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Explore the fascinating Prehistory when humans appeared, showcasing significant differences between Neolithic and Palaeolithic periods, including artifacts, living conditions, beliefs, and artistic expressions.

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  2. WHEN? PREHISTORY Humansappear Firstwrittendocuments

  3. IMPORTANT INFORMATION • They didn´t know how to write. • They didn´t have kings or queens. • They didn´t have money or laws.

  4. TWO PERIODS NEOLITHIC PERIOD • Theylived in one place becausetheymadehouses. • Theylived in communities. • Theystarted to growcrops and keepdomesticanimals. • Theymadeclotheswiththefur of theanimals and theplantstheygrow. • Theyusedstone and metals to makecomplextools. PALAEOLITHIC PERIOD • Theywerenomadsbecausetheymovefrom place to place to look forfood and shelter (=house) • Theydiscoveredthefire. • Theylived in caves. • Theyusedstones, wood and bones to make simple toolsand hunt. • Theymadeclotheswiththeanimalstheyhunted.

  5. TWO PERIODS PREHISTORY NEOLITHIC PALAEOLITHIC Theymakehouses and live in communities Theyusedmetals and stomes to makecomplextools. Humansappear Peopleinventedbows and arrowswithstones and bonesforhunting Firstwrittendocuments Peoplestartedusingthefire. Peoplemade cave paintings. Theygrowcrops and keepanimals

  6. ARTEFACTS • Objects that archaeologist discover because people used them in the past. • They give us information about when, where and how people lived.

  7. ARTEFACTS Palaeolithicaxeforhunting. Neolithicpottery. Theyusedthesebowls to store and prepare food. Neolithicarrowsforhunting Palaeolithicarrowsforhunting.


  9. WHERE DID THEY LIVE? In theNeolithicperiod, peoplelived in smallhouses and communities. In thePalaeolithicperiod, peoplelived in caves.

  10. In theNeolithicperiod, theymadesomeornamentswithbones and stones. ART EXPRESSION In theNeolithicperiod, theybelieved in somegods and godesses. Palaeolithic cave paintings in Altamira, Cantabria, Spain In thePalaeolithicperiod, theydidn´tbelieve in godsorgodesses, and theydidn´tburiedpeoplewhentheydied. In theNeolithicperiod, theyburiedpeoplewhentheydied.

  11. Música In theNeolithicperiod, theymadeinstrumentswithhornes, bones and metals. Theyalsousedthehair of someanimals. In thePalaeolithicperiod, theymadeinstrumentswiththebones of biganimals.

  12. Documentos escritos In PREHISTORY (PALAEOLITHIC AND NEOLITHIC), peopledidn´tknow to write. Theymadepictures to describe whattheydid and tellstories: CAVE PAINTINGS.

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