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Online Reservation Step by Step Instructions

Online Reservation Step by Step Instructions. Login to the Online Reservation System STEP 1 Go to www.mshomecorp.com , hover over Lender Information Tab and select MHC Online Reservation.

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Online Reservation Step by Step Instructions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Online Reservation Step by Step Instructions

  2. Login to the Online Reservation SystemSTEP 1 Go to www.mshomecorp.com, hover over Lender Information Tab and select MHC Online Reservation.

  3. Login to the Online Reservation SystemSTEP 2Fill in the empty fields with your personal login credentials which were sent to you in an email from MHC. The password is case sensitive.

  4. If you need to go back to a previous screen always use the back button on the left side and never use your browser back button because it will log you out of the system.

  5. Main Menu ScreenThese are the options you should see on your screen as a user.

  6. Main Menu - New Loan RegistrationSelect New Loan Registration to select new program type.

  7. New Loan RegistrationView and choose the specific program and interest rate

  8. New Loan RegistrationClick on the Data Import to upload the loan application from your system

  9. Data ImportClick browse to find the appropriate file to upload and then click the upload button

  10. Data Import Application - Page 1Review the application pages and complete any missing information

  11. Data Import Application - Page 2Property Information

  12. Data Import Application - Page 3Additional Information

  13. Data Import Application - Page 4Mortgagor Information

  14. Data Import Application - Page 5Co-Mortgagor Information Once completed, hit the submit button either on the left or at the bottom of the page.

  15. Loan DetailThis page shows information as entered in the loan application and provides the opportunity to reserve a Smart Solution Second or a Mortgage Credit Certificate.

  16. Reserve SecondClick on Reserve Second to add the Smart Solution Second

  17. Reserve Second You are able to choose either the MCC or the Smart Solution Second to add to the first. You will have the option to do both but only one at a time.

  18. Reserve Second

  19. Main Menu - View Loan PipelineOn user main menu, click on the View loan Pipeline to view the pipeline for all users.

  20. View Loan PipelineChoose the program type And then the specific program

  21. View Loan PipelineChoose a status to see a list of the individual loans

  22. Cross-ReferenceInput last name or full name to find a file

  23. Print Documents

  24. Sample Reservation Confirmation

  25. Document ImagesView, browse & upload completed documents.

  26. Main Menu – Reports

  27. Paying Your Commitment FeeGo back to the Lender Tab on MHC’s website and click the commitment fee button

  28. 15 & 30 Day Lock on Commitment FeeEnter the loan amount and choice of lock-in days and click continue Fee Calculation Shows your commitment fee total. Select continue

  29. Payment FormComplete all information on the payment form. Please put the name of the borrower and the Reservation/ Loan Number in the description field and click submit.

  30. Smart Solution PaymentBorrowers will make their monthly payment to ServiSolutions. They can link their from the lender tab by selecting Smart Solution Payment or go directly to the website at www.ServSol.com

  31. ServSol.com-Online PaymentThe borrower will select Customer Carenet below

  32. Customer Log-In to Make PaymentsBorrowers will set up a user ID and Password to be used each time they login to make a payment

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