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SPS Damper PUs: proposed changes. Motivation: LHC beams move to LHC ADT like electronics with performance improvement Fixed Target beams maintain present functionality Currently a set of 12 Pus (6 BPV and 6 BPH) are shared between MOPOS and damper.
SPS Damper PUs: proposed changes Motivation: LHC beams move to LHC ADT like electronics with performance improvement Fixed Target beams maintain present functionality Currently a set of 12 Pus (6 BPV and 6 BPH) are shared between MOPOS and damper. The way signals are shared is incompatible with the future renovation of MOPOS. This future MOPOS renovation will start in BA 1, 5 or 6, however there is a considerable probability that the implementation in BA2 will be carried out *before* LS2. Therefore it is important to prepare the split of signals between MOPOS and damper with independent PUs *before* LS2. Otherwise this would risk to prevent to go to the new MOPOS system before LS2 because the damper modifications with new pick-ups very likely require a long shutdown. results of meeting with BI earlier this week
Proposal for fixed target beams (1) • Set of 2 BPH and 2 BPV installed with 90 degree phase advance close together • can only be installed close to QF and QD for reasons of aperture • locations (LSS2-) identified • H-plane: 2.02, 2.04 • V-plane: 2.05, 2.07 • 2.05 is the only location where probably the full length BPV would fit. • The proposal is to cut vacuum chambers for BPH and BPV to fit in reduced long. space • aperture check • support design, alignment, mechanical integration work • 7 spares each available in storage (PUs to be checked) • plus BPH 319.98 which will be de-installed in LSS3 in LS1 • We also need the existing pits for electronics, space and 230 V availability to be checked • also water evacuation in case of flooding needed? visit in tunnel in next technical stop • Christian Boccard has contacted Frederic Galleazzi, I (RF) need to write ECR
Proposal for fixed target beams (2) new BPH new BPH next to 2.02 need to cut vacuum chamber next to PU next to 2.04 need to cut vacuum chamber next to PU new BPV new BPV next to 2.05 no need to cut vacuum chamber next to PU, cut it anyway ? next to 2.07 need to cut vacuum chamber next to PU
Proposal for LHC type beams (1) couplers wanted , use similar electronics as ADT LHC (25 ns bunch spacing !) frequency LHC: 400 MHz bandpass, reduce for SPS to a suitable multiple of 40 MHz Info from BI: BPCR 2.08 used by BBQ BPCR 2.09 used by BBQ BPCR 2.14xx BBQ development system BPCR 2.14yy was used as “BPCO” made resonant, can be recuperated for damper BPCN: available with H-plane in 2.2308 and 2.2708, but beta function very small in H-plane 5 BPCN in storage, electrode shorter (180 mm) than BPCR (3.75 mm) max of impedance at 416.5 MHz for BPCN versus 200 MHz for BPCR (t.b.c.) BPCN and BPCR transfer impedance similar despite factor two in aperture, t.b.c. Options next page: need check of optics and in particular a comparison of Q20 and Q26 optics. Difficult to fulfill phase advance requirements with only two couplers for both planes, maybe need three. Drop this requirement ?
Proposal for LHC type beams (2) BPCR location in 2.14 • move BPCR for damper • as close as possible • to MBB 214.60 OPTICS T.B.C. bH = 50 m t.b.c. bV = 45 m t.b.c. bH = 85 m to 89 m bV = 24 m to 26 m 2.20 too short ? next to BDV (V2 damper) in 2.21 2.11) bH = 96 m, 104 degrees (360-104) acceptable bV = 22 m, 130 degrees (360-130) not good bH = 50 m, 25 degrees (360-25) not good bV = 40 m, 60 degrees (360-60) acceptable bH = 21 m,-150 degrees not good bV = 99 m, - 162 degrees not good