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Reality Check. -Three Media Centers- “Three Specialists in Three Days”. Anderson High School Library http://www.ahslibrary.net/. Media Center Number One. Anderson High School-Anderson, Indiana. Vicki Builta-Media Center Specialist. Media Center website- http://www.ahslibrary.net/
-Three Media Centers-“Three Specialists in Three Days” Anderson High School Library http://www.ahslibrary.net/
Media Center Number One • Anderson High School-Anderson, Indiana. • Vicki Builta-Media Center Specialist. • Media Center website- http://www.ahslibrary.net/ • Virtual Interview • Virtual Tour-http://www.ahslibrary.net/categories.php?view=1#Virtual%20Tour
Media Center Specialist:Vicki Builta • My Bachelor's Degree is in Elementary Education and School Library Media Services. I received my master's degree in the same areas in 1980 from Ball State University. • Hired in 1978 by the Anderson Community School Corporation, I have always been a library media specialist. I have served elementary buildings for 18 years and middle schools for 10 years. • I am a member of the American Library Association, Association for Indiana Media Educators, American Association of School Librarians, and the Young Adults Library Services Association. • I am currently the District 8 representative for the Association for Indiana Media Educators and have recently been named to the American Association of School Librarians' Best List of Internet Sites for Teaching and Learning Task Force.
Interview Highlights “In Vicki Builta’s Own Words” Censorship Collaboration: Click Me! Promotions:Click Me! Technology: Click Me! Obstacles Collection Development “ We have about 11,000 books (although I am beginning a major weeding project) – fiction, biography, nonfiction, reference. We have a small collection of audio books and growing collection of graphic novels (funded by small grants I am pursuing). We have a Career Center for the students – books on careers and taking tests but also college pamphlets and catalogs, and career brochures from Chronicle Guidance” (Builta, Vicki). “Collection development is my responsibility. I purchase items based on what is requested by the staff and students and what is used both for recreational reading use and research use. This is only my second year at this building; I am mostly ordering nonfiction titles now because that segment of the collection is very old and dated. I have already weeded the biographies – and dispensed with half of them! So I guess I will be ordering biographies, too. The fiction collection is in a bit better shape but I still try to order a variety of those if funding allows” (Builta, Vicki).
The Facilities • The facilities at Anderson High School are ideal. • Take the virtual tour! • Vicki’s media center has a modern day appeal much like retail bookstores. • This includes wide open spaces, bright lighting, comfy seating areas, and theater-like posters filling the walls.
My thoughts on Interview with Vicki Builta • The interview with Vicki Builta from Anderson High School was conducted via the Internet, a virtual interview. I first learned of Vicki Builta by searching the Internet for school media center websites. I came across a middle school website, East Side Middle School Library. I was extremely impressed by this web site, and wanted to interview the media specialist behind the scenes. • I located the media specialist, Vicki Builta’s name, at the bottom of the site. I e-mailed her requesting an interview, and she quickly replied. Vicki stated in the reply that she would gladly give me an interview, but that she no longer worked at ESMS. Vicki explained that she currently works at Anderson High School and asked if that was ok. I said, “Of course!” Thus, the interview process began. • The interview process took four days. I provided Vicki Builta with a series of questions in a third e-mail. I asked her questions about collaboration, collection development, censorship issues, promotions, technology use, and obstacles in her profession. • The fourth e-mail consisted of Vicki Builta’s answers. Vicki was very friendly, extremely helpful, and willing to assist in any questions I posed to her. She also stated that I could e-mail her anytime with further questions that may arise. The virtual interview was a positive experience!
Media Center Number Two • Pierre Moran Middle School-Elkhart, Indiana • Kelly VonGunten- Media Center Specialist • Personal Interview and tour • Date: September 20, 2007 • Time: 8:30 AM • Website: http://www.elkhart.k12.in.us/pierremoran/media_center_news.htm
Media Center Specialist: Kelly VonGunten • Bachelor’s degree from University of Michigan • Graduated from IUPUI with Master’s in library of science. • Former secondary level English teacher. • Fairly new to the media center specialist field. • Two years as a MCS.
The Facilities The Library-15,500 resources. Two (round) computer resource centers. Professional library, resources for teachers. Media Center Policies. Servicing 650 students and 50 staff members. Human Resources One assistant: Janette Student volunteers-Lunch Time Kelly VonGunten explains why she has student volunteers, “Students that do not feel safe in the cafeteria at lunch ask to volunteer in the library where they feel safe.” Interview HighlightsSchool Media Center
Interview HighlightsKelly VonGunten’s thoughts… “Do you collaborate with teachers?” What is you scheduling & time management like? Kelly replies, “We are running a flexible schedule. Also, there are “NO” lunch or prep times for Janette and I, so that students can have access to the library at all times.” Kelly states, “I try to…but some teachers are not willing. They are set in their ways. I work mostly with the English and Social Studies departments.” Thoughts on advocacy Kelly implies, “You can either be lazy or determined in order to make your program a success or failure.” Kelly emphasizes, “You have to fight for your program!”
Media Center Specialist Kelly VonGunten’s interview continued… What types of promotions do you create? Kelly states, “I promote Teen Read Week, a book fair, and the National Reading Program. I also have a “back to school parent’s night,” for parents. For the teachers I have special receptions and luncheons.” “I send a newsletter to teachers every month to keep them aware of library happenings” -Kelly VonGunten “A newsletter is a wonderful way to communicate with teachers, students, or parents” (Eduscapes). “We are currently promoting South American culture, graphic novels, and Spanish materials” (VonGunten, Kelly).
The Media Center Budget Kelly discusses budget issues at Pierre Moran Middle School “Information Power: Program Administration” Principle 7“Sufficient funding is fundamental to the success of the library media program” (Eduscapes) “The budget is determined by enrollment. Our media budget is used to buy books, audio/visual materials, general media supplies, and some building supplies, (Ellison dyes, laminating materials, construction paper, etc.).” “We have a reasonable amount of funds, but there is often not enough to do the “extras” such as incentives, prizes, luncheons, decorations…That is where we have to get creative. We write grants, involve the PTO, request assistance from local business.”
My Thoughts on Interview with Kelly VonGunten • Interview lasted 45 minutes. • Additionally,we corresponded numerous times via e-mail. • Kelly took me on a tour and introduced me to her assistant, Janette. • We sat down together in her office and I asked her numerous questions concerning collaboration, budget matters, promotions, human resources, scheduling, and time management. • Kelly provided me with several handouts regarding promotions and media center policies. • Kelly VonGunten was very friendly and willing to assist me in this interview. • Kelly took the same course a few years back, and thus, was understanding on what I needed. Kelly referred me to my third media center interview with Rita Ritzler.
Media Center Number Three • Concord High School-Elkhart, Indiana • Media Center Specialist: Rita Ritzler • Media Center Paraprofessional: Kate Alexander • Personal Interview & Tour • Date: October 12, 2007. • Time: 2:00 PM • Website- http://highschool.concord.k12.in.us/media.html
Media Center Specialist: Rita Ritzler • Director of Concord High School Library since 1995. • Also, has Master’s degree in education. • Taught for numerous years as an elementary teacher in the Concord district. • Librarian at Elkhart Public Dunlap Branch Library before Concord. • Left teaching because of her love for the library atmosphere. Concord High School
Library in the shape of an octagon. Neutral colors Bright, soft lights. Wooden round tables & square tables/chairs Large, roomy Low bookcases and wall bookcases. Numerous computer stations Ceiling mounted televisions Professional resource room Reference section Displays, promotional areas Technology resource room Television studio Tall circulation desk Interview Highlights“The Facilities”
Interview HighlightsSecurity at the Media Center “Media centers lose ten to 15 % of their library collections through theft” (Morris). Security at Concord “Students have attempted to cut out barcodes thinking they could get past the security. However, there is a chip inserted into the spine of each book. Theft is rare but it does occur.” (Ritzler, Rita). Betty Morris, author of, “Administering the School Library Media Center,” states that, “The theft of library materials is becoming a major problem in media centers.”
Interview HighlightsPlanning a Media Center Program “Concord High School has seen a 30% increase of the Hispanic student population. I am currently implementing a plan to incorporate materials, resources, and services into the media center in order to address the diverse population.” –Rita Ritzler “The ESL collection is small but growing!” –Rita Ritzler
Interview HighlightsCollection Development “Today's collections are moving from balanced collection which offer a little of everything to focused collection that provide the level of depth to meet the demands of rigorous standards” (Eduscapes).
More on Collection Policies and Procedures Information Power - Information Access and Delivery: Principle 7. “The information polices, procedures, and practices of the library media program reflect legal guidelines and professional ethics” (Eduscapes). “Policies and procedures guide the activities of the library media collection program” (Eduscapes). “Policies explain why the collectionexists and what will be in it. A policy tends to address ideals and generalities. Procedures explain how the policy will be implemented and who will be involved with the implementation. A procedure should be concrete and specific”(Eduscapes) “A good collection is crucial for a well-rounded media center. Having guidelines and procedures is beneficial because it safeguards the librarian and the school’s media center.” -Rita Ritzler
Interview HighlightsScheduling • “We practice flexible scheduling.” • “Two classes at a time may use the library.” • “Students can access the library at all times with a pass.” • “We stay open one hour after school to allow more time for students.” -Rita Ritzler(Concord Media Specialist) “Not only does flexible scheduling promote collaboration between teachers and the media specialist, but it also helps achieve the goal of making school library media center instruction an integrated, cohesive part of the school curriculum”(Morris 85).
Interview HighlightsPromotions Rita Ritzler boasts about the “Rosewater Collection.” “This is a great collection or series if you will. The students love it. We actually have a panel of 20 students that come in at lunch to discuss the “Rosewater Collection.” It is a book talk of sorts. The administration allows the students to bring their lunches with them. This is rare! The students give their opinion on which books are good for our collection. We promote these books to the rest of the media center patrons” (Ritzler, Rita). Check out Indiana Library Federation to learn more about Eliot Rosewater.
Fundraising Program Who: Martin’s Grocery Store Advantage Program. What: Grocery store customers can direct monies to Concord High School Media Center through purchases. How to Promote Program: Signs are posted during Parent/Teacher’s conferences. Grants “There was a grant a few years back. This grant was for the fiction part of our collection. The grant was obtained through the central office at Concord. This grant applied toward all Concord libraries.” –Rita Ritzler Interview HighlightsGrants & Fundraisers Grant writing: "Study the application package, respond to the selection criteria explicitly and directly, and assume nothing," McNeely says. "If you take it step-by-step, it's much more logical and understandable than you might initially think. And don't be afraid to call us for help.“ –Judith McGowan,(library consultant)
Interview HighlightsAccountability “Effective management of human, financial, and physical resources undergirds a strong library media program” (Information Power-Principle 10). “My role as a librarian was recently in question,” states Rita Ritzler. “It was shaky for awhile. I had to prove to the school’s administration and the state of Indiana that my program was valuable to the student’s and staff at Concord. To do this I had to provide evidence & data to the powers that be.”
Interview Highlights-Technology What technology do you provide in the Concord High School Media Center? “We offer 4 databases, INSPIRE, Electric Library, SIRS, Newsbank on 20 computer stations. We also have roll carts with laptops for classroom rental. We have a television studio where a half hour program “Concord Live” is recorded. We have a full time Technology Resource Coordinator to assist students with technology issues” –Rita Ritzler “A technology plan specifies the manner in which technology is to be integrated into the school curriculum. In the state of Indiana, every school corporation must have an approved and current three-year technology plan (per Indiana Code: IC20-10.1-25-1.2)” (Eduscapes).
My Thoughts on the Interview with Rita Ritzler • The interview was first initiated from a referral by Kelly VonGunten. • I then contacted Rita Ritzler via e-mail by locating her e-mail address • on the Concord High School’s website. Mrs. Ritzler replied quickly to • my interview request, and we set an appointment for 2:00 PM in the afternoon. • The interview process was informative and helpful. • I was introduced to several staff members including • the library paraprofessional, Kate, the Technology Resource Coordinator, • the teacher that runs the television studio, and several others milling around • the library. • I was taken on a tour by Rita Ritzler, and she explained in detail • every aspect of her library and the program. • I considered this interview to be the most informative. I was given several handouts and detailed information. • The interview lasted over an hour. • I corresponded with Rita after the interview in a few e-mails. She asked me to substitute for her when she was absent from her job. I was flattered at this offer!
Promotion devotion Collaboration sensation Banner planner Principle 5 “Comprehensive and collaborative long-range, strategic planning is essential to the effectiveness of the library media program” (Information Power). I see myself as a heavy promoter. I love the theory behind promotions. Collaboration with fellow colleagues is the key to a successful media program. As a media specialist one must prove their importance to the educational system. Collaboration is a key ingredient. As a media specialist, planning and implementing is a continuous process. Without concrete plans in place the media program will be a complete failure. -Three Media Centers-“Three Specialists in Three Days”Am I Like These Three Specialists? “My Goals as a Media Specialist”
Innovative Native “Libraries must be spaces where multiple activities can take place simultaneously.—quiet study areas, group activity areas, spaces for individual and small group work, spaces for instruction, spaces where students can listen to music, and dare I say it—spaces where food and drinks are allowed” (Erikson). Technology Driven “The library media specialist must help learners become responsible information users in an information-rich, high technology world” (Eduscapes). Collection Protection I believe that a media specialist should create an atmosphere and program that incorporates innovative facilities conducive to the media program. Technology is monumental in our educational system. To prepare students for real life situations we must make them harbingers of technology. A media program does not exist without a viable collection of resources and services. My Goals Continued…
Comparisons *Me and Specialists Three* Technology Driven: The technology at Concord outperformed the other two media centers. With a wide range of technological tools available such as four databases, a state of the art television studio, a technology resource center, and full time technology coordinators, efficient productive 21st century information inquiry skills evolve at the Concord High School media center. Collection Protection: I commend Rita Ritzler’s, (Concord media center specialist), methods for collection development. As you will see on slide 19, Rita uses the school’s curriculum, but also goes further by listening to teachers and students. Vicki Builta and Kelly VonGunten also uses this method. However, Rita Ritzler goes one step further by creating a “Book Talk” program to allow students, (throughout the year), to read books, provide their opinions, and then decide what books the library should incorporate into the collection. The opinions of students are recorded on index cards and filed for future reference. I believe that weighing the student’s opinions for the collection is vital to a media program because the student’s are the key patrons to the program. I also believe that all three specialists are on task when they consider the teachers’ opinions. Teachers are also key ingredients to a successful media program. Promotion Devotion: Vicki Builta has an outstanding promotion program. She goes above and beyond the norm by creating several promotions simultaneously such as multiple newsletters for teachers and parents, engaging in outreach programs, and becoming involved as an advocate for the media school center. Additionally, Vicki has clubs, book talks, incentive programs, and so much more.
Comparison’s Continued… Collaboration Sensation: All three media specialists stated their disappointments in collaborating with teachers. Vicki Builta and Kelly VonGunten stated they mostly work with the social studies and English departments. Rita Ritzler collaborates with the speech teachers and allows the speech/debate team to utilize the library after hours. I would hope to incorporate a stronger collaboration ethic in my program. Banner Planner: All three media specialists plan excellent programs.Vicki Builta plans and plans and plans from her exemplary web site to her outreach programs. I would like to be this kind of banner planner. “I do not think I can model my program after one particular specialist that I interviewed. Each specialist exhibited skills that are superior; from Kelly VonGunten’s dedication to her student’s, to Vicki Builta’s organizational skills, to Rita Ritzler’s wisdom and collection expertise. Thus, I would like to take attributes from each one, and incorporate them into a successful media center program.” -Michele Linn
Three Interviews, Three Specialists, Three Informative Days! Created by: Michele Linn SLIS 671-IUPUI Thanks to Vicki Builta, Kelley VonGunten, and Rita Ritzler
Sources: • ALA & AECT. (1998) Information power: Building partnerships for learning. Chicago:American Library Association. • Lamb, Dr. Annette and Dr. Larry Johnson. C 2004- 2007. “The School Library Media Specialist.” Eduscapes. http://eduscapes.com/sms/index.htmlAccessed 10-21-2007. • McGowan, Judith.C 2003. “Writing the Grant Game.” School Library Journal; Mar2003, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p52, 4p. • Morris, B. (2004). Administering the School Library Media Center. Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited. • Erikson, Rolf and Doug Johnson. C.2007 “Imagining the Future School Library.” Design Share: Designing for the Future of Learning. http://www.designshare.com/index.php/articles/school-library-future. Accessed 10-20-2007.