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Statistical Capacity Building Needs and Efforts Towards Addressing Challenges for Producing Adequate Data in Tanzania presented at The Sub-regional Workshop on Data Disaggregation By NOBEJI B.S. (EASTC) 27-29 September 2017 Lilongwe, Malawi. Presentation Outline. EASTC background
Statistical Capacity Building Needs and Efforts Towards Addressing Challenges for Producing Adequate Data in Tanzania presented at The Sub-regional Workshop on Data Disaggregation By NOBEJI B.S. (EASTC) 27-29 September 2017 Lilongwe, Malawi
Presentation Outline • EASTC background • CURENT Programs offered • SDGs Data Sources • Challenges for data collection • Efforts in place • Support need for capacity building • Conclusion
EASTC Background The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) as a professional institution • Its ‘regional roots’ conceived way back in the in July,1961 in Tunis (TUNISIA) Due to;- • increased demands on statistical services • acute shortage of both middle-grade and professional statisticians. • Need for a well-established and highly specialized college for training professional statisticians
Background cont.. Hence, at the third Conference of the African Statisticians in October, 1963, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) on 11th February, 1964, agreed to; • assist in the establishment of a statistical training centre for the East African sub-region • provide, besides a Director for such a Centre, UN Fellowships and equipment for it. • to locate the training Centre at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Background cont.. The Centre started functioning at Dar es Salaam from 30th of August 1965. • Handling only Middle Level Training Courses i.e. Certificate, but from July 1966 it was upgraded to impart training at Intermediate Level i.e. Diploma as well. • In 2012 EASTC was accredited by the National Accreditation Council for Technical Education (NACTE) as a higher learning institution in order to be able to offer degree courses. • EASTC started offering the first degree i.e. Bachelor in Official Statistics (BOS) alongside the Certificate and Diploma courses.
Vision, Mission and Core Values • Vision To be a leading training Institution and resource Centre in Official Statistics and Information Technology in Africa • Mission To promote the production and use of high quality statistics through training, research and consultancy in statistics for evidence based decision making in Eastern and Southern African countries. • Core Values i.Integrity ii. Accountability and Responsibility iii. Customer focus iv. Team Work EASTC Presentation
Long Courses at EASTC Currently EASTC offers the following programmes • Certificate of Statistics- 1 year • Diploma of Statistics-2 years • Bachelor of Official Statistics- 3 years EASTC Presentation
Courses Cont.. Since NSOs have realized that they had to impart their staff with skill and knowledge on Official Statisticians. EASTC took this gap as an opportunity to introduce graduate programmes, namely; • the Master’s Degree in Official Statistics (MOS) launched in April 2014. The first batch attracted students from National Statistical Offices of Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra-Leone, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Swaziland, Zambia, Rwanda and Tanzania. • the Master’s Degree in Agricultural Statistics (MAS) launched in October 2015 in collaboration with SUA, and , • a proposed PhD Programme in Official Statistics which aims at producing top-level Official Statisticians and Researchers to serve the African National Statistical Systems.
CURRENT Students, Staff & RESOURCEs • Students and Staff for 2016/17 Academic Year • 365 students from 20 different countries • 22 permanent lecturers • 20 supporting staff • 64 part time lecturers • Resources • Area of 25 hectares, only 5 hectares used • One Computer Lab, One Library and 8 classrooms • One conference room • One administration block and standby generator EASTC Presentation
EASTC Collaborators • Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) • Acharya Nagarjuna University • International Statistical Institute • Indian Statistical Institute • Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute • National Statistical Systems Training Academy • Sokoine University of Agriculture • Open University of Tanzania • Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development(AICS) EASTC Presentation
DATA Sources for SdGs INDICATORS at National LEVEL “World leaders adopted the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with seventeen Sustainable Development Goals at its heart. The Agenda is our shared plan to transform the world in fifteen years and, crucially, to build lives of dignity for all” António Guterres Secretary-General, United Nations
Challenges for producing adequate data “Quality data are vital for Governments, international organizations, civil society, the private sector and the general public to make informed decisions and to ensure an accurate review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.” Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017
Challenges Cont.. • Inadequate financial Resources for training staff involved in conducting and managing census and surveys • Inadequate deployment of qualified human resource, though some NSOs have a relatively small but well-qualified staff. Other MDAs and NGOs lack well qualified staff in the area of statistics leading to production of inadequate data • Inadequate adopting/adapting/domestication and Implementing SDGs Monitoring guidelines this may lead to Countries not producing adequate data for SDGs Monitoring
Challenges Cont.. • Unharmaonized tools and techniques for data collection used by different Government and Non Governmental Organization which may encourage production of inadequate data • Inadequate involvement, commitment and uncoordinated effort for MDAs and NGOs to collect quality data
Challenges Cont.. • Some projects/programs lack staff capacity building components • Inadequate funding for infrastructure development in Statistical training College and student scholarship leading to colleges operating under capacity whileweakening technical skills of staff in the nationalstatistical system.
Eastc Efforts towards Producing Adequate Data Provision of Short Courses • Certificate of data collection • Sampling, Survey Methodologies and Data Analysis • Use of Tablets, Smart Phones and Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing(CAPI) in survey Provision of Consultancies • Development of Electronic Population Register System(ePRS) for Local Government • Designing and Developing baseline Document, Statistical and Database Framework for collection & management of Crime Statistics • Tailor made Staff Capacity building in Survey Methodology, Data Management and Analysis using STATA, SPSS and CSPro to Eastern countries eg . Somaliland and Southern Sudan EASTC Presentation
NEED FOR CAPACITY building The following areas should be emphasized order fo production of adequate data; • Improve integrity and credibility when carrying out Survey by ensuring that all the staff involved have some technical skill in survey methodology and data management • Enhance adoption/adaption/domestication and Implementation of SDGs Monitoring guidelines to enable Countries to produce adequate data • Instill a demand driven adequate data collection, management and production at all levels eg MDAs, NGOs and Community
NEED FOR CAPACITY cont.. • Enhance sharing and dissemination process of statistical information among users up to g rass rootlevels • Enhance use and application of statistics in planning and decision making at all levels marking
Conclusion & RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion: • Teaching Official Statistics requires the lecturer to have both academic qualification and working experience(hands on experience from NSOs, Government Ministries/Departments/Agencies or International organizations. • Hence, EASTC as a regional centre requires financial support to enhance the engagement of lecturers from both Africa and outside Africa so that it can offer higher quality statistical tailor made training EASTC Presentation
Conclusion Cont.. • African countries should emphasize on ensuring that persons responsible for collecting data have Skills on Data collection and Management for enhanced production of adequate Official Statistics for effective policy and decision making. • EASTC has a plan to establish Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Statistics/National Accounts aimed at building the capacity to NSO staff working in Economic Statistics/National Accounts departments EASTC Presentation
Conclusion RECOMMENDATIONS • EASTC request development partners (ECA, AfDB, AU etc.) to support existing STCs in Africa to establish long term training especially specialaized Postgraduate Diplomas in Official Statistics (Economics, National Acounts, Enviromental,Education etc) • EASTC appreciate the effort made by development partners in supporting STCs especially EASTC and appeal to them to continue supporting the EASTC by providing scholarship to staff of NSOs and other Government agencies to pursue Masters programme at EASTC EASTC Presentation
Conclusion CONT.. • EASTC encourage the provision of survey methodology and data managemnt skills through short courses, seminars,workshops and conferences to trainers in STCs and NSOs Staff so as to keep them up to date with Official Statistics courses i.e Health Statistics, Education Statistics, Environmental Statistics, Agricultural Statistics, National Accounts, e.t.c EASTC Presentation
REMEMBER!! “Data disaggregation starts with data collection, because you can not disaggregate what you did not collect “ NOBEJI, B.S. 28th September, 2017 EASTC Presentation