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Imaging of acute appendicitis and it’s complications

Imaging of acute appendicitis and it’s complications. Imaging modalities. Plain films US CT. Plain films. Calcified appendicolith Focal ileus. US diagnosis of appendicitis. Compression US technique. An appendix diameter of > 6 mm Wall thickness of > 3 mm

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Imaging of acute appendicitis and it’s complications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Imaging of acute appendicitis and it’s complications

  2. Imaging modalities • Plain films • US • CT

  3. Plain films • Calcified appendicolith • Focal ileus

  4. US diagnosis of appendicitis • Compression US technique. • An appendix diameter of > 6 mm • Wall thickness of > 3 mm • Dilated non-compressible fluid filled lumen

  5. CT • Technique: • CT abd/pelvis without any contrast • Oral contrast • IV contrast • Rectal contrast

  6. CT Findings in Acute Appendicitis • Normal appendix • Appendicolith (Presence of appendicolith and abdominal pain has a sensitivity of 90% for acute appendicitis) • Enlarged appendix, 7-10 mm (Previously 6 mm) • Peri-appendicular inflammation-linear streaky densities in peri-appendicular fat • Abscess

  7. Excess abdominal fat is a good thing!!

  8. Mildly dilated appendix with fluid filled lumen

  9. Enlarged and inflamed appendix with wall thickening and peri-appendiceal inflammation

  10. Appendicitis and pelvic abscess.

  11. Per-cutaneous drainage of appendiceal abscess

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