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Kingdoms. Animals and Protists. Animals. Diverse group that includes: worms, insects, humans, starfish General Characteristics Eukaryotic Lack cell walls Multicellular Heterotrophic Motile at some in life Embryo develops from a blastula (hollow ball of cells).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kingdoms Animals and Protists

  2. Animals • Diverse group that includes: worms, insects, humans, starfish • General Characteristics • Eukaryotic • Lack cell walls • Multicellular • Heterotrophic • Motile at some in life • Embryo develops from a blastula (hollow ball of cells)

  3. Embryological Development • Blastula formation is important in determining an animal’s body plan • Infolding of cells creates our digestive tract • Relative position of cells (outside, inside, or middle) determine what type of tissue they will become • Outside – ectoderm (skin and nerves) • Middle – Mesoderm (muscle and blood) • Inside – Endoderm (organs)

  4. Characteristics of Animal Phyla • Bilateral vs radial symmetry • Segmentation • Coelom • Deuterostomesvsprotostomes • Presence of spinal cord • Types of appendages (antennae, legs, flippers, wings, gills, etc)

  5. Classification of Humans • What are the qualifications to belong to each grouping?

  6. Protists • General Characteristics: • Eukaryotic • Lack of specialized tissues • Most are motile (use cilia, pseudopods, or flagella) • Most are unicellular

  7. Protists “potpourri of the tree of life” • Protists are essentially any eukaryote that does not fit into plant, animals, or fungus • It is believed that all other eukaryotes evolved from protists • Plant-like: Autotrophic, perform photosynthesis, some have cell walls • Animal-like: Heterotrophic, motile • Fungi-like: heterotrophic (saprophytes), cell walls made of cellulose (not chitin)

  8. Euglena – Special case for classification • Tough to classify as plant-like or animal-like • Autotrophic and heterotrophic • Lacks a cell wall • Motile (flagellum), usually swim to find optimal light levels for photosynthesis

  9. Independent Reading • Human Impacts on Biodiversity • Pearson text Pg 76-80 • What are the 5 main threats to biodiversity? Briefly explain each in your own words. • What does it mean when human activities have “synergistic effects”?

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