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The present position of SAP in Line Ministries

The present position of SAP in Line Ministries. What is Strategic Audit Planning. The identification and documentation of auditable areas within an Audit Universe, and the prioritisation of these areas for review based on a predetermined risk assessment methodology. The LM audit questionnaire.

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The present position of SAP in Line Ministries

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  1. The present position of SAP in Line Ministries

  2. What is Strategic Audit Planning The identification and documentation of auditable areas within an Audit Universe, and the prioritisation of these areas for review based on a predetermined risk assessment methodology.

  3. The LM audit questionnaire Objective: to provide hard evidence for the prioritisation of additional support to all IADs Sent to all (25) LMs within RGC Completed and returned to date by 18 IADs (69.2%) Covered 11 areas of internal auditing including Risk & SAP Results not comprehensive but useful indicators

  4. Risk & SAP results Question 5.1: Is there a formal process for assessing the risks to the Government of each audit entity as a basis for deciding upon audit priorities, the frequency of audits and the allocation of audit resources? Summary of responses: ‘Yes’: 8 (44.4%) ‘No’: 9 (50.0%) ‘N/A’: 1 (5.6%) Interpretation: At least ½ of LMs have no formal risk assessment processes in place.

  5. Risk & SAP results Question 5.2: Are the risks of each audit entity measured by: -pre-defined criteria; or, -experience; or, -both Summary of responses: ‘Pre-defined criteria’ + ‘Both’: 5 (27.8%) ‘Experience’: 7 (38.9%) Unclear (‘Yes’ + ‘?’ +‘Not available’): 6 (33.3%) Interpretation: Of the clear responses most use experience rather than pre-defined criteria to measure audit risk.

  6. Risk & SAP results Question 5.3: Is the frequency with which audits are carried out directly related to the risk analysis? Summary of 25 responses: ‘Yes’: 3 (16.7%) ‘Financial statements’: 6 (33.3%) ‘No’: 4 (22.2%) Unclear (‘N/A’ + ‘?’): 5 (27.8%) Interpretation: For over 20% of IADs audit frequency is not related to risk analysis. The majority of those who do relate audit frequency to risk use financial statements as the main determinant of audit frequency.

  7. Risk & SAP results Question 6.1: Does the department prepare a Strategic Plan e.g., five-, three-year rolling strategic plan? If so, please provide a copy of the latest rolling plan? Summary of responses: 3-Years or above 6 (33.3%) 1 Year’ 3 (16.7%) ‘No’ 2 (11.1%) ‘N/A’: 7 (38.9%) Interpretation: Only 1/3 of respondents are producing rolling plans of 3 Years or above and were able to provide copies.

  8. Risk & SAP results Question 6.2: Are procedures in place to plan activities, collect information from the units in charge of the different components, and prepare the budgets and work plan? Summary of responses: ‘Yes’: 11 (61.1%) ‘No’: 6 (33.3%) ‘N/A’: 1 ( 5.6%) Interpretation: Although only 1/3 of respondents produce rolling plans of 3 years or above over 60% have established arrangements for collecting planning data.

  9. Summary – LM questionnaireRisk & SAP results • At least ½ of LMs have no formal risk assessment processes. • Experience rather than pre-defined criteria is the most used measure of risk. • Over 20% of IADs do not relate audit frequency to a risk analysis. Most of those who relate the two use financial statements as the main determinant of audit frequency. • Only 1/3 of respondents are producing rolling plans of 3 Years or above and were able to provide copies. • Nevertheless, over 60% have established arrangements for collecting planning data.

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