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Biology 1111K

Biology 1111K. Lecture 5. Slide 2 - genetics. Slide 3 - Alleles. Slide 4 – Dominant and recessive alleles. Slide 5 – homozygous dominant and recessive. Slide 6 - heterozygous. Slide 7 - genotype. Slide 8 - phenotype. Slide 9 – punnett square. Slide 10 - Mendel.

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Biology 1111K

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biology 1111K Lecture 5

  2. Slide 2 - genetics

  3. Slide 3 - Alleles

  4. Slide 4 – Dominant and recessive alleles

  5. Slide 5 – homozygous dominant and recessive

  6. Slide 6 - heterozygous

  7. Slide 7 - genotype

  8. Slide 8 - phenotype

  9. Slide 9 – punnett square

  10. Slide 10 - Mendel

  11. Slide 11 – P or parent generation Parent 1 – TT • Homozygous dominant tall plants Parent 2 – tt • Homozygous recessive short plant

  12. Slide 12 – F1 generation 100% heterozygous Tall plant

  13. Slide 12 – F2 generation 25% Homozygous dominant tall plant 25% Homozygous recessive short plant 50% heterozygous dominant tall plants

  14. Slide 14 – Laws of segregation

  15. Slide 15 – dihybrid inheretance Flower color • Red flower – R • Yellow flower – r Petal length • Long petal – P • Short petal – p

  16. Slide 16 – dihybrid test cross • 1/16 RRPP – Red flower and long petals dominant homozygous • 2/16 RRPp – Red flower dominant homozygous and long petals dominant heterozygous • 2/16 RrPP– Red flower dominant heterozygous and long petals dominant homozygous • 4/16 RrPp – Red flower and long petals dominant heterozygous • 2/16 Rrpp – Red flower dominant heterozygous and short petals recessive homozygous • 1/16 RRpp – Red flower dominant homozygous and short petals recessive homozygous • 2/16 rrPp – yellow flower recessive homozygous and long petals dominant heterozygous • 1/16 rrPP – yellow flower recessive homozygous and long petals dominant homozygous • 1/16 rrpp – yellow flower recessive homozygous and short petals recessive homozygous

  17. Slide 17 – incomplete dominance Hair color • Black hair – B1 • Blond hair – B2 Hair texture • Course hair – C1 • Fine hair - C2

  18. Slide 18 – test cross for incomplete dominance • 1/16 B1B1C1C1 – black and course hair dominant homozygous • 2/16 B1B1C1C2 – black hair dominant homozygous and course hair dominant heterozygous • 2/16 B1B2C1C1– brown hair heterozygous and course hair dominant homozygous • 4/16 B1B2C1C2 – brown hair and moderately course hair heterozygous • 2/16 B1B2C2C2 – brown hair heterozygous and fine hair recessive homozygous • 1/16 B1B1C2C2 – Black hair dominate homozygous and fine hair recessive homozygous • 2/16 B2B2C1C2– blond hair homozygous recessive and moderately course hair heterozygous • 1/16 B2B2C1C1 – blond hair recessive and course hair dominant homozygous • 1/16 B2B2C2C2 – blond hair and fine hair recessive homozygous

  19. Slide 19 - codominance

  20. Slide 20 – codominance and multiple alleles

  21. Slide 21 – epistaisis and polygenic inheritance

  22. Slide 22 – Autosomes and sex chromosomes

  23. Slide 23 - Amniocentesis

  24. Slide 24 - Chorionic Villus Sampling

  25. Slide 25 - nondisjunction

  26. Slide 26 - translocation

  27. Slide 27 - Deletion

  28. Slide 28 - Klinfelter syndrome (47 XXY)

  29. Slide 29 – karyotype of Klinfelter’s

  30. Slide 30 – Turner’s syndrome (45 X)

  31. Slide 31 – Trisomy X (XXX)

  32. Slide 32 – Trisomy XYY

  33. Slide 33 – Trisomy 13

  34. Slide 34 – Down’s Syndrome Low set ears Shorter, broader stature, shorter legs and arms Low nasal bridge and dorsum Abnormal and excessive facial fat distribution Short broad neck Flat facial profile, underdevelopment of middle third of face and smaller head (brachycephalic skull) Short broad hands with thick short fingers, fifth finger curves inward Small oral cavity, broad lips, and open mouth with protruding, enlarged tongue, fissured and congenitally missing teeth and delayed eruption of teeth

  35. Slide 35 – Down’s syndrome

  36. Slide 36 – Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18)

  37. Slide 37 – translocation 14/21 – Down’s syndrome

  38. Slide 38 - Cri du chat syndrome

  39. Slide 39 – genetic disorders

  40. Slide 40 – Cystic fibrosis

  41. Slide 41 – cystic fibrosis

  42. Slide 42 – Tay Sachs disease

  43. Slide 43 - Sickle cell disease

  44. Slide 44 - Progeria

  45. Slide 45 - Achondroplasia

  46. Slide 46 - Polydactyly

  47. Slide 47 – recombinant DNA technology

  48. Slide 48 – bacterial/prokaryotic fission

  49. Slide 49 – bacterial conjugation

  50. Slide 50 – bacterial transformation

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