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Unit 7.d. Feedback from IHO MACHC Technical Visits to E Caribbean island states. Captain M. K. Barritt RN, Visit Team Leader. Why is this effort so important?. Flanks of international routes from Atlantic into Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico and onwards to Panama Canal.
Unit 7.d. Feedback from IHO MACHC Technical Visits to E Caribbean island states.Captain M. K. Barritt RN, Visit Team Leader
Why is this effort so important? • Flanks of international routes from Atlantic into Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico and onwards to Panama Canal. • Ill-surveyed waters frequented by largest passenger vessels in the world. • Multitude of responsibilities and resource challenges for small island governments.
S-55: Deficiencies in this MACHC Region • GMDSS fully implemented in only 10% of coastal states. • Poor communication of chart update information. • 50% of coastal states have less than 25% of waters within the 200m contour surveyed to modern standards.
What did the Visit Team find? • Poor awareness of maritime issues at government level in some states. • Significant deficiencies in provision for SOLAS V obligations in the UK Overseas Territories.
What is the IHO strategy? • Focus on the SOLAS V deliverables to the mariner. • Put in place arrangements which are appropriate and sustainable.
What are the MACHC plans? • Raise top level awareness through this MACHC Seminar. • MACHC participation. • Follow up advice and training. Must not repeat the failure to follow up the 1998 visits. • Identify and train national coordinators for liaison with UKHO and WWNWS.
Proposed National Hydrographic Capability. Notes: 1. The interests of Associate Members of MACHC can be championed by the Chairman and other MS in IHO fora. 2. Represented by UK in IHO and MACHC. 3. UK is responsible for arranging surveys of the waters of her Overseas Territories, but input to the prioritised National Survey Plan is required from local authorities. In BVI and Cayman Islands there is potential to develop existing capability for inshore survey work. 4. UKHO produces charts for the Commonwealth countries, and holds responsibility for charting in the waters of the Overseas Territories. Local authorities should contribute advice for review of chart schemes.
New Orleans NAVTEX Regional plan Miami NAVTEX New SafetyNET areas French W Indies (SafetyNET) San Juan NAVTEX Curacao NAVTEX
Summary so far • Phase 1 addressed satisfactorily, provided that states identify co-ordinators. • Phase 2 requires bids to IHOCBC e.g. - advice on development of a prioritised national survey plan.
Next Steps? • Phase 2 requires bids to IHOCBC e.g. - advice on development of a prioritised national survey plan. - Familiarisation course at CMI on equipment for inshore check surveys.
Next Steps? • Achievement of survey work: - Survey field experience with MS ships (e.g. T&S). - Facilitation of IHO MS assistance (e.g. availability of accommodation, craft of opportunity for fly-away team). - Formation of regional mobile survey team.
Proposed Follow Up Action • Confirmation of national co-ordinators and attendance at CPRNW course. • Bids to IHOCBC: - Advice on prioritised national survey plans +/- specification +/- QC. - Familiarisation course at CMI on equipment for inshore check surveys. - Survey field experience (e.g. T&S for attachment to MS survey unit). - Equipment e.g. DCSS for Jamaica. - Formation of regional mobile survey team (e.g. T&S for initial planning meeting +/- small area survey e.g. Basseterre Bay, St Kitts). - ?