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NSLS-II Photon Sources & Beamline Systems. Qun Shen Director, Experimental Facilities Division (XFD) NSLS-II Beamline Development Information Meeting April 14, 2010 Email: qshen@bnl.gov. Outline. NSLS-II Photon Sources Baseline & planned photon sources Spectral brightness & flux
NSLS-II Photon Sources & Beamline Systems Qun Shen Director, Experimental Facilities Division (XFD) NSLS-II Beamline Development Information Meeting April 14, 2010 Email: qshen@bnl.gov
Outline • NSLS-II Photon Sources • Baseline & planned photon sources • Spectral brightness & flux • Optimization of insertion devices • Beamline Systems • Overview of beamline systems • Beamline optics and expected performance characteristics • Guideline to design and construction schedule • Technical assistance by light sources staff
Design Parameters of NSLS-II Storage Ring Overview of one super period of NSLS-II storage ring
Typical Sector Layout at NSLS-II Low-b ID 3PW / BM High-b ID 3PW / BM
Electron Source Size sh,v and Divergence s’h,v High-b Straight Section (9.3m) 3-pole Wiggler Bending Magnet Low-b Straight Section (6.6m)
Six Beamlines in NSLS-II Construction Project • Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) • Hard X-ray Nanoprobe (HXN) • Coherent Hard X-ray Scattering (CHX) • Coherent Soft X-ray Scattering & Polarization (CSX) • Sub-micron Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy (SRX) • X-ray Powder Diffraction (XPD) CSX 23-ID XPD 28-ID SRX 21-ID CHX 5-ID HXN 3-ID Note: beamline location assignments preliminary Conceptual design report posted at http://www.bnl.gov/nsls2/docs/PDF/ CDRs_SixProjectBeamlines_NSLS-II.pdf IXS 10-ID
Currently Planned Insertion Devices at NSLS-II • Undulators can be canted by 0-2 mrad in both low-b and high-b straight sections • DWs can also be canted but requires modification of vacuum chamber Canting angle 0-2 mrad
Current and Potential Insertion Devices at NSLS-II * Requires additional R&D, with CPMU17 as near-term and SCU14 as far-term options
Spectral Flux of NSLS-II Infra-Red Sources Standard gap BMs provide excellent mid and near IR sources; Large gap (90 mm) BMs provide excellent far-IR sources
Optimization of Undulator Performance Given Accelerator Constraints Radia Model (central part) IVU Parameters O. Chubar (NSLS-II) Reference Geometry: Pole Width: 40 mm Pole Height: 25 mm Pole Thickness: 3 mm (for λu = 20 mm) Materials: Pole: VaPermendur NEOMAX Magnet: NdFeB Magnet Width: 50 mm Magnet Height: 29 mm IVU Lengths Satisfying Vertical “Stay Clear” Constraints in Low- and High-Beta Straight Sections Fundamental Photon Energy vs Gapfor Different IVU Periods (E = 3 GeV) λu= 23 mm λu= 22 mm λu= 21 mm βy0 = 3.4 m λu= 20 mm βy0 = 1.06 m
Spectral Flux of Different IVUs – IXS “Candidates” – Satisfying e-Beam Vertical “Stay Clear” Constraint Maximal Spectral Flux through 100 μrad (H) x 50 μrad (V) Aperture E-Beam Energy: 3 GeVCurrent: 0.5 A NSLS-II High-Beta (Long) Straight Section ~9.13 keV • Such insertion device optimization is done during conceptual design • Not necessary for beamline development proposal O. Chubar (NSLS-II) ~9.13 keV
Three-pole Wigglers • Added to provide hard x-ray dipole radiation with no significant impact on the emittance • Up to 30 can be added to the lattice upstream of each dipole B -1.5 mrad 0 mrad 3PW BM-B BM-A +2.125 mrad +2.5 mrad +4.25 mrad
3PW and BM Power Density Distributions Magnetic Field Power Density Distribution from different parts of TPW and BM at 30 m (single-electron emission, integral over all photon energies, horizontal cuts at y = 0) |θX| = 4.25 mrad θX= 0 |θX| ≈ 2.6 mrad 1.65 mrad O. Chubar (NSLS-II)
3PW and BM Intensity Distributions (Hard X-rays) • Intensity distributions at different photon energies at 30 m from 3PW show effects from soft poles in 3PW and from adjacent BMs • Effect of such non-ideal intensity distribution on microfocusing is being studied by a working group, and updates will be provided O. Chubar (NSLS-II) Vertical Cuts at x = 0 Horizontal Cuts at y = 0
Beamline Systems Overview Utilities and safety system (PSS, EPS) Front-end (inside storage ring tunnel) Endstation and experiment controls Enclosures and beam transport Photon optical system
Optical Systems • Beamline optical systems are key functional elements of any synchrotron beamline. Functions may include: • Monochromators (single-crystal optics, gratings, multilayers) • Beam conditioning (mirrors, focusing optics) • Beam filtering (spectral filter, harmonic rejection mirror, spatial filter or beam-defining slits) • Power handling (high heat-load optics) • Imaging optics (zone-plate objective) HXN Beamline Optical Layout (top view) Yong Chu (NSLS-II)
Power Outputs from Insertion Devices O. Chubar (NSLS-II) • APS U33 2.4m produces similar power per unit solid-angle as NSLS-II IVU22 6m
Cryogenic vs. Water Cooling of Si Optics NSLS-II U20 @ min. gap: 1.8mm(h) x 0.9mm(v) Bragg angle = 14o Absorbed Power ~113W Peak Temp: 116.5 K Slope Error: 0.4 mrad (due to thermal bump) • Cryogenically cooled Si is needed (and is expected to work) for NSLS-II undulator sources • Water cooling is adequate for NSLS-II 3PW/BM sources V. Ravindranath (NSLS-II)
Variety of Cutting-Edge Focusing X-ray Optics • Kirkpatrick-Baez (K-B) mirrors • Large acceptance aperture, achromatic focusing for easy energy scanning • Focal size limited by critical angle: achieved ~25 nm • Compound Refractive Lens • Refraction effect is weak so requires many lenses • Shape errors affect focal size: achieved ~50 nm • Conventional Fresnel zone plate (FZP) • Easy to use, good efficiency for soft x-rays but poor efficiency for hard x-rays • Focal size limited by smallest features that can be fabricated: achieved ~15 nm • Multilayer Laue-Lens (MLL) • High aspect ratio (>1000) Fresnel zones can be fabricated; good for hard x-rays • Difficult to tune energy • Theory shows <1 nm possible: achieved ~16 nm (1D) • Multilayer mirrors • Good energy tunability; requires ultralow surface finish and precision ML deposition • Focal size limited by ML mirror slope errors: achieved ~8 nm (1D) Above – XRF imaging of a test pattern, scanned through 2D focusing by crossed MLL, with resolution ~20nm x 40nm Yan, Conley, Lima et al. (NSLS-II) Maser, Macrander, Shu et al. (ANL)
Canted Beamline Example: SRX Beamline Thieme et al. (NSLS-II) KB branch ZP branch • Two x-ray branches using two ~1.5m long U21-type undulators canted by 2 mrad • Two hor. mirrors to deflect ZP beam out to allow ~0.5 m separation in ZP hutch
Coherent Soft X-ray Beamline Sanchez-Hanke, Reininger, et al. (NSLS-II) Full polarization control branch Coherent branch • Two soft x-ray branches using 2x EPUs canted by 0.16 mrad • Branching mirror M1-A to deflect beam outward for the coherent branch
Assisting Users in Beamline Proposal Process • BNL Light Sources scientific staff are part of the scientific user community, and their expertise can be very useful in the beamline development proposal process. NSLS-II and NSLS staff are encouraged to help out user groups who may need certain guidance and technical assistance • This help may be in following forms • Providing advice and guidance in specific area of expertise; • Providing specific technical information such as source properties and existing optical concepts of existing project beamlines; and • Helping to address certain technical issues on conceptual level if appropriate. • Due to limited resources, NSLS-II and NSLS would not be able to provide engineering assistance on technical problems during BL proposal process
Beamline Development Sources & Optics Group • Beamline Development Sources & Optics Group has been established to assist user groups on specific technical information and on addressing specific technical issues that may have broad interest in the community • Users are encouraged to contact the members in specific areas of expertise • Members of the Group: • Steve Hulbert (hulbert@bnl.gov) – Leader • Oleg Chubar (chubar@bnl.gov) – source properties • Ruben Reininger (rreininger@bnl.gov) – gratings and mirrors • Lonny Berman (berman@bnl.gov) – crystal optics and heat load • Zhong Zhong (zhong@bnl.gov) – high energy x-ray monochromators • Andy Broadbent (broadbent@bnl.gov) – utilities and safety systems • Group meets weekly to discuss any issues that requires attention; XFD Director participates in these meetings to provide oversight and to communicate any additional information as needed
Beamline Development - Beamline Contact Group • Beamline Contact Group consists of existing beamline group leaders and others with specific expertise in particular type of beamlines; User groups are encouraged to contact the appropriate staff for questions and answers generally related to the type of beamlines of interest. • Beamline Contacts: • Cecilia Sanchez-Hanke / Ruben Reininger – soft x-ray and VUV beamlines • Lonny Berman – 3-pole wiggler and bend-magnet x-ray beamlines • Eric Dooryhee – Damping wiggler x-ray beamlines • Andrei Fluerasu / Juergen Thieme – undulator x-ray beamlines • Beamline contact may seek additional help from the Sources and Optics group to discuss any technical issues, by communicating the topic to any member in the Sources and Optics group.