB Title I meetings • submit monthly electronic audit assurance checklist from the Federal and State website • sign each audit folder verifying that required documentation is filed

  35. Tools of the Trade Role of Title I Contact and Team continued • meet monthly with Title I Specialist • monitor FY11 Title I Budgets in order to expend by January 2011 • monitor Position Status Reports • monitor SIP/SWP

  36. Tools of the Trade Title I Audit Checklist by Folder Color

  37. Tools of the Trade Title I Monthly Checklist

  38. Tools of the Trade Monthly Electronic Audit Assurance Checklist Available on website

  39. Tools of the Trade

  40. Tools of the Trade Available on website

  41. Tools ofthe Trade Treasurers and Payroll Contacts will receive a copy of their handbook during the first school visit

  42. Tools ofthe Trade Title I Contacts will receive a copy of their handbook during the first school visit

  43. A Closer Look • Out-of-County Travel • Food Expenditures • Property and Equipment • Highly Qualified Personnel • Family Information Notebook (FIN)

  44. Out-of-County/State Travel • Conferences/workshops must be documented in your SIP/SWP • Out-of-County/State travel must be approved by the CLO (account 533600 or 533620) • Approved waiver and TDE must be secured • No charges should be incurred prior to CLO approval

  45. Travel Complete this checklist as the cover sheet to all out-of-county/state travel documentation for audit files (Y4)

  46. Food Expenditures Criteria • Family involvement activities must enable parents to assist with their children’s academic achievement • Teaching parents to understand the state academic achievement standards and how to monitor their children’s progress is acceptable as training • Training must be tied to curriculum such as; enhancing literacy, math, or technology skills

  47. Food Expenditures Criteria continued… • Be identified in the school’s Family Involvement Policy/Plan as a means of encouraging or expanding family involvement • Not be part of the School Advisory Council, PTA , or other committee meetings • Reasonable in cost and type of food • Absolutely no food expenditures will be allowed for faculty or student events

  48. FoodExpenditures Title I Food Purchase Audit Compliance Checklist

  49. Property and Equipment • All unit items costing $250.00 through $999.99 must be labeled as Title I • A running list of these items must be maintained throughout the year (Template on department website) • All items costing $1,000.00 or more must be labeled with a red or white Property Records Tag • An accurate inventory of your equipment is essential

  50. Property and Equipment Title I Property and Equipment Listing

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