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Unveiling Organizational Blueprint: Navigating Purpose, Mission, and Values

Explore 8 key questions to define your organizational framework - from purpose and mission to impact and beliefs. Discover how to align and differentiate effectively.

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Unveiling Organizational Blueprint: Navigating Purpose, Mission, and Values

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Segment 7 Discover Your Difference What Is Non-Negotiable ?

  2. Eric Liddle

  3. Organizational blueprint

  4. “We shall never cease from exploration…”

  5. Question #1: Purpose: Why do we exist?

  6. Why Why Matters

  7. 15 - 85 • Purpose = “To democratize the American skies” • Mission = “ To become the low cost airline”

  8. “Will you go back?” • Purpose – “Because . . .” • Mission – “Our job is to . . .” • Vision – “We hope to . . .”

  9. Question #2: Mission: What do we do?

  10. Question #3: Core Values: What shapes every action?

  11. Question #4: Distinctives: What sets us apart?

  12. Question #5: Impact: What difference are we hoping to make?

  13. Question #6: Strategy: How can we best achieve that impact?

  14. Question #7: Customer: Who are we trying to impact?

  15. Question #8: Beliefs: What do we believe to be true truth?

  16. clarity alignment integrity

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