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Postsecondary Outcomes The NEW End Game. It’s not just about the diploma anymore. Reality Check. “Public education is no longer about selecting and sorting students – it has evolved into a system that strives to prepare all students for lives outside of school…” Bill Daggett.
Postsecondary Outcomes The NEW End Game It’s not just about the diploma anymore
Reality Check “Public education is no longer about selecting and sorting students – it has evolved into a system that strives to prepare all students for lives outside of school…” Bill Daggett
Accountability Chain EDP AYP Career Pathway MME End Point of Instruction Post School Outcomes Course Of Study MMC Credit Other Learning Experiences Diploma Other including dropout ACT Work Keys LEA Credit Certificate Education Training Work MI-ACCESS
MMC “Mortgage” Calculator 65% CONTENT 70% PROFICIENCY .65 x .70 = .455
Preparing Students for the Future www.MI.GOV/highschool
Common Requirements – Common Goals • The Michigan Merit Curriculum for the first time provides: • Michigan schools with a common set of graduation requirements and, • Teachers a common set of learning expectations.
Important Considerations • Students COMPLETING the Michigan Merit credit requirements will likely: • Achieve higher ACT and Michigan Merit Award Scores. • Qualify for early installments of the $4,000 Michigan Promise Scholarship. • Take fewer remedial courses in college. • Be more prepared for the workplace.
High School Redesign A Three-Legged Stool Educational Development Plan (Transition Planning) Michigan Merit Curriculum (Personal Curriculum Planning) Instructional Delivery System (Individualized Education Planning)
Educational Development Plan • The Board of a LEA or Board of Directors of a PSA: • Shall ensure each pupil in Grade 7 is provided with the opportunity to develop an EDP. • The EDP shall be developed before the student enters high school and becomes the student’s “course of study.” • Shall be developed by: • Pupil • School counselor • School Psychologist should be included if the student has an IEP
Essential Elements for EDPs Personal Information. Career Goal(s). Educational/Training Goal(s). Assessment Results. Plan of Action. Parent Consultation/Endorsement(under age 18) Courtesy of: Christine Reiff, Office of Career and Technical Preparation
Personal Curriculum • The legislative intent of a Personal Curriculum is to increase the rigor and relevance of the educational experience and provide a tool to help all students succeed with the MMC.
Personal Curriculum • A documented process initiated by: • the parent/legal guardian, • student over 18 if no appointed guardian, or • an emancipated youth. • Involves an agreement between the parent/ guardian superintendent, and the student.
Personal Curriculum • Must be aligned with the student’s EDP and IEP for students with a disability. • Meet as much of MMC subject area content expectations as practicable /possible for the student. • Prior to granting a PC, districts should ensure all efforts have been made to help students successfully complete the requirements.
Personal Curriculum Process • Measurable goals. • Method to evaluate progress. • Communication of progress with parent.
What’s Practicable Mean? • “Practicable” is an inclusive term meaning as much of the subject area content expectations as possible during high school instruction for the individual student. • Students with disabilities operate under this same context!
The Other Side of the Diploma • Alba Somoza (New York) • Cerebral palsy • Speaks only with the help of a computer • Graduated with honors from a New York City high school in 2002 • Filed an administrative case claiming her education was a sham • Since shortly after “graduation” New York schools began paying for a special program that costs $400,000 a year – including: • a full-time teacher, • an aide, • transportation and • extensive technology The Wall Street Journal By JOHN HECHINGER and DANIEL GOLDENAugust 21, 2007; Page A1
Jennifer McGowan (northern California) • 18-year-old with hearing impairments, ADHD and learning disabilities. • Family won a court injunction to stop graduation. • Often received A or B grades. • Achievement tests from January 2005 showed that she had the math and reading skills of an elementary-school student. The Wall Street Journal By JOHN HECHINGER and DANIEL GOLDENAugust 21, 2007; Page A1
Mercer Island school district in Washington state • Student with LD • Family argues that accommodations were used in place of intensive instruction. • District successfully argued that accommodations were helping student learn (A and B grades) • U.S. District Court in Seattle appeals judge disagreed saying the system improperly relied on accommodations rather than instruction. • Case sent back to hearing officer to determine financial relief. The Wall Street Journal By JOHN HECHINGER and DANIEL GOLDENAugust 21, 2007; Page A1
Luke P., by and through his parents and next friends, Jeff P. and Julie P. • Colorado U.S. District Court Case No. 05cv2248 pending before Colorado U.S. District Judge Walker Miller • Issues: The school district has appealed hearing officers’ rulings that it must pay for an autistic student to attend a specialized residential treatment center in Boston where tuition is more than $100,000 per year. The boy’s parents contend that he is entitled to the specialized care under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which requires that all students with disabilities have access to a "free appropriate public education.“ • At issue – generalization of learning to the non-school environment. Colorado U.S. District Court Case No. 05cv2248 pending before Colorado U.S. District Judge Walker Miller
Modifications NOT Needing A Personal Curriculum • Spreading a credit over two years with a student receiving ½ credit per year. • Example: Algebra I or II, Physics, etc.
Modifications NOT Needing A Personal Curriculum • Taking both a credit requirement and support course. • Example: Geometry and Geometry Prep, Chemistry and Chemistry Support, etc.
Modifications NOT Needing A Personal Curriculum • Taking credit requirements through career and technical education courses, humanities courses, industrial education or applied arts. • Earning credit through Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, and International Baccalaureate classes.
Appropriate Reasons for a Personal Curriculum There are four reasons for a PC. • To add additional math, English, science or world language courses. • Modify credit requirements because he or she has transferred from out of state or from a non-public school.
Appropriate Reasons for a Personal Curriculum • Modify the Algebra II requirement by spreading the content over two years for two credits. • Modify the credit requirements based on a student’s disability.
#1-Adding additional math, English, science or language • After all elective options have been exhausted, students may substitute: • Up to 1 credit of Visual, Performing and Applied Arts credit. • The 3rd social studies credit, excluding Civics.
#1-Adding additional math, English, science or language • A student may substitute: • ½ credit of Physical Education (Consideration: A previous law remains in effect requiring students who are physically fit and capable to take a physical education course.)
#1-Adding additional math, English, science or language • A student may substitute: • ½ credit of Health (however students are still required to have STD and HIV instruction.)
#2-Transfer Students • Student has successfully completed the equivalent of 2 years of high school credit out of state or at a nonpublic school. • Districts may use appropriate assessment examinations to determine what credits were earned out of state or at a nonpublic school.
#2-Transfer Students • Student successfully completes at least 1 mathematics credit during final year of high school. • Credit must be at least Algebra 1 if enrolled at least 1 year. • Next credit above Algebra 1 if student has demonstrated success in Algebra1. • Student must take Civics.
#3-Algebra II Modification • Spread Algebra II content over two years for two credits. OR • After completing ½ credit of Algebra II, taking a different math or math-related subject for the remaining 1½ credits. Prior to requesting this option a student must have earned credit for both Geometry and Algebra I.
#3-Algebra II Modification • Students must still earn a total of 4 math credits, and, take a math or math-related credit in their senior year.
Subjects That Can Not Be Modified • English Language Arts. • Science. • World Languages. • Civics. • Online Learning Experience. • Exception – Students with a disability and transfer students.
Students With Disabilities • Referring to 20 USC 1401, the term ‘child with a disability' means a child with mental retardation, hearing impairments (including deafness), speech or language impairments, visual impairments (including blindness), serious emotional disturbance (referred to in this title as `emotional disturbance'), orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities; and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services. IDEA 2004 602(3)
Students With Disabilities • A Personal Curriculum (PC) for a student with a disability should be granted on a limited and individualized basis and must incorporate as much of the high school content expectations (HSCE’s) in areas that are being modified as is practicable/possible, while maintaining the legislative intent of increased rigor for all.
Students With Disabilities • A school district or PSA may at the parent’s request consider modifications to the MMC not otherwise allowable.
Students With Disabilities • The Personal Curriculum team consists of the following: • Student • Parent/guardian • Counselor/designee • School psychologist
Modification Requirements • The modification is determined to be necessary due to the student’s disability. • Limits the modification to the extent necessary because of the disability. • The number of credits remain the same (16 credits). • The credits must be based on high school level content (HSCEs).
Students With Disabilities • The modification must be consistent with the Educational Development Plan (EDP) and the Individualized Education Program (IEP). • An EDP (course of study) is developed by students under the supervision of counselors and outlines the students education and career goals.
Students With Disabilities • The pupil's IEP: • Identifies supports, accommodations, and modifications necessary for achievement in the general curriculum. • It is not the purpose of the IEP to determine or modify the students graduation requirements.
Accountability • NCLB and IDEA 04 hold State and Public Agencies accountable for the performance of students with disabilities within a structure of state standards. • While it is allowable to account for growth and performance for some of these students on alternative achievement standards it is not appropriate to create a different path to graduation.
Accountability • IDEA states: • Section 300.102(a)(3), regarding exceptions to FAPE, has been changed to clarify that a regular high school diploma does not include an alternative degree that is not fully aligned with the State’s academic standards, such as a certificate or a general educational development credential (GED).
At Risk of Drop Out • If a pupil is not successfully completing a credit required for graduation or is identified as being at risk of withdrawing from HS. • The pupil's school district or PSA shall notify the pupil’s parents/guardian of the availability of tutoring or other supplemental educational supports and counseling services.
Student Warnings Signs • Disengagement from school. • Failing grades. • Low test scores. • Falling behind in course credits. • Grade Retention. • High absenteeism. • Poor classroom behavior. • Bad relationships with teachers and peers.
Key Points • We cannot substitute an alternative curriculum and count achievement within that curriculum towards the 16 credit requirements. • We cannot reduce the number of credits. • The IEP supports but does not trump the graduation requirements.
Key Points • There are no plans for a Special Education curriculum that will lead to a separate diploma. • No such thing as a modified diploma. • Kids who don’t get a diploma are not doomed to fail in life. • Districts can issue alternative certificates but they do not end FAPE.
Resources • Preparing Michigan Students for Work and College Success • www.michigan.gov/documents/hs_research_doc_149897_7.pdf • MMC FAQ Document (PDF) • www.mi/highschool • Michigan Department of Education – Office of School Improvement • www.mi/osi • Michigan Department of Education – Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services • www.mi.gov/OSE-EIS
Resources • State Improvement Grant (SIG) – Math and ELA AYP • http://michiganmathematics.org • Reach and Teach for Learning • http://www.cenmi.org/ideapartner • Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Literacy Support Initiative (MiBLSi) • http://www.cenmi.org/miblsi • Michigan Transition Resources • http://www.cenmi.org/tspmi