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More than Memorizing: Using Morphology to Teach Roots & Affixes

More than Memorizing: Using Morphology to Teach Roots & Affixes. Jennifer Hadlock-Young, Binford MS Jennifer Poore Bentley, Henderson MS. WHAT IS MORPH OLOGY ?.

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More than Memorizing: Using Morphology to Teach Roots & Affixes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. More than Memorizing: Using Morphology to Teach Roots & Affixes Jennifer Hadlock-Young, Binford MS Jennifer Poore Bentley, Henderson MS


  3. “Students’ understanding of morphology is a better predictor of reading comprehension than vocabulary level.” (Kieffer & Lesaux, 2007)

  4. TODAY’S GOALS • Understand how to use morphological analysis as a framework for root word and affix instruction • Practice a sequence of sorts that can be used to introduce students to the structure of words and their parts • Acquire a routine for teaching the definitions of roots and affixes • Create a list of word parts for your department to teach that is vertically aligned across grade levels

  5. Principle #1Students need to know about the etymology of words.

  6. Borrowed Words and Cognates Sort

  7. Principle #2Students need to identify the baseof words.

  8. 4 Words Morpheme StructuresSort

  9. Principle #3Students need to know how to identify the parts of words.

  10. Affixes Foldable

  11. Principle #4Students need to know how to dissect the parts of words.

  12. AffixSort

  13. Word Dissect

  14. Principle #6Students need to combine morphemic elements while focusing word meaning.

  15. Meaningful Affixes

  16. Tips for Using Stations and Sorts • Number or color code materials for each group • Keep loose sorts in envelopes; avoid clips and rubber bands • Group sorts can be done on the floor (or use trays) • Have everything cut and prepared beforehand • Timers are your friend (http://www.online-stopwatch.com) • Assign group roles • Directions and modeling are key • Bold or color code heading for sorts

  17. What’s next? • Word harvesting using word walls and word hunts • Vocabulary journals • Word ladders • Word trees • Word webs • Word a week • Daily word routine

  18. Balance memorizing with morphemic analysis

  19. 5 Day Routine for Teaching Roots

  20. Which words should I teach?

  21. Why is teaching roots and affixes more than memorization?

  22. Resources www.readwritethink.org www.fcrr.org http://www.timrasinski.com/

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