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Join our workshop to learn about creating and managing AYSO Adult Soccer programs. Discover step-by-step guidance, financial details, and benefits for your Region or Area.
AYSO’s Adult Soccer AYSO National Coaching Program - #716
Workshop Objectives This workshop is set up to answer the following questions • What is AYSO Adult Soccer? • How does it work? • How do we get started? • Who, where & when do we play? • How will this benefit my Region or Area? • What else do I need to know?
What is AYSO Adult Soccer? • AYSO Adult Soccer is to be promoted as a fun and friendly environment where adults of any skill level can play soccer, stay fit and engage with others within their community.
What is AYSO Adult Soccer? • AYSO Adult Soccer is a program designed to expand the pathway for players aging out of our Core program.
What is AYSO Adult Soccer? AYSO Adult Soccer is designed to accommodate not only current parents and volunteers, but also players completely new to the AYSO
How does it work? • Our goal is to make the creation of AYSO Adult Soccer programs as simple as possible, eliminating as many barriers to entry as possible, because we want you play and have fun! • We will help you create your program, set your fees, build your online registration and website with Blue Sombrero and help drive more and more players and families to the AYSO organization.
Getting started • Talk to coaches, referees, parents and volunteers to determine an interest level in starting up a program. • AYSO Adult Soccer programs will not be started without the blessing of the Regional Commissioner. • Once the need has been established and the implementation signed off by the RC, then we start the simple 3 step process to get your AYSO Adult Soccer program started…
Step 1 • Fill out the application form • Each AYSO Adult Soccer program must have three (3) AYSO registered volunteers: • League Director • Treasurer • Registrar • Email the completed form back to the National Office
Step 2 (a) AYSO Adult Soccer has its own tax ID # so a separate bank account must be opened. You cannot comingle funds from the youth and adult programs. • Fill out the online banking form • Must have two (2) authorized signers for the account. Both must be currently registered volunteers
Step 2 (b) Our finance team will provide you a letter specific to your bank and account signers that will authorize you to open an account using the AYSO Adult Soccer tax ID #. We will also provide you with the AYSO Adult Soccer corporate IRS documents that some banks require to open an account.
Step 3 • The final step is opening your AYSO Adult Soccer branded Blue Sombrero site.
Fees & Benefits • Participation in any AYSO Adult Soccer program will be subject to a non-refundable annual membership fee of $30. • The AYSO Adult Soccer membership year runs from September 1st until August 31st. • The $30 fee covers liability insurance for fields and league officers, secondary accident insurance for up to $25,000 and fees to both USASA and US Soccer for participation.
U.S.A.S.A.(United States Adult Soccer Association) • USASA is a national organization and sanctioning body for amateur soccer in the United States. • USASA has over 250,000 adult members within its leagues and teams.
U.S.A.S.A. • USASA consists of 54 state associations spread out over 4 geographic areas across the country. • There are also 13 national affiliates, of which, AYSO Adult Soccer is the 2nd largest member. • AYSO Adult Soccer’s membership with USASA carries 4 votes representing our adult player base with USASA and US Soccer at their annual meetings. • AYSO Adult Soccer registered over 6,500 players in MY2017. • Helps keep insurance rates low for our adult soccer players.
Setting Your Program Fees • You have the ability to set your fees and determine your price point. • Look at your costs to determine your price point. Much will depend on when and where you play your games. Consider the following: • Field permits? Use of lights? Playing indoors at a facility or gymnasium? Paying for referees? Equipment costs? Balls? Small sided goals? Uniforms? Social Event? Registration Event? • With a better understanding of your costs, start to put your pricing together based on your anticipated player count.
Length of Season • Remember, this is your program and you have the flexibility to create it based on your player pool and interest level. • Many areas of the country may be limited by extremes in weather and may not be able to play year round, so will consider playing more of a seasonal structure. • Once your players have been registered, you have the ability to play as often, or as little as you want.
Adult Soccer Program • AYSO’s Adult Soccer Program is designed to be flexible and easy to accommodate into your local Region or Area. • What’s great about the program is that there is no right or wrong way to play, just that the participants enjoy the game. You may have to be a little creative with your own Adult Soccer program, but it will definitely be worth the effort. • We encourage people of all skills and ages to play and we look forward to seeing how Adult Soccer is incorporated into your community to fit the needs of your community.
Who plays? Who Can Play? AYSO Adult Soccer is open to all adults, over the age of 16, who are interested in playing soccer in a safe, fair and fun environment. Is this just for AYSO Adults? No. Whilst we strongly encourage all AYSO parents, coaches, referees, volunteers and alumni to join, the program is open to anyone who wants to play.
Where do we play? • By building your AYSO Adult Soccer program around a Region or Area, you are often able to tie in with existing field permits to expand your player pathway and create additional playing opportunities for your community. • You also have the flexibility to play in any available indoor soccer spaces, utilizing local complexes or school or city owned gymnasiums. • The program is yours to design and build, so be creative in discovering playing opportunities within your Region or Area.
Game Play Options • We want the format of your game play to be flexible. • What works in one location may not necessarily work in another. So, here are a few suggestions…
Pick Up Soccer • Pick Up Soccer is the quickest, easiest and most organic way to start up your adult program. • Coordinate a time and a place to meet up, split the players into equal, balanced teams and start playing. • Your numbers will determine the size of the field that you play on and your fitness will determine the length of the game!
3 v 3 • 3v3 is a great way to play a fast paced, fun game of soccer. The format requires very little space and a minimum number of players. • Keep the games short and rotate your teams through often. • Field sizes are typically 30 x 20 yards, but work with the space that you have – maybe play inside the penalty box?
5v5, 6v6 or 7v7 • Small sided soccer is an extremely popular way for adults to play. • Play across the width of a full size field. You can get 3 fields side by side on 1 full size field, allowing up to 40 players to play each hour. • Short halves. 2 x 25 minutes. • U10 goals with GK’s, or small pop up goals with no GK’s
11 v 11 Play the game in its purest form, 11 v 11 on a full size field. Some things to be mindful of when playing this way: • Make sure that you have enough subs to keep the game moving. • Rotate substitutes often. Remember, Everyone Plays! • Switch out your player positions. Every player wants a chance to score once in a while!
Indoor Soccer • Indoor Soccer is a game of constant action with very few breaks in play. It provides a great opportunity for players of all ages to work on skills, fitness, balance, agility and coordination. It is a fast paced game and extremely fun to play at any level. • Indoor Soccer also provides a great opportunity for year round play in places subject to extremes in either heat or cold.
Futsal • Futsal is played between two teams of five players, one of which is the goalkeeper. Unlimited substitutions are permitted. The game is typically played indoors on a hard court with a smaller, low bounce ball. • The surface, the ball and the rules all create an emphasis on improvisation, creativity and technique as well as ball control and speed of play.
Tournament Play Benefits of our USASA membership include the ability to play in sanctioned National Tournaments organized by USASA. 2019 National Events include; Adult Soccer Fest Series, Lancaster, MA - July 10-14 Amateur Cup Hank Steinbrecher Cup We are also looking at creating AYSO Adult Soccer tournaments
AYSO Adult Soccer Website • www.adultsoccer.org
How will AYSO Adult Soccer benefit my Region or Area? • Helps develop the AYSO Family Experience. • Builds a real sense of community within your program. • Team building for your parents and volunteers. • Continue the AYSO player pathway. • Increase volunteerism in your Region. • Promote all AYSO youth programming to Adult Soccer members. • Regulate existing coach vs parent, or referee v coach games. • Help pay for field expenses/equipment costs for the youth Region.
What else do I need to do? Rules & Regulations You are strongly encouraged to publish on your website a set of Rules & Regulation that will govern game play with your program. By having these in place, this will allow you to effectively manage your program and allow players to play in the safe, fair and fun environment that we are promoting Laws of the Game All Adult Soccer programs are encouraged to also publish their modified laws of the game based on the game formats that they are playing.
FAQ’s Q. Who is applicable to be part of the required three person ‘board’ for the Adult Soccer Program? A. All three positions must be filled by current AYSO volunteers. If they are not currently registered volunteers they must re apply and the usual background check will take place. Q. Can you serve on both the youth board and the Adult board? A. Yes, you can serve on both boards and in fact you can hold the same position on both boards. The only restriction is that the RC or AD cannot also serve as the Adult Soccer director.
FAQ’s Q. Is job specific training required for any of the positions, league director, treasurer or registrar? A. As of now, no job specific training is required, but we would recommend that the treasurer and registrar take advantage of the training that is available through AYSO. Q. Do Adult Soccer programs need to use NAP online? A. NAP online will be the financial system of record and will reflect the revenues received by Blue Sombrero. It should also be used to track expenses as it should for all AYSO Core programs.
FAQ’s Q. Is there reporting to a Region/Area board? A. Yes, we strongly encourage all programs to be a part of Regional/Area meetings to update on their progress and share financials. Q. Can we pay referees? A. Yes, you can contract with an outside referee association. AYSO is also looking at other possible solutions.
FAQ’s Q. Can players play a game to try it out? A. No. All players must be registered with AYSO and the $30 membership fee paid before being eligible to play in any of our Adult Soccer programs. The registration fee covers the program liability and insurance, so all players must be registered prior to any game play. If they are curious, have them stop by a game to watch and see how much fun it is to be involved. Q. Do players need uniforms? A. This will be a local program decision. We will have available for purchase branded AYSO Adult Soccer shirts in a number of different colors that teams can wear, but it is not mandatory.
Contact Andy Price • Programs Department at the National Office • (424) 221 7960 • andyprice@ayso.org
Thank you for attending! AYSO’s Adult Soccer • AYSO National Coaching Program - #716 If you have any questions, please contact us at programs@ayso.org