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New Horizon College English. Book Two. Unit Five. Pre-reading Activities. New words. Phrases & Expressions. Pre-reading Activities. Abstract. Culture Notes. Abstract.
New Horizon College English Book Two Unit Five
Pre-reading Activities New words Phrases & Expressions
Pre-reading Activities • Abstract • Culture Notes
Abstract • A mother is deeply hurt because her daughter is smoking the same kind of cigarettes that killed her grandfather. Tobacco advertising and film actors had attracted the grandfather to smoking but he never looked well like them. His health was poor when his daughter was only sixteen; his breathing was difficult; he rested often when climbing stairs; he often coughed for an hour. Now his daughter is deeply hurt again; she was so careful raising her own daughter. For what purpose? To see all her care thrown away when her sixteen-year-old daughter slowly kills herself? The mother feels smoking is self-in-jury. It also injures others who watch a loved one die. The mother watched her father’s slow death; That one victory for the rich tabacco companies is enough.
Culture Notes • Cigarettes Industry in America(美国的香烟业) • 1860 Manufactured cigarettes first appear in the United States. A popular early brand, Bull Durham, commanded 90% of the market. • 1864 First American cigarette factory opens and produces almost 20 million cigarettes annually.
New words ⑴哭泣,流(泪) (2) (伤口)渗出液体 weep over/for eg: When he heard the news, he broke down and wept. 他听到这个消息是控制不住感情,哭了起来. eg: The wound is weeping.伤口在出血 weepy: adj. 要哭的,泪汪汪的;(故事、电影等)使人伤心的 weep
辨析:weep意为哭泣,强调无声的饮泣,多用于书面语。辨析:weep意为哭泣,强调无声的饮泣,多用于书面语。 cry 意为哭,但多是指哭出声来,较常用. sob 意为呜咽,指抽抽搭搭低声哭,常伴有类似于叹息的喘息声. whimper 也作”呜咽”解,强调因无助\胆怯或失控而哽咽地哭,也指低声哭泣内心的牢骚.
n. (包装用的)盒 (中小型的)包裹,包 v.包装,打包,捆扎 package eg: Would you pass me that package of cigarettes?请把那包香烟递给我好吗? eg: Ministers are trying to put together a package of deal that will end the dispute. 大臣们力图搞个一揽子交易结束这场争论。 Phrase: package up 把…捆成一捆 eg:She packaged up the old clothes and put them in the cupboard. 他把旧衣服包成一包放入衣柜。
vt.过滤 vi.(消息等) 走漏,慢慢传开 n.过滤器,过滤用料,过滤嘴 filter eg: filter paper 滤纸 eg: You need to filter the driking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。 eg: The students filtered into the exam room. 学生们逐渐走入考场
Phrase: filter sth. out 滤除 Eg: Filter out the blue light. 把蓝光滤掉. filter through sth.泄漏,走漏 Eg: The sunlight filtered through the curtains.阳光透过窗帘映出来。 Filtrate v. 过滤
⑴使变坚强,使变得冷酷无情 ⑵使变硬,使硬化 harden eg: The snow hardened until ice was formed. 雪成冰后变硬了。 Eg: I hardened my heart against him. 我硬起心肠来对待他。 Phrase: be hardened to 对…麻木,对…无动于衷 harden off (使植物幼苗)变耐寒
<注意>“en”可以放在形容词后面构成动词,也可以附加在名次后面构成动词。<注意>“en”可以放在形容词后面构成动词,也可以附加在名次后面构成动词。 译为:“变成”“使变成”如:sharpen, heighten, harden, weaken
n.(商品的)牌子,商标 vt. ⑴打烙印于,以烙铁打标记 ⑵给…抹黑,加污名于 brand eg:Which brand of tooth paste do you prefer?你爱用什么牌子的牙膏? eg: On big farms cattle are usually branded. 大农场里的牛通常打有烙印。 eg: The scandal branded him for life. 这件丑事使他终生蒙受耻辱。 Phrase :brand sb. as…给某人加…污名 brand sth. on one’s mind将某事铭记在心
vt.钩住 n.钩子,钩状物 hook eg: When he turned around, he found a fish had been hooked. 当他转过身时,他发现有一条鱼已经上勾了。 eg: a fish hook 鱼钩 eg: a left/right hook 左/右钩拳 Phrase:be hooked on (吸毒)成瘾的;被…迷住的; 对…着迷的 on the hook 处于困境的 off the hook 脱离困境的 hooked adj. 钩状的
⑴苗条的,纤细的 ⑵薄的 ⑶微小的,渺茫的 slim 区别:slim slender thin lean skinny slim:褒义词:躯体细长的,苗条的,只瘦而健康,可以指男,也可以指女的,强调结识,健康和力量,指整个身体,slim 也可指(希望,愿望)等渺茫,微小 slender:苗条而好看的,修长纤细的,尤指妇女,儿童,强调优雅,柔软,虚弱等,可用于身体的另一部位,它还有微薄的,不足的,不充分的意思a slender income
thin: 中性词,因病而消瘦的状态 lean:褒义词,精瘦的,无赘肉的 ,强调虽然销售,但肌肉坚韧,充满活力。可指人或动物。 This man has a lean, athletic build. 这位男子有着一副精装的体格。 skinny: 贬义词,皮包骨的,骨瘦如柴的
vi.⑴(AmE. Slang)抽烟 ⑵缓慢而费力地进行 vt. 拖,用力拉 n.障碍物,累赘 drag eg: He is always dragging on a cigarette. 他嘴上总是叼着烟 eg: He dragged behind the others. 他慢吞吞地走在别人后面。 eg: He felt that his family was a drag on his success.他觉得家庭是自己获得成功的累赘。 phrase: drag on / out 使拖延 区别: drag拖得重,动作慢 draw 动作从容,平稳
(1)(使)挨饿,使饿死 (2)(使)得不到某物而受苦(使)极需 starve eg: They got lost in the desert and starved to death. 他们在沙漠中迷路而饿死了。 eg: The teachers said the schools were berg starved of resources.老师们说学校缺乏财源。 Phrase: starve…into … 以饥饿使人 … starve the enemy into surrender to death 使敌人断粮而投降。 starve for/of 极需,渴望,可互换
vt. (1)吞下,咽下(2)吞没,淹没(3)轻信,轻易接受vi. 做吞咽动作 n.(1)吞,咽,一次吞咽的量(2)燕子 swallow eg: She just swallowed a mouthful of bread before going to work. 她只吞下一口面包就去上班了。 eg: They can’t tread me like that, I’m not going to swallow it 他们不能这样对待我,我忍不下这口气。 eg:: One swallow dose not make a summer 《伊索寓言》一燕不成夏(意指轻率推论 比成大错,或一关度过并非万事大吉。 Phrase: swallow sb./sty up 耗尽,用尽,使消失 a bitter pill to swallow 难以接受的事物,苦练
n.(1)一束,一串,一把 (2)集中,挤在一起 vt.使成一束,(或一群)等 bunch 区别: bundle——捆,扎,包(指从中部捆扎在 一起的东西) bunch——束,串(指长成一束或结于一端的 东西) a bunch of keys一串钥匙 two bunches of grapes两串葡萄 a bundle pf letters一扎信 several bundles of newspapers几捆报纸
n.(1)(具有某种特征或目的的)区,区域 (2)地带(3)邮区 v.分区,划分地带 zone <辨析>area region district zone area:应用最广,一个area可大可小,没有固定的界线 region:指一个较大的行政区域,也指地理上有某种天然界限,或具有某种特色的自然地域单位。the Arctic region北极地区 district:指一个国家或城市内的一个行政地区或管辖地区。
一个district比region一个小,而且通常有分界线. the HongKong District of Shanghai上海虹口区 the HongKong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区 zone:指由于本身具有某 些特殊性而被划分 为 “地带”、“特区” the Special Economic Zone of Shenzhen 深圳经济特区 the temperate zone温带
Phrases & Expressions close at hand 1、 (较正式)即将到来的,在手边,在近处 The great day was almost at hand.伟大的日子即将来临。 in hand 在进行之中,待办理 in sb’s hand在某人的控制之下 on hand在手边,在近处 on one hand一方面 on the other hand在另一方面 out of hand无法控制,立刻
lean on/upon 依靠,控制 The ole man leaned upon his stick 这位老人拄着一根拐杖。 I lean upon you for advice 我指望你给我出注意。 lean against依靠 lean towards倾向于
die from由于(除疾病、感情以外的原因)而死亡 die of 因(疾病、感情等)而死 The flowers in the garden died from frost.园子里的花因霜冻而凋谢了。 The blacksmith died of the rum bottle and a stroke.铁匠死于酗酒及中风。
direct at 旨在引起注意、针对 The advertising directed mainly at young consumers. 这个广告主要针对年轻消费者。