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Muir Lake School 2013/2014 Professional Development Plan

Muir Lake School 2013/2014 Professional Development Plan. Collaborate Create Learn. Mission. We will collaborate, create and learn to develop ourselves as professionals to best meet the diverse needs of students Collaboration + Creativity + Curiosity = Learning. Vision.

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Muir Lake School 2013/2014 Professional Development Plan

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  1. Muir Lake School 2013/2014 Professional Development Plan Collaborate Create Learn

  2. Mission We will collaborate, create and learn to develop ourselves as professionals to best meet the diverse needs of students Collaboration + Creativity + Curiosity = Learning

  3. Vision Professional Development work will… • Be meaningful, relevant, & powerful • Be self directed • Maximize school expertise • Build upon the strengths of our staff • Encourage shared leadership • Enable collaboration • Be shared transparently with the community

  4. In a nutshell… • Collaborate as a team • Learn together • Work on what you want to work on

  5. Priority Areas Priority areas were determined by… • Parkland School Division Initiatives • AISI Cycle 5 • Muir Lake School Educational Plan & Initiatives • CCL planning team input • Staff input on PD day

  6. Priority Areas/CCL Teams The main focus/priority areas for Muir Lake School are… • Critical Thinking • TechnologyIntegration • Inclusion • Leadership, Citizenship, & Social Responsibility

  7. CCL Teams Responsibilities Each CCL Leadership Team will be responsible for the following: • Create a shared CCL Lead Team Professional Growth Plan focused on priority area that defines objectives and measures of success (this can be used for individual PGDP if you wish) • Provide learning opportunities to staff in priority area (email, optional after-school PD sessions, Google Hangouts, other, etc.)

  8. CCL Teams Responsibilities Each CCL Team will be responsible for the following: • Identify resources in the priority area for the staff (conferences, media materials, etc.) • Document and share work on Muir Lake School Teaching Resources Website • Encouraged to build/expand learning networks by sharing resources, ideas, and work on social media (#psd70 is PSD hashtag for sharing)

  9. CCL Teams Responsibilities Each CCL Leadership Team will be responsible for the following: • Team teach at least once with another staff member this year • Provide at least 2 Learning Round opportunities for other staff members to attend (see Learning Round Leader’s Guide) • Summarize the project in point form at end of each session in order to give an “at-a-glance” view for staff (CCL Team At A Glance Work Progress)

  10. CCL Teams Responsibilities Each CCL Leadership Team will be responsible for the following: • Personal reflection and sharing work being done on the school blog, individual professional portfolio’s and/or classroom blogs is encouraged (this models what we are asking students to do and fosters transparent learning and sharing with the local and global community)

  11. Conclusion Factors important for success: • Full participation • Collaboration and sharing • Time will be given on PD days and flexible PD days for CCL Lead Team work • 2-3 year focus on priority areas • Moving forward, interconnect the different priority areas

  12. Discussion • Flexible PD – what works for the team? (see MLS CCL Flexible PD Options) • CCL Team Professional Growth Plan – Due by the end of September

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