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Scaling and scenarios: the ghosts of data past, present and future

Explore the journey of data analysis from past to future, focusing on monthly grids, ATEAM scenarios, data updates, scaling techniques, and future projections. Discover the significance of monthly data and its relevance to extremes, as well as the efforts to enhance data quality and develop user-centered scenarios. Join us on this dynamic exploration of data evolution across different time frames.

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Scaling and scenarios: the ghosts of data past, present and future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Scaling and scenarios: the ghosts of data past, present and future Tim Mitchell (CRU-past, TYN-present, ???-future)

  2. ?? Monthly or Extremes ?? • The ‘data’ (past, present, future) here is exclusively monthly. • Is it relevant to extremes? • Yes! • monthly extremes are extremes too! • monthly data may sometimes be used to estimate daily extremes • experiences with monthly data help to plan our daily work • many techniques are similar for monthly and daily data • Of course, there are many contrasts between monthly and daily data too, hence the need for this slide!

  3. Overview

  4. Work: past … Data: past Monthly grids of observations (1901-2000) • work previously led by Mark New (now in Oxford) • climatology at 10 minutes, time-series at 0.5 degrees • global land only (excluding Antarctica) • tmp, pre, dtr, cld, vap, (wet, frs) • space-optimised

  5. Work: past … Data: future The ATEAM scenarios (2001-2100) • ATEAM = EU 5th project on ecosystems • Europe (10 minute), global land (0.5 deg) • 16 scenarios: 4 GCMs * 4 SRES • tmp, pre, dtr, cld, vap

  6. Overview

  7. Work: present … Data: past Supplying users: sub-sample from March 2003

  8. Work: present … Data: present Six-monthly updates to monthly grids • Many users are working with non-climate data-sets that are very short and very recent. • Many users also need up-to-date information to feed into the policy-making process. • Therefore we are currently implementing a regular (probably 6-monthly) update to the monthly grids. • Flow of information: • CLIMAT bulletins (Met Office)  CRU databases  grids

  9. Work: present … Data: future Developing the pattern scaling technique devised ~1990, tested ~2000, extended ~now • from linear change to stabilisation • from changes in the mean to changes in variability • from changes in the ‘usual’ to changes in ‘extremes’

  10. Overview

  11. Work: future … Data: past Improving the grids • This is an endless task, but an important one, carried out largely in the background and without explicit funding. • Augment the station databases to improve coverage outside the West and early in the 20th century. • Check, re-check, and check again the temporal homogeneity of the station time-series. • A proposal to the EU (Clare G, Phil J) hopes to develop similar daily databases, and high-resolution grids for Europe.

  12. Work: future … Data: future Dreaming… • Develop facility to produce user-specified scenarios on-demand [successor to Scengen,likely in 2003] • Eliminate the mismatch in spatial scales between past and future, by using RCMs. [awaits a large RCM sample] • Introduce scenarios with changes in variability statistics. [awaits the development of a robust theory] • Introduce scenarios with credible month-to-month variations derived from models, rather than observations. [requires RCMs, and errors not to exceed ‘no change’ hypothesis]

  13. Overview

  14. data past data present data future work past Monthly grids of observations (1901-2000) The ATEAM scenarios (2001-2100) work present Supplying users Six-monthly updates to monthly grids Developing the pattern scaling technique work future Improving the grids Dreaming… Overview

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