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Honggao Liu, Ph.D Director, HPC @ LSU NSF HPCOPS PI, LONI June 03, 2010. LONI/LSU RP Update. Queen Bee Update. Queen Bee has 10 Gbps connectivity to the Internet and the rest of TeraGrid since January 14, 2010.
Honggao Liu, Ph.D Director, HPC @ LSU NSF HPCOPS PI, LONI June 03, 2010 LONI/LSU RP Update
Queen Bee Update • Queen Bee has 10 Gbps connectivity to the Internet and the rest of TeraGrid since January 14, 2010. • Was fairly reliable and down 2 times for total of 258 unavailable hours since January (no downtime in the past three months) • TeraGrid users used 9.3M SUs on Queen Bee while 8.8M SUs were available to TeraGrid users in the past 5 months (53% of Queen Bee). Only half of the SUs actually available on Queen Bee are supposed to be used by TeraGrid users, but in the consecutive three months (February-April) as well as the 5 month overall, TeraGrid users used more than this half (Feb: 65%, Mar: 87%, Apr: 55%).
LONI’s TeraGrid Projects --SAGA • Project: SAGA (http://saga.cct.lsu.edu/) Deployment on TeraGrid • SAGA is the only component in the Distributed Programming Toolkit on TeraGrid. SAGA will play an important role for ExTENCI, NSF-funded project for TG-OSG interoperability. • Project Aim: Deploy SAGA on major TeraGrid resources (Kraken, Ranger, Abe/QB. by TG10). • SAGA deployment on TeraGrid suffered delay due to staff leaving (Lukasz and then Adam) • Get stable release (Ole Weidner) • Current release 1.4.2, 1.5 release due date: 30 June, 2010 • Make available via CTSS (Lukasz) • Work with RP and GIG (progressing well) • Talking with NICS to deploy Globus, GRAM, and thereby SAGA • Test deployment available on QB.
LONI’s TeraGrid Project—TeraGrid-DEISA • Project: TeraGrid-LONI-DEISA Interoperability • Demonstrate the advantages of Scale-Out and Interoperability (across TG and DEISA) for appropriate scientific problems • Aim: To enhance the understanding of HIV-1 enzymes using replica-based methods across federated TG-DEISA-LONI • DEISA has been slow in getting their infrastructure ready. Consequently, we have not been able to establish TeraGrid-DEISA interoperability so far. • By July the first set of multiple, concurrent runs on DEISA will be established. We expect the complete DEISA-TeraGrid-LONI interoperability be established by September/October. • In spite of problems with infrastructure, the science elements of the project has been pushed ahead. An abstract for this project has been submitted to TG10 (and other conferences) and accepted for the Science Track. • Here are the slides Shantenu presented at the DEISA meeting, as part of the LONI-TeraGrid-DEISA project: http://cct.lsu.edu/~sjha/unshare/loni-tg-deisa.v1.0.pdf
LONI’s TeraGrid Project--PetaShare • Project: Extension of PetaShare (http://petashare.org/) to TeraGrid • PetaShare is an NSF-funded project that is deploying additional disk and tape storage at LONI sites and developing user-friendly data-aware storage systems, data-aware schedulers, and cross-domain metadata schemes. • PetaShare is currently providing distributed data storage and management capabilities to nine LONI institutions connected via LONI network. • This project is to extend PetaShare to TeraGrid thus TeraGrid users are be able to access their datasets in a more convenient way using the transparent PetaShare interfaces. • In addition to 300 TB disk storage, 400 TB of tape storage was brought online recently solving hardware and driver issues, which will enable high capacity storage to many TeraGrid users. • Deployed one of the first external (non-Fermi) instances of the Enstore hierarchical data management system on Queen Bee. This will be a great testbed for HSM and if successful can be replicated at other TeraGrid and OSG sites in the future.
LONI’s TeraGrid Project-PetaShare • An Overland tape driver for Enstore has been developed for full Overland tape functionality under Enstore. • An Enstore driver for iRODS has been developed for Enstore-iRODS integration. This is the first integration of Enstore and iRODS systems as far as we know. • The EnStore/iRODS supported tape system will be part of PetaShare production very soon. • Currently working on some iRODS microservices to smartly move data between different layers of disk and tape storage. • Has also been working on wide-area optimization of large file transfers which will allow TeraGrid users to access PetaShare services much faster. • Ahmet Topcu was hired for the TG PetaShare project in June 2009 until December 2010.
LONI/LSU Update • State Spending Freeze • On March 25, Governor Jindal issued Executive Order BJ 2010-6 that directed executive branch agencies including higher education to cease spending in support (non-personnel) categories. • negative impact on HPC plans for acquisitions of a 7 TF IBM Power7 755 cluster and a 2.2TF SMP system. • The purchase of 200TB DDN storage through Dell for Queen Bee was delayed. • Oil Spill • LONI provided high-speed network access to NOAA for oil spill response (http://www.cct.lsu.edu/site.php?pageID=63&newsID=1177) • LONI provided resources to run Gulf scale circulation and storm surge model to study how the hydrodynamic and wind forcing will drive oil and oil-bearing sediment deep into the marshes (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0601/BP-oil-spill-could-make -Gulf-hurricane-season-devastating) • LONI provided PetaShare distributed storage to store and analyze Oil Spill data. The CLEAR (Coastal Louisiana Ecosystem Assessment and Restoration) group at LSU is analyzing these data sets to help with the Coastal recovery efforts after the oil spill.