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Standard 8-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the multiple events that led to the Civil War.

Standard 8-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the multiple events that led to the Civil War. . The Importance of Agriculture (farming) SC’s economy had suffered greatly after the Revolutionary War due to disruption in plantation life and farming.

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Standard 8-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the multiple events that led to the Civil War.

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  1. Standard 8-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the multiple events that led to the Civil War.

  2. The Importance of Agriculture (farming) • SC’s economy had suffered greatly after the Revolutionary War due to disruption in plantation life and farming. • The Headright Method and slaverycontributed to the creation of large plantations.

  3. Did you know…… • Most people in SC lived on family farms. • Most did not own slaves. • The majority of slave owners in SC owned only 1 or 2 slaves. • Most people worked beside their slaves in the fields. • Few slave owners owned large plantations. • Masters and mistresses did hard work too. However….. The economic, social, and political systems in SC were based on slavery

  4. RESULTS of the Cotton Gin • Created by ELI WHITNEY • Impacted the lives of slaves and political rights of white people who lived in SC. • Planted more cotton • Became more dependent on slave labor • Up country could plant cotton, therefore making them more = to the Low Country. • Low country was less fearful of the loss of political power in the Up Country.

  5. New Voting Law • Voting was more equal • Every WHITE MAN (at least 21 years old) was allowed to vote ONCE. • You no longer had to own a specific amount of property to vote. • Also, a person could no longer vote in all the districts in which they owned land. • SC was the 1st state to allow this.

  6. SLAVERY and SLAVE LIFE • Within the newly created United States of America, the slave trade was outlawed. • But, not slavery. • Treatment of slaves varied. • All slaves were denied freedom. • Planting cotton eventually wore out the soil and planters started moving west for new land…..and they wanted to take slavery with them. • This will lead to arguments…..

  7. Slave work: • Cleared land • Planted • Cultivated • Harvested • Processed the crop • Worked from “dawn til dusk” • 6 days a week • Women, Children, and Men • Could also be “hired out” to work for other people besides their owners. • Cooking, cleaning, laundry, raising children

  8. Negative treatment of slaves….. • Provided minimum food, clothing, shelter • Separated from their families • Slave marriages were not legal • Against the law to read or write • Lived in small cabins with dirt floors • Were not allowed to live in “the big house” • Had to carry a pass • “patrollers” kept watch over them • Runaways were punished harshly

  9. Positive treatment of slaves….. • Masters helped out in fields at times • Mistresses took care of sick slaves and helped with the running of the house. Southern Plantation owners said that slavery was a “positive good” because slaves in the south were better taken care of than factory workers in the north.

  10. Ways slaves rebelled • Planned big rebellions (very few) • Work s-l-o-w • Destroy master’s property • Fake illness • Became Christians • Prayed for freedom • Created Gullah

  11. Sectionalism • Being loyal to your own region or section of the country instead of the nation as a whole. Example: Loving only SC, but hating the US. Loving only the 8th grade but ignoring the rest of the school. Sectionalism and the North VS South • North- industry • South- agriculture • North- slaves • South- no slaves • North- Federalists (Whigs) • South- Democratic-Republicans

  12. North-larger population due to immigrants coming North for factory jobs • South- smaller population, resulting them to have less representation in the House of Representative's Abolitionist Movement • Abolitionist- person against slavery. • Famous Abolitionist’s- Sarah and Angelina Grimke • Many were from the North….. But this movement was NOT popular. • Anti-slavery newspapers were published- The Liberator (by William Garrison) • Southerners removed this newspaper from the mail. • Created the Underground Railroad(little impact in SC due to it’s location) • Abolitionists played a major role in all the tension between the North and South.

  13. Southern response to abolitionist movement: • claimed that slavery was a “positive good” because most slaves were cared for, unlike Northern factory workers who were “wage slaves”.

  14. SC has issues….. • Westward Expansion led to sectionalism getting worse! (what areas will be slave states and what areas will be free states?!?!) • At this point in time, a lot of “issues” were developing in “The Union.” (United States) • Here are (7) examples of some of the issues between the North and the South……

  15. #1- Missouri Compromise- Should we allow slavery in newly added states? ISSUE- North was mad that Missouri joined the Union as a slave state, because it threw off the equal balance of slave states and free states. RESULT-Missouri was admitted as a slave state, but then Maine was created and was added as a Free state, equaling everything out again. They drew a line at a certain point. (36-30 degrees latitude) Any states above the line were FREE and any states below the line were SLAVE.

  16. #2- Nullification Crisis of 1832- To pay a tax or not to pay a tax? ISSUE- A new import tax (protective tarriff) was placed on goods coming from other countries • SC didn’t want to pay this tax. • So they didn’t……. They “nullified” it. (Ignored a federal law) • A man named John C. Calhoun was the biggest “voice” in ignoring this tax. • He claimed that it was a state’s right to declare a law “unconstitutional” and nullify it through a state convention. RESULT-SC agreed to pay the tax IF it was reduced. It was.

  17. #3- COMPROMISE OF 1850- We won land!!! Now what? ISSUE- California (land that was won when we fought the Spanish in the Mexican War) wanted to enter the union as a free state. This made Sothern's upset because it would (again) throw off the balance of free states and slave states.

  18. RESULT- (5) results 1. California would be free. 2. Washington D.C. would be free. 3. All the rest of the land that was won in the Mexican War could be voted on by the people who live there whether or not they wanted it to be free or slave territory. (This was called POPULAR SOVEREGNITY.) 4. FUGITATIVE SLAVE LAW was passed. (if a slave runs away to a free territory, their master has the right to go get them) 5. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was written (Harriet Beecher Stowe) and caused huge controversy! Southerners thought that slavery was portrayed wrong in the book.

  19. #4- KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT ISSUE- When Kansas was developed it really reallyreally wanted to be a slave state. (Kansas needed Southern Support because of a railroad that needed to be built) But…. The Missouri Compromise line wouldn’t let them. RESULT- They repealed the Missouri Compromise line and Senator Stephen Douglas let EVERYONE VOTE ON SLAVERY!! (Popular Sovereignty ) This led to A BUNCH of people (slave owners and abolitionist's) moving into Kansas in an attempt to affect the voting!

  20. -SO much fighting broke out and Kansas was nicknamed “Bleeding Kansas”. People were so appalled by the fighting, that they formed a new political party. (The Republican Party) #5- DRED SCOTT DECISION ISSUE- A slave named Dred Scott moved to a Free State with his master. So….. He figured he was a free man. (“Once Free, Always Free”) So he sued the state for his freedom. RESULT- NOT FREE! The supreme court decided that he was considered “property” of his master and not a US Citizen.

  21. #7- ELECTION OF 1860- Last Straw!!! ISSUE- Stephen Douglas VS Abe Lincoln Lincoln wins. “Free Soil” RESULT- The South was furious! (and scared!) Why do you think? They decided they would rather leave the US (union) than live under a president who does not support slavery. SC and other southern states seceded from the union. (PEACE OUT!)

  22. SC says “PEACE OUT”! • After Abe Lincoln won the Presidency, SC decided it wanted to “leave the union” cause they feared that he would “do away” with slavery. • A meeting was supposed to be held in Columbia, but due to a smallpox outbreak, it was held in Charlestown. • They wrote an “Ordinance of Secession” stating that the federal government should not interfere with the decisions and rights of individual states. (states rights) • Not all people from SC agreed with the Ordinance of Secession. • There were (3) groups of people with different opinions on the topic…..

  23. UNIONISTS- • DID NOT think that SC should leave the Union! No matter what! • They felt that the US constitution would protect SC if slavery ever went away. 2.) COOPERATIONISTS- • They wanted SC to leave the Union, but ONLY AS A LAST RESORT! They didn’t want to leave alone! 3.) SECCESSIONISTS- • Fire-eaters! Radicals! • LEAVE THE UNION NOW!! No matter what! • They had no faith in the US constitution!

  24. RESULT? • SC will leave the Union… all alone! • And eventually……. (6) other Southern States will join them! • They will form their own club…… • New Name: The Confederate States of America. • New President- Jefferson Davis • New Flag • New Capital- Richmond, VA • This causes the CIVIL WAR!!!


  26. DETAILS OF WAR…. • Most battles fought: In Virginia, along the Mississippi River • 1st shots fired- Ft. Sumter • Union General- Ulysses S. Grant • Confederate General- Robert E. Lee

  27. UNION BLOCKADE • Pres. Abe Lincoln issued Navy blockades on all Southern Ports! (Port Royal) • 1st major setback! • Charleston was one of the ports that had a blockade! • We did use “blockade runners” to try to get through the Navy Blockades. • One famous blockade runner was called THE HUNLEY. (submarine used to plow through navy ships!) • Finally, Abe Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation stating that all slaves in any area, North or South, are FREE.

  28. “Sherman’s March to Sea”. • Near the end of war a man named, William T. Sherman severely attacked the South! • He waged TOTAL WAR and went CrAzY on GA and SC. • Destroyed/burned EVERYTING in his path from GA to SC. (women, children, homes, animals, ect…..) • Columbia was hit hard by Sherman! (State House= TARGET PRACTICE)

  29. The End is near….. • The Confederate Army eventually had to surrender (at Appomattox court house, VA) because the north had completely shut them down! • The war was over…. • The South is now again part of the United States. • Slavery is OVER.

  30. LIFE DURING THE CIVIL WAR • The Civil War had an important affect on the daily lives of citizens. • The Union Blockades hurt EVERYONE! Not just soldiers! • Farms and Plantations slowly declined. • Plantation owners lost fortunes

  31. WOMEN DURING THE WAR • Took on males roles, running plantations, farms, and working in factories. • Continued to care for children and work at home. • Many were nurses and help set up hospitals. • Found substitutes for many produces that were unavailable

  32. AFRICAN AMERICANS DURING THE WAR • Some continued to work on plantations. • Some built forts for the Union and Confederate Armies. • Many fought for the Union, after they were guaranteed freedom. ( they were STILL discriminated again) • Some fought for the Confederacy in place of their master’s. • Robert Smalls….former slave…. became famous for stealing a Confederate ship and giving it to the North. • He eventually was SC’s representative in Congress, being voted in by thousands of freed slaves after the war!

  33. CHILDREN DURING THE WAR • Many had an active role in the military. • The Confederacy drafted 16 year olds. • Some boys served as “drummer boys” • Some got caught in the crossfire • Grew up coping with the results of the war, which made their lives change drastically.

  34. TIME FOR A TEST! !!

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