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ANGELS AND DEMONS. This is a two-week project and the results were fascinating. We will do Angels & Demons feel free to use this. Listen : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1IkjrOoJUA. Angels and Demons Project. Art Project Exam : Angels & Demons Illustration Project. Angels & Demons.
ANGELS AND DEMONS This is a two-week project and the results were fascinating. We will do Angels & Demons feel free to use this. Listen : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1IkjrOoJUA
Angels and Demons Project Art Project Exam : Angels & Demons Illustration Project
Angels & Demons The story of Anti-matter
Part truth, part fiction…but mostly fiction!!!! DEMONS Makes anti-matter
You are going to be our detectives • Angels are matter • Demons are anti-matter • Answer questions & do tasks!
ANGELS • The new experiment to study anti-matter costs about the same as Tom Hanks gets paid to appear in the movie • How much ? • £ 2.5 Million • £ 25 Million • £ 250 Million
DEMONS • This room is 20ºC • Outer Space is -270ºC • What temperature is the new accelerator ? • -271ºC • 0ºC • +271ºC
The STORY OF THEANGELS What are we all made of ?
Big Stuff 13.6 Billion Years Really Small Stuff Started with Big Bang
Looking at smaller scales • Naked Eye 0.0001 m • Light Microscope 0.000001 m • Size of Atom 0.0000000001 m • Size of Proton 0.000000000000001 m • Size of quark, electron, neutrino.. 0 (so far..) • Fundamental particles • No constituents • Study using Particle Accelerators • Collide particles at high energies • Look at what comes out !
ANGELS • Big bang created matter
ANGELS • What is a quark ? • A parallel universe • A fundamental particle • Type of French soft cheese
What is Anti-matter ? The STORY OF THEDEMONS
Mirror Images Demon World Angel World
Symmetry • Matter & anti-matter arelike “mirror”-images dad mom pod Symmetry of equations lead to laws of nature
ANGELS DEMONS • Big bang created matter &anti-matter
DEMONS • 1g of anti-matter produces enough energy to drive a car continuously for…. • 1 year • 10 years • 100 years Electron & positron bending in magnetic field
The STORY OFTHEANGELS&THEDEMONS Part I – the detective storyHow do we studymatter & anti-matter ?
CERN Accelerator • LHC • Starts 2008 • 27km long • 100m underground • French-Swiss Border Near Geneva European Centre For Nuclear Research (CERN) World’s Biggest Machine !
The STORY OFTHEANGELS&THEDEMONS Part II - What happens whenour Angel & our Demon shake hands ?
ANGELS DEMONS • Big bang created matter &anti-matter • So where has the anti-matter gone?
Mirror Images Not quite perfect ! Angel World Demon World 10000000001 10000000000
We are what is left over whenthe ANGELS & DEMONShave shaken hands ! • Big bang created matter &anti-matter • They meet & destroy • But tiny difference between matter& anti-matter • led to Universe now being allmatter
ANGELS DEMONS Last chance to save Rome • Which of these is Science Fact not Science fiction ? • Spaceships are powered with anti-matter • Bombs are made of anti-matter • Anti-matter is used in hospitals
Final Scores - • Angels are matter Demons are anti-matter Positron (anti-matter electron) Emission Tomography - PET scan
Angel World Make into Anti-Particle C Spatial mirror Demon World
What is Anti-matter? • Each particle has an anti-particle • e.g. electron / positron • Properties are opposite • Opposite charge • same mass Electron & positron bending in magnetic field Dirac: “This result is too beautiful to be false; it is more important to have beauty in one's equations than to have them fit experiment.” Bubble Chamber photo, A very old fashioned photographic form of particle detector Dirac Equation, 1930, describes electrons, But also has opposites to electrons - positrons
An Anti-matter Measurement Recipe • Take 500 friends and make one experimental detector • Add to one particle accelerator (preferably in a glamorous location…) • Let particles mix not so gently….. • Let a very large computer byte the data and spit out the answer….. Is there a difference between matter & anti-matter ? Can it explain why the universe is made of matter ?
Where is all the anti-matter ?? Big bang – equal amounts of matter & anti-matter 13.6 billion years later…… Now – all matter We are looking for a tiny difference between matter and anti-matter • Do an experiment for matter • Repeat it for anti-matter • If the mirror works…. • You get the same answer • But occasionally it doesn’t…. matter anti-matter
Backup • In Europe, dragons are traditionally portrayed as ferocious beasts that represent the evils fought by human beings.
Angels and Demons Project Project instructions: Your Angel or Demon should be largely monochromatic, with red or blue the dominant color. Close up, a telling detail, not full figure. Imagine the light is coming from the upper left. Angels or Demons can be either blue or red. No color code, but largely one or the other.
Instruction • Read the Poem I Heard an Angel BY WILLIAM BLAKE • Find illustration, imagine and draw on a paper 8 “ x 11” what is your inspiration about Angels and Demons • You can draw them together, or you choose one or both together in a contrast. • Write your title – write a description on the back of your drawing Refer to the grading rubric
Angels and Demons Project Grading criteria: Originality, sense of mass, shading and consistency of light source. No points for originality if you lift a cherub from Rafael or devil from Bosch. Better to find a baby picture or photo of a wicked-looking person for reference. Even better –take your own reference photo of yourself or a friend.