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An Automated Object Relational Mapper. INTRO TO THE NETTIERS FRAMEWORK. What is NetTiers. Discovered Indirectly While Using Mojo NetTiers = Open Source = FREE Backed by CodeSmith Template Driven Source Code Generator

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  1. An Automated Object Relational Mapper


  2. What is NetTiers Discovered Indirectly While Using Mojo NetTiers = Open Source = FREE Backed by CodeSmith Template Driven Source Code Generator CodeSmith = Commercial ($99 - older versions are free, have $10 off coupon http://www.codesmithtools.com/ Basically is a Complex CodeSmith Template That Auto Generates N-Tier Web Applications w/ relevant CRUD, validation, unit-testing, deeploading (more later), etc.
  3. CodeSmith Template Generators NetTiers NHibernate PLINQO Wilson’s ORMapper APOSA See more at http://www.codesmithtools.com/features/frameworks.aspx
  4. NetTiers Features Generates a pre-compiled solution along with separate projects and framework tiers for your application Creates Entities/Classes Based On Your Defined DB Schema - http://nettiers.com/database.ashx Partial/Concrete Classes nUnit testing Very robust data API Much more
  5. Example Sites DSA Site Inventory - https://wsnet.colostate.edu/CWIS463/dsa-sites/ Diversity Library System - http://wsnetdev.colostate.edu/CWIS165/home RDS Exam Intake System - http://wsnet.colostate.edu/cwis248/exams/
  6. Observations Has a bit of a learning curve (eg. Took me a few days to understand how to make url routing work in the framework) MOST IMPORTANT – Spend all the time you need to get your DB schema right before generating Know what you’re doing when regenerating solution after a db schema change I plan on using it for most any medium to large project (at least when doing web forms). Is overkill for small projects. Guessing it made a (minimum) 20 hour job take 2 hours for the DSA site inventory Lot more to learn – only used a month or two
  7. Let’s Build a Site Db Schema – Nail This Down Download/Install CodeSmith & NetTiers Open the NetTiers template file (.cst) Mandatory Fields: SourceDB (YOUR SQL DB INSTANCE) MappingFile OutputDirectory (LOCATION OF PROJECT) RootNameSpace (YOUR_SITE) http://nettiers.com/GettingStarted.ashx#CB:_AB_Getting_Started_-_Required_Properties_0
  8. Let’s Build a Site Recommended Fields: SourceTables IncludeComponentLayer - ServiceLayer and DomainModel (your business layer) IncludedDatabaseFeatures – SQLServer2005 IncludeUnitTest - True DataSourceEnableTransactionDefault – False IncludeAtlasLibrary – (learned about today) IncludeAtlasToolkit
  9. Let’s Build a Site Post Generation: Open VS and convert solution to rely on .net 4.0 if desired Move UI files (App_Themes, Common, MasterPage, SiteMap) over Set Default Page to Admin/Default.aspx Run solution Demo Declarative Stuff Demo Code Behind Stuff
  10. To Demo Declarative Stuff Add Exam Request (note ddls generated from foreign keys) Search Export Edit UserControls - DRY Code-Behind Using the ServiceLayer API http://nettiers.com/ComponentLayer.ashx
  11. Validation – ExamRequestsBase.generated /// <summary> /// Assigns validation rules to this object based on model definition. This file is overwritten upon regeneration! /// </summary> /// <remarks>This method overrides the base class to add schema related validation.</remarks> protected override void AddValidationRules() { //Validation rules based on database schema. ValidationRules.AddRule( CommonRules.NotNull, new ValidationRuleArgs("CourseNumber", "Course Number")); ValidationRules.AddRule( CommonRules.StringMaxLength, new CommonRules.MaxLengthRuleArgs("CourseNumber", "Course Number", 256)); ValidationRules.AddRule( CommonRules.NotNull, new ValidationRuleArgs("SectionNumber", "Section Number")); ValidationRules.AddRule( CommonRules.StringMaxLength, new CommonRules.MaxLengthRuleArgs("SectionNumber", "Section Number", 256)); ValidationRules.AddRule( CommonRules.StringMaxLength, new CommonRules.MaxLengthRuleArgs("ExamDelivery", "Exam Delivery", 256)); ValidationRules.AddRule( CommonRules.StringMaxLength, new CommonRules.MaxLengthRuleArgs("ExamReturn", "Exam Return", 256)); ValidationRules.AddRule( CommonRules.StringMaxLength, new CommonRules.MaxLengthRuleArgs("TimeAllowed", "Time Allowed", 100)); }
  12. Validation – EntityRequests.cs Partial Class File Not Overwritten. More Info On Validation - http://nettiers.com/EntityLayer.ashx /**/ /// <summary> /// Validates the exam date. /// </summary> /// <param name="target">The target.</param> /// <param name="e">The e.</param> /// <returns></returns> private boolValidateExamDate(object target, Validation.ValidationRuleArgs e) { if ((this.ExamDate ?? DateTime.MinValue) < DateTime.Today) { e.Description = "The exam date must not be in the past."; return false; } return true; }
  13. Going Forward Add more unit tests Add Elmah library to effectively handle application errors http://code.google.com/p/elmah/ Add Sandcastle Documentation Compiler to tie comments together http://sandcastle.codeplex.com/ CSS-based pretty forms – pForm Blueprint CSS stylesheet resets OWASP, if necessary?
  14. Useful Links NetTiers on GoogleCode - http://code.google.com/p/nettiers/ NetTiers Documentation - http://nettiers.com/DocumentationPage.ashx Tlist Tips/Tricks - http://community.codesmithtools.com/CodeSmith_Community/b/nettiers/archive/2006/03/09/10861.aspx
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