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IOMP/AAPM International Libraries Program . Established in 1990Medical physicists in the US donate books and journalsDonations go to libraries in developing countries where all physicists in the area have accessDonors get a tax deduction!. 69 libraries in 44 countries2200 donations, including

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    1. NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION Marilyn Stovall, Ph.D. The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas

    2. IOMP/AAPM International Libraries Program Established in 1990 Medical physicists in the US donate books and journals Donations go to libraries in developing countries where all physicists in the area have access Donors get a tax deduction!

    3. 69 libraries in 44 countries 2200+ donations, including approximately 1400 book and journal donations 30-35 AAPM members donate their Medical Physics subscriptions directly to a library CDs of meeting proceedings (ASTRO, RSNA) Society for Radiological Protection�s quarterly publication, The Journal of Radiological Protection 117 tons of publications have been donated over 15 years

    4. New curator, as of 1/1/04: Dr. Allan Wilkinson Cleveland Clinic Foundation Radiation Oncology, Desk T-28 9500 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44195 iompl@ccf.org (216)445-8289 & fax (216)444-5331

    5. Countries with IOMP Libraries

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