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UNITED STATES EDUCATION . by : luisa arce and maria camila hoyos. History of education. The history of education is divide in four parts : . colonial education.
UNITED STATES EDUCATION by: luisa arce and mariacamila hoyos
History of education Thehistory of educationis divide in fourparts:
colonial education Theprimaryeducationchildren in colonial daysincludedreading, writing, simple math, poems, and prayers. paper and textbookswerescarce so theymemorizedeverylesson. theschools prepare themfor roles in plantationlife's.
Colonial education Girlseducation Boyseducation theboysstudied highermath greek Latin science celestial navigation geography history social etiquette plantationmanagement • girlslearned : • reading • writing • arithmetic • art • music • French • social etiquette • needlework • Spinning
EarlyNationalEducation Bythe 1750s, literacyrateswerethehighest in the New Englandcolonies, at about 75% for males and 65% forfemales. Theliteracyrates, however, werelower in thetheMiddle and Southerncolonies.
19th Century Education Nineteenth Century American Educationisoftenreferredto as "TheCommonSchoolPeriod." Itwasduringthiscenturythateducationwentfrombeingcompletelyprivatetobeingavailabletothecommonmasses.
20th Century Education 19th centurywas a progressive era, the 20th wasthe idea of educationforall. thestatescontrolled free education. schoolattendancewasmandatory, educationwas universal. All racial, religious and ethnicgroupsshouldhaveaccesstothesametype of education, parentshadthe variable options: public, private, parochial etc.
no childleftbehind the no childleftbehindact of 2001, is a unitedstatesact of thecongressspending $300 billion in nationaleducationparticularlythose in disadvantage . this has thepurpose of risingthequality and coverage of education. theactrequirestodevelopassessments in basicskills, toreceive federal funding. some data provethatsince 2004 thelevel of literacy of fourthgraders has riced.
privateeducation privateschoolshavegreaterresources and technology Schools and classestendto be muchsmaller. There'softenlessbureaucracy. Parentinvolvementisstrong. howeverthere are more minorities in privateschools thecost of privateeducation, which can easilyrunintothetens of thousands of dollars.
publiceducation publicschoolshave a uniformcurriculumdistrictwide and evenstatewide. Thestudentpopulationtendsto be more diverse. free Teachershave more qualifications. Studentsspend more time studyingcoresubjects. howeversomepublicschoolhaveissueswiththe federal funding.
advantages • Quality of Education • Great CareerOpportunities • Great CareerChoices • Flexibility • Multi-Cultural Experience • LifetimeContacts and Connections • The taste of thegoodlife
disadvantages • Cost of Education and living • No ScholarshipsorGrants
conclusion • American education has develop in manywaysitstarted as educationforwealthychild and focusing more in meneducationthan in women. Theeducationwasn'tforeveryonebecauseitwas so expensive, nowthecongresscratedthelaw of no childleftbehindtoofferallkids a propereducation. Parentshave more optionstochoicefrom. American educationhave more positive aspectsthannegatives.