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First report on preparation ICZM Strategy for Montenegro Saša Karajović, spatial planner team member for CAMP MNE. The previous process of drawing of ICZM Strategy for Montenegro started in 2004 and lasted 3 years
First report on preparation ICZM Strategy for Montenegro Saša Karajović, spatial planner team member for CAMP MNE
The previous processof drawing of ICZM Strategy for Montenegro started in 2004 and lasted 3 years Ministry for Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning was in charge of coordination and cooperation amongst the Montenegrin institutions Setup of the inter-ministerial Steering Committee for the ICZM Strategy to give political support and steering - 5 Ministries, 2 Government Secretariats, 3 Government Institutions, 6 Coastal municipalities + Involvement of NGOs as observers According to National Strategy of Sustainable Development of Montenegro (NSSD), 2006. National Strategy of Integrated coastal area management is one of 24 priority areas of NSSD The first phase of work consisted of drafting an inter-sectoral DIAGNOSIS. The complete Diagnosis document went through 3 successive revisions before it was adopted as a working document by an inter-ministerial Steering Committee. The second phase of work consisted of: 1) forming of the national working team comprised of experts and representatives of institutions and bodies of state administration responsible for issues in the field of ICZM; 2) compilation of inputs and evaluation of internal consistency (goals, measures and activities in the Action plan of NS ICZM) and external consistency (evaluation of harmonization of NS ICZM with national and international documents relevant for ICZM) by the Synthesis team.
DOCUMENTS ELABORATED WITHIN THE PREVIOUS NS ICZM PROCESS: • Institutional and Legal Analysis Study of Coastal Management in Montenegro • Nautical Tourism Development Strategy in Montenegro • Recommendations on Management Plans for Nature Protected Areas in the Coastal Zone • Document Revision of the Coastal Zone Law of the Republic of Montenegro and amendments for consideration • National strategy for ICAM of Montenegro - Diagnosis, • Final Draft of the National Strategy of Integrated Coastal Area Management of Montenegro • ICZM STRATEGY FOR MONTENEGRO (2008) • ICZM VISION • PRINCIPLES • KEY ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF ICZM • PRIORITY ACTION PLAN • For each of 14 challenge, up to three strategic objectives were defined. For each of 19 strategic objectives, operational objectives, as well as measures, activities and time determinations for achieving these objectives have been identified. Also, indicators have been included for follow up of realization of goals as well as proposal of subjects which can be involved in realization of activities.
CONCLUSIONS ONPREVIOUS NS ICZM PROCESS: • The process of drafting strategies for ICZM is supposed to be conducted in such a way that the document itself as a final product is equally important as the managing of the drafting process with participation of wide range of subjects. • The process of drafting the NS ICZM had a deficiency as far as widely participative process is concerned. This was partly compensated through organization of public hearings (round tables) on Draft NS ICZM where numerous constructive remarks were given, which have been included in the Proposal of NS ICZM according to their relevance. • The Proposal of NS ICZM was submitted to the Government of Montenegro for adoption in the beginning of 2008, but was not adopted. • This strategy was drafted before the ICZM Protocol was adopted, and its entry in the force this year, brings up the need for the revision or redrafting of National Strategy for ICZM on the Montenegrin agenda
IN THE MEANTIME • Montenegro signed the ICZM Protocol on January 21st , 2008, in Madrid, Spain; • Parliament of Montenegro ratified ICZM Protocol on December 1st 2011; • Article 18 of the Protocol calls for adoption of national strategies and programmes for ICZM; • ICZM Plan as the main outcome of CAMP Montenegro will be developed in a synergy with NSICZM • NSICZM will be prepared following PAP/RACGuidelines for the preparation of National ICZM Strategies After ratification by 6 Mediterranean countries, ICZM Protocol entered into force March 24th 2011 Parliament of Montenegro ratified ICZM Protocol on December 1st 2011
PROTOCOL ON INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Article 18: NATIONAL COASTAL STRATEGIES, PLANS AND PROGRAMMES 18.1. Each Party shall further strengthen or formulate a national strategy for integrated coastal zone management and coastal implementation plans and programmes consistent with the common regional framework and in conformity with the integrated management objectives and principles of this Protocol and shall inform the Organization about the coordination mechanism in place for this strategy. 18.3. Coastal plans and programmes, which may be self-standing or integrated in other plans and programmes, shall specify the orientations of the national strategy and implement it at an appropriate territorial level, determining, inter alia and where appropriate, the carrying capacities and conditions for the allocationand use of the respective marine and land parts of coastal zones.
Linking NS ICZM and ICZM Plan Preparation of the ICZM Plan is the main activity of the CAMP Montenegro and a vehicle for putting into practice integrated approaches and new institutional / co-ordination mechanisms. It is directly related to Article 18 of the ICZM Protocol (obligation to formulate national ICZM strategies, plans and programmes). The Plan will refer to the entire CAMP Project area, whereas special efforts will be made to co-ordinate activities with, and integrate results of the transboundary ICZM Plan for Bojana / Buna river. In accordance with the analyses and objectives that will be defined in NS ICZM, the priority themes and area of action will be further elaborated in ICZM Plan. This will be achieved by defining the measures, timeframe, responsibilities for implementation, indicators, means for implementation for any themes and area of action that is assessed as the priority for ICZM Plan. The analyses and recommendation to come out from the baseline studies will serve as the platform in making the prioritization of the themes and priority areas, as well as for defining the set of measures that are necessary to be realized in order to enable implementation of the priority actions.
Guidelines for the preparation of National ICZM Strategies required by the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol for the Mediterranean Aim To create the preconditions and practical mechanisms to implement the provisions and the aspirations of the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean at the national level. Objectives of the National ICZM Strategy The National ICZM Strategy should: Articulate an agreed, clear national vision for the sustainable development of the coastal zone. Establish through governance the integration and harmonisation of multiple interests in coastal zone.
Guidelines for the preparation of National ICZM Strategies required by the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol for the Mediterranean The Process is described in 5 key stages: Establishment Setting the Vision Analysis & Futures Designing the Future Realising the Vision These 5 stages provide convenient milestones around which to design the roadmap for Strategy preparation, consultation and reporting It is envisaged that the National ICZM Strategy process will take a maximum of two years from initiation to the adoption and publication of the final Strategy. Maintaining the momentum of debate and demonstrating sustained progress is a key component of engaging stakeholders on the process. The diagram illustrates the basic flow – the ‘stepping stones’ - upon which to build the more detailed work plan for the preparation of the National ICZM Strategy.
Guidelines for the preparation of National ICZM Strategies • required by the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol for the Mediterranean • Format and Contents of the National ICZM Strategy • “The national strategy, based on an analysis of the existing situation, shall set objectives, determine priorities with an indication of the reasons, identify coastal ecosystems needing management, as well as all relevant actors and processes, enumerate the measures to be taken and their cost as well as the institutional instruments and legal and financial means available, and set an implementation schedule.” (Article 18.2) • The final National ICZM Strategy and associated material should be published in both paper and accessible on-line formats. • The contents of the National ICZM Strategy should consist of: • Definition of the Vision; • Identification of the Analysis and Objectives: Brief analysis of the current state of the coastal zone, root causes of major problems, risks and potential future scenarios. The national objectives for sustainable development of the coastal zone reflecting environmental, economic and social priorities. Identification of the key indicators to measure the success addressing these priorities;
The contents of the National ICZM Strategy: • ... • Determination of the priorities for the Coastal Zone: set out the national priorities and links to other relevant strategies including spatial planning, environmental, natural risks in particular climate change, economic development, transport etc; • Identification of the specific Ecosystems and Themes: Define the specific coastal ecosystems requiring management, in particular estuaries and wetlands so to take into account their environmental, economic and social function; • Identification of the Governance Structures and Participation; • Identification of themeans of Implementation; • Action Plan: a supporting roadmap to achieve the Strategy – an ICZM Plan to deliver the Strategy over a predetermined time period, 3-6 years. The ICZM Plans are multi-sector development plans which do not replace but augment overall national development plans and sector specific development plans. They are the central key elements in the establishing of sustainable ICZM; • Monitoring and Evaluation process.
PARTICIPATORY PROCESS NS ICZM will be highly based on the public participation process that will be leaded in synergy with public participation in the framework of CAMP Montenegro. In order not to duplicate efforts and expenses as well as not to create confusion with the local communities, the workshops will be organised jointly with the activities related to National Strategy on ICZM Plan preparation. CAMP Montenegro will help national institutions in their efforts to disseminate information on coastal area values and vulnerabilities and to promote sustainable development approaches among the general public, capitalising on the efforts of all stakeholders who are already working on awareness raising and coastal area management. It is envisaged that up to five main workshops would be organised following dynamic of the entire process and it`s phasing. In addition, a number of smaller scale consultation meetings with key stakeholders would be organised as part of the output development and preparation of the workshops.
Guidelines for the preparation of National ICZM Strategies required by the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol for the Mediterranean A Final Recommandation …on Style Coastal issues in the Mediterranean are complex -but Strategy need not be Keep it simple- focus on setting the vision and setting a shared course towards it Set an ambitious timetable- don’t take too long or your audience will lose interest and momentum will be lost The real test of a Strategy’s success depends on its ability to catalyze changeand a sustainable Mediterranean coast