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Weld Democratic Central Committee Structure. Precinct Caucus. Elects two Precinct Committeepersons, who are members of their county and district central committees for two years until the next caucus. County Chair may fill vacancies. April of even-numbered years.
Weld Democratic Central Committee Structure Precinct Caucus Elects two Precinct Committeepersons, who are members of their county and district central committees for two years until the next caucus. County Chair may fill vacancies. April of even-numbered years Central committees reorganize and elect new officers in February and March of odd-numbered years 19th Judicial District Central Committee Co. Commissioner District Central Committees House Districts 48 & 50 Central Committees Weld County Central Committee Federal, state and legislative elected officials serve on the State Central Committee and most district central committees Senate District 13 Central Committee County Chair, V-Chair and 6 “bonus” members Multi-County Sen. & House Central Comm. SD 23, HD 33, 49, 65 Co Ch, V-Ch & Sec’ty or their substitutes * Counties elect two additional or “bonus” members for each 10,000 votes for the Democratic candidate for President or Governor. State Central Comm. Cong. Dist. 2 Central Comm. Co Ch & V-Ch or substitutes State Chair & Vice-Chair State Convention in Presidential years elects additional DNC members Cong. Dist. 4 Central Comm. Co Ch & V-Ch or substitutes & 4 “bonus” members Democratic National Committee *Officers who do not live in a district designate substitutes who are residents. DNC meets to elect new officers between November Presidential election and March 1 of the following year. Congressional District Chairs and Vice-Chairs also serve on the State Central Committee. 03/07/05 clb