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IEP Protocol. Tips for Conducting a Successful Meeting with an Appropriately Developed IEP. Set the Stage. Think ahead: Reserve the room Invite the participants and provide written notice to parent(s)-You do not need to include the names of the participants, only their position.
IEP Protocol Tips for Conducting a Successful Meeting with an Appropriately Developed IEP
Set the Stage • Think ahead: • Reserve the room • Invite the participants and provide written notice to parent(s)-You do not need to include the names of the participants, only their position. • Prepare the draft IEP and send it home marked draft (Do not include services, the LRE statement, or Prior Notice) • Think about the presentation: where will you sit, the parent(s), others ?? Be sure there is enough space and that you will be able to use your laptop easily
Some Thoughts About Presentation • Consider using the video beam to present the DRAFT IEP to the team. Use of the beam allows all participants to see exactly what is being typed. • Use of the video beam encourages discussion and may lessen anxiety as people discuss what is being seen. • Do experiment BEFORE the meeting to be sure that a comfortable environment can be arranged.
Even with the use of the video beam, hard copies should be provided to the team. • People may want to take notes, etc.
THE KEY!!! • How you start the meeting is key! • Have all participants introduce themselves including anyone the parents may bring • Describe the process to parents • (consider using an agenda) • Example: • Good morning, we are here to consider Johnny’s current level of performance, discuss his educational needs, determine goals, determine needed supports and services to reach his goals and we will then discuss the location where these needs can be most appropriately met.
Remember! • The purpose of an IEP meeting can vary, BUT jumping straight to considering where the child will be served is incorrect. • You may have to remind parents or members of the team that there is a process and at the conclusion of the process location of services and supports will be discussed.
The Cover Page • Check that data is correct and make changes as needed. Match participants to those actually attending. • The IEP team must include at a minimum: • Administrator or designee • General Education Teacher • Special Education Teacher • Parent • Related services attend as applicable • The student if transition is being discussed • Use the excused members form if needed. BUT Administrators should not be excused!!
Considerations Page • IMPORTANT: • This should be used as a flexible tool throughout the meeting. The first 5 areas MUST be addressed and may be added to during the meeting. • AVOID using SEE PLOP… The intent is to : • 1. Center the team on the meeting’s process • 2. Give parents an opportunity to effectively state their concerns and contribute their unique knowledge of their child.
Keep The Considerations Page Handy • Throughout the meeting, adding to this page may be the appropriate place to enter other concerns. • Students with behaviors that interfere with learning will also need an FBA and BIP. • Students with limited English proficiency, visual, or hearing disabilities are also addressed.
This narrative gives a clear picture of the child as related to the identified disability. It should give a clear description of the child’s strengths and weaknesses. The PLOP should speak directly to how the disability manifests within the classroom. All test scores included must be explained. There must be a clear relationship between the PLOP and goals and objectives. As appropriate, students should have input in their own voice regarding desired transition/career outcomes. THE PLOP
Goals and Objectives • Must be written in measurable terms. • Must include how progress on the goal will be evaluated and how often reports on progress will be completed. (usually quarterly)
Caution! • Do NOT use the following as a goal: • Rhona will demonstrate improvement in reading skills as measured by THE FOLLOWING OBJECTIVES. This goal does not meet the requirement that it be measurable • And remember, including a percentage does not necessarily make a goal or objective measurable (refer to the Intranet under Exceptional Education for more specifics on writing measurable objectives)
Accommodation/ModificationPage • NOT a menu!! • There should be a direct relationship to the areas addressed in the PLOP. • Be specific/Do NOT use “as needed.” • Remember the idea is to level the playing field. • These must be implemented in general ed. classes as well.
Accommodations Continued • It is not appropriate to make the student responsible for obtaining the accommodation. • Example: • Do not write student will obtain teacher signature on assignment book. • Or student to have behavior plan signed by teacher (In this example, goals should be written to teach the student how to improve organization) • If it is an accommodation, it is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that it happens • Note: The criteria for the Read Aloud Option for SOL Reading tests has changed significantly
Testing • This information is available from your school counselor. • Students with alternate assessments have separate considerations.
Services • Remember this is not a menu. • Begin with the question, Which goals can be implemented in a general education setting? • Goals and supports that are needed (and already established) drive the location of services. • We are required to consider the least restrictive environment for each child.
Least Restrictive Environment statement • State why the child needs special education services. • Example: Due to Johnny’s documented reading deficits that require specialized instruction and his difficulty with organization skills that impact his ability to benefit from general education even with aides and supports, he is appropriately served in….. • Include areas of participation with non-disabled peers such as: • Johnny will participate with non-disabled peers…..
Prior Notice • Prior Written Notice notifies families what the school proposes and refuses, if applicable, prior to implementing those proposal or refusals. This is the school’s notice and is not part of the development of the IEP. As such, parents do not participate in the writing of the PWN. Example: Parents request that Johnny have a 1:1 assistant. The team did not support the use of a 1:1 as Johnny’s needs can be appropriately met through….. • Prior Written Notice must be given to parents, but can be provided within a few days of the meeting if there are concerns on the part of the team.
In a Nutshell>>> • Prepare,prepare • Send a draft!!!!!!!! • Know the contents and flow • Keep the team on topic • Help keep everyone calm. • It is fine to adjourn if you feel the meeting is non-productive. • Reschedule quickly
Remember • Facilitating an IEP is a learned art! • Keep participants on topic. • Give reminders of time parameters. • Encourage parent participation. • Say No appropriately, include refusals in prior notice • If an issue arises that is holding up the meeting, ask that it be tabled, move on and then come back to it. • If an issue arises that requires guidance, take a break and reach the appropriate party.
continued • If needed, ask that the team reconvene. • If parents chose to leave, encourage them to stay and inform them that the meeting will continue. Document their refusal to participate in Prior Notice.
Consensus • General opinion of the group. • NOT determined by majority vote. • Be sure to consider parents’ views as they are equal participants. However, the final responsibility is with the LEA to ensure that the IEP includes the services that the child needs to receive FAPE. • NEVER include goals or services because the parents or their advocates insist if the school-based data and assessments indicate otherwise.
Consent • Try to work with the parent to achieve consent. Some compromise may be in order.. Try to determine what their concerns are and work to reach a mutually agreeable plan.
TOPICS To CONSIDER • IEPs are not written in stone, can be modified!! • Consider having several people take notes. If there is a lot to cover, or you are unsure… the Prior Notice does not have to be given to the parent at the meeting. It can be completed within a short period of time and sent separately. • Prior notice MUST be completed !! • Ask Parents if they are comfortable with the draft and will consent. If so, print and obtain signatures. • IF parents want to review the IEP prior to signing, send it in draft form.
continued • If parents wish to make changes after review, another meeting must be held. • If they agree as it was written on the draft, print and they can simply come and sign.