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Second Language Acquisition: Goals and Methodological Challenges

Explore the concept of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), its goals, and the challenges researchers face in describing and explaining L2 acquisition processes. Discover the external and internal factors influencing language learning and the systematic nature of second language acquisition. Delve into case studies of adult and child learners to gain insights into the language acquisition process.

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Second Language Acquisition: Goals and Methodological Challenges

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  1. Chapter 1Introduction: Describing and Explaining L2 Acquisition Second Language Acquisition (Rod Ellis) LUTFIANA TYAS MAHARANI 2201410072 Rombel 403-404

  2. What is “Second Language Acquisition”? Second itself can refer to any language that is learned subsequent to the mother tongue. L2 acquisition can be defined as the way in which people learn a language other than mother tongue, inside or outside of a classroom and Second Language Acquisitions as the study of this.

  3. What are the Goals of SLA? • One of the goals of SLA is the descriptions of L2 acquisition. • Another is explanation.

  4. Explanation means identifying that account for why learners acquire an L2 in the way they do. The external factors The internal factors

  5. The external factors are: • The social milieu in which learning take place. It can influence the opportunities that learners have to hear and speak the language and the attitudes that they develop towards it. • The input that learners receive.

  6. The internal factor • Learners possess cognitive mechanisms which enable them to extract information about L2 from the input.

  7. The goals of SLA, then, are to describe how L2 acquisition proceeds and to explain this process and why some learners seem to be better at it than others.

  8. How language help to learn a particular language?

  9. The two case studies which we will examine are : • A case study of an adult learner learning English in surroundings where it serves as a means of daily communication. • A case study of two child learners learning English in classroom.

  10. For example of a case study of an adult learner learning : Omit –s from plural nouns, rarely put –s on the third person singular of verbs, and never used the regular past tense

  11. For example of a case study of two child learners: R just pointed at a piece of card to let the teacher know that he wanted him to put a staple in it. He saying ‘Sir, give me a paper’ Then sometimes after this, they learned to use ‘Can I have _____?’

  12. The purposes • Raise a number of important methodological issues relating to the description of learner language. • Raise issues relating to the description of learner language. • Point to some of the problems researchers experience in trying to explain L2 acquisition.

  13. Methodological Issues • Issues in the description of learner language • Issues in the explanation of L2 acquisition

  14. Issues in the description of learner language 1. Learners make errors of different kinds. 2. Second language learners acquire a large number of formulaic chunks, which they use to perform communicative functions. 3. Learners acquire the language systematically.

  15. Issues in the explanation of L2 acquisition • Learners internalize chunks of language structure but on the other hand they acquire rules. So, learners must engage in both of item learning and system learning. • The systematic nature of second language acquisition also requires explanation.

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